Interview with Hannah Cunliffe
Ryan Banta: Hannah, over the last two seasons, what has been the biggest change in your program?
Hannah Cunliffe: Toughest change has been fall training. My body is constantly exhausted and it's a super intense three months.
How did you overcome the setback last outdoor season?
I had great support from my coaches, family and trainers. At the time I couldn't understand why it happened. I had a successful outdoor and then it just seemed like everything came crashing down on me. I had to stay very positive and think of the bigger picture. I was focused and determined to have a good comeback.
What do attribute to recent leap forward in performance?
Being more focused and determined in my training.
What is next for you?
What part of your game are you going to work on in this coming training cycle?
I am going to work on the littlest details. Hydration, stretching and executing my Saturday practices better.
What are your goals moving forward?
Moving forward I just want to be able to say I gave it my all and I did everything to my best ability.
What are your hopes and dreams?
My hopes are to be a professional athlete and be the best athlete I can be. My dream has been to make Olympic teams and win Olympic Gold medals since I was 7 years old.
As one of the most followed athletes in American track, how have you handled the life in the spotlight?
I don't really realize I am in the spotlight. I feel as if I am a regular person who just happens to be talented and determined.
How has your faith been such an essential part of you as an athlete?
I have realized since a young age the closer I am with the Lord the better I perform. When I'm slacking in my walk he sometimes has something minor happen that wakes me up and I get back on the path with him.