MoMileSplit: Tell me about “Back on Track” ?
Matt: Back on Track” is our unofficial team slogan this year. After failing to qualify as a team for the state meet last year, we’ve adopted the mindset that we have to get back to the level that Liberty Cross Country has been on for the last fifteen years, which includes making state.
MoMileSplit: Who’s the alpha male on the Liberty boy’s team?
Matt: Oh I’m sure a lot of us think we’re the alpha male, but we really don’t have one guy who leads everything this year. I actually think it’s good for us because we’re all able bring our leadership abilities to the table.
MoMileSplit: 16:33, 16:26, 16:29 - pretty consistent times over different courses and conditions. Are you set to cruise control?
Matt: Hopefully not! I’d really like to get a fast time sometime this year, but the conditions/courses have made that difficult. However, I’ve been pretty satisfied with how I’ve placed and it’s nice to know that my team can count on me turning in a consistent performance week in and week out.
MoMileSplit: When & how did you get started in cross country?
Matt: I started in 8th grade grade because I had gone to my brother’s high school races and I loved the atmosphere that surrounded the sport. My first summer run in high school I ran with the varsity guys on a hill was so exhausting I went home and slept for nearly the rest of the day.
MoMileSplit: Who has influenced you the most so far in your life and what they mean to you and your success?
Matt: There’s been too many people who have had influence for me to pick out one. Obviously my parents have been very supportive, and my brother was the one who got me running in the first place. My coaches and teammates have also helped me become the runner/person that I am today.
MoMileSplit: Your favorite past performance in a cross country race and why?
Matt: This year at the Liberty Invite. I was able to place third and as a team we were able to beat Rock Bridge and win the meet. All summer we’d been looking forward to the opportunity to make a statement against one of the top programs in the state, and there’s also something special about winning your home meet.
MoMileSplit: What is your greatest non-running experience in cross country so far and why?
Matt: The travel meets are always really fun. You really get to know your teammates and it’s impossible to not make some memories. We always play Mario Kart on the bus ride and it gets pretty intense.
The Fun Run
MoMileSplit:What music do you rock while working out?
Matt: I never listen to music, our conversations are way better.
MoMileSplit:Do you like to run in the mud or the grass?
Matt: I used to like mud...until it started being muddy at half of our meets.
MoMileSplit: Do you hang out on Facebook or Twitter.?
Matt: Twitter no doubt
MoMileSplit: Do you like going out or chilling at home?
Matt: I’d say I’m more of an at home guy, but I can’t turn down a good night out with my teammates.
MoMileSplit: What gear is your favorite while running?
Matt: This year I switched from running in basketball shorts to short running shorts and I’d have to say it was one of the better decisions of my running career. As far as shoes go, I really like the Mizuno Wave Riders.