Tapering Strategies for Peak Cycle

This may surprise you, but very little if any. Let me re-phrase that. Our entire season is geared towards 1-3 major events. I have never been a believer of going all out until 1-2 weeks before a championship event. Instead, each session if focused on the result with a series of small adjustments and evaluations along the way. In other words, one week out from our focus meet is not much different that 1 week out from our week 3 meet. I simply eliminate the things from the training that will have no bearing on their performance the closer we get to the championship event.

Sean Burris Record Break AAU, USATF Coach, and my Mentor

Rest! Tons and tons of rest. I will train hard outside of a taper period, use mini-tapers for small comps, and then massive tapers for major comps. During a large taper, I will reduce the volume greatly, whilst keeping intensity high. Gym sessions are almost completely cut out, sticking to more power-based lifts (hang snatch, MB throw, plyos, etc.). In the week pre-comp, I will then move down to training 1-day on, 1-day off.

Craig Pickering World Junior 100 Dash and World Senior 4×100 Medalist

The distances get shorter, and every run is timed and from blocks with a gun start.

Margot Wells Coach of Olympic Champion Alan Wells and Founder of Wellfast

Margot Wells