Watch some of Illinois top distance runners compete LIVE tonight at the Festival of Miles!
The Nike Festival of Miles will be live on FloTrack this Thursday.
Fordham Prep's Conor Lundy is making the long trip out to the Midwest this evening (June 2nd) to race at the Nike Festival of Miles in St. Louis, Missouri against some of the top prep milers in that region of the country. Lundy with his 4:08 full mile PR from indoors, has to be considered one of the top contenders in a race which saw over half dozen dip under 4:10 last year.

Saint Louis post-season meet looking for high school mile and 800 runners
Madison and Megan Mooney make up half of Colorado's delegation to Thursday's Nike Festival of Miles in St. Louis, Missouri. Photos by Alan Versaw.
St. Louis Festival of Miles. A link to this week's events.
Jon Davis will race at the Festival of Miles this weekend, live on MileSplit!
Illinois state champion runs US #7 time in the mile
Cailie Logue runs the nation's No. 2 Mile this year