The 4x2 Debate: Who Runs First or Last?

Beat Them To The Break: Fastest Going 2nd

Our favorite strategy and the one that constantly wins national titles is running the fastest runner second. In this order the relay goes 3-1-4-2 with it sometimes going 2-1-4-3. The reason this one works is because of the handoffs. 

The first exchange is in lanes so in theory it really doesn't matter. The next exchange though is in lane one and there is a break after the third turn. That means the most important position to be in in the 4x2 is handing off in first at the second exchange. The rest, at least according to this strategy, is icing on the cake. 

Look at it this way. There are two relay teams and both have the splits 21-22-23-24. If one of them runs this strategy they would go 22-21-24-23. Simply put, this strategy is all about the handoffs. If you are out front for the handoffs then you are able to go blind and maintain positioning in lane one. Everyone else is running in scrum and lane two.