ST. LOUIS -- Disney got it mostly right with the forthcoming "McFarland USA."
The movie is based on the story of the high school cross country team from McFarland, California, which was highlighted in the 1997 L.A. Times article detailing the team's efforts to capture an unprecedented sixth consecutive state title. The movie travels back to the first team fielded by coach Jim White in 1987 and follows the difficulties White faced creating a team out of Mexican-American farm workers.
There are many humorous moments throughout the film, while it weaves the story of the team coming together in pursuit of a championship. The movie mostly focuses on White, portrayed by Kevin Costner, and it fictionalizes his arrival at the high school for extra dramatic emphasis.
There are not many running or racing scenes throughout the movie, as the film instead focuses on creating a sense about how difficult life in McFarland can be for students, and the extra lengths a student-athlete most go to be able to compete. The runners are faced with demanding schedules of field work, school and training. But White uses this work ethic and toughness to create a team of champions.
There is an underdog theme that carries throughout the film, but the end message is one every cross country coach would hope to impart -- that hard work, suffering and the resulting toughness can lead to great rewards. It also conveys the importance of every member of the team and the family bond that the sport of cross country has been known to foster. Coaches all over the country will likely put the movie into regular rotation each fall as a tool to motivate, teach and inspire.
White, who retired in 2004, led McFarland to nine state titles. A greater achievement was his ability to spur his athletes on to college, and all seven members of his inaugural team went on get a degree.
The screening was held before a packed auditorium filled with several coaches and runners, as well as regular movie lovers. At the conclusion of the film, a lively round of applause filled the theater as the audience celebrated with the team and felt moved by the obstacles traversed.
"McFarland USA" opens on February 20.