Name: Lacey Pavlak
School: Centralia
Q: What does your training look like right now given the current situation?
A: I am still able to throw, thankfully! And I do at home bodyweight workouts to try and stay in shape.
Q: What are you doing to stay busy other than throw right now?
A: I have lots of school work to do. I have been watching a lot of Disney plus! I have also been reading some.
Q: What was your most memorable race/moment?
A: My junior year when I pr'd in discus with 127'3"! I had a pulled muscle in my throwing arm that prevented me from throwing shot put for a while and I was down about it but I could throw discus and the pr really boosted how I felt about not being able to throw shot put for a couple weeks
Q: What was the funniest thing that happened during your throwing career?
A: I tend to fall down a lot when I throw and of course it's funny to everybody! I laugh right along with them though!
Q: Who would you consider your biggest competition over your four years?
A: I have had a lot of good competition throughout highschool but the one who really challenged me was myself. I would get in my own head a LOT and it was really hard to get out of it sometimes. I had to break mental barriers that were stopping me from my full potential and I still have barriers today.
Q: What was your greatest accomplishment?
A: I would say that it was sophomore year when I improved my shot put 5' from freshman year. I worked my butt off for that and all the sweat and tears paid off!
Q: If you could do it all over again what would you change about your throwing career in high school?
A: I would switch to the rotational shot put earlier so I could get the hang of it sooner. I would also treat every meet like it's my last and not be afraid to go after that big throw even if it meant fouling!
Q: What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?
A: last year when I had a pulled muscle and tendonitis in my throwing arm it was hard to not throw shot for a couple weeks. Shot is what made me fall in love with throwing and not being able to do it was hard. But on the flip side I focused on discus more and threw a huge pr!
Q: What will you miss the most?
A: I will miss seeing everyone at practice and being with the thrower group to do stations and warm up. We would always complain about how much running we had to do. I will miss the anticipation everyone had and would freak out over before the first day as no one knew how hard practices were going to be!
I will miss seeing everyone at practice. I will miss the bus rides to and from meets and sometimes stopping to get food somewhere. I will miss seeing my throwing friends from other schools, especially now that I won't get to see them this year at all.
Q: What advice would you give to younger athletes?
A: I would say to not be afraid to ask the upperclassmen for help. We were in your same position and know how it feels! I would also say to not be afraid to go after your dreams no matter how crazy they seem now! Also, to treat every meet like it is your last. With my senior season up in the air I wish I had treated every meet last year like that. Go after that throw even if you go so hard you foul out the ring, at least you can say that you went for it!
Q: What kind of an impact has your coach had on you and your team?
A: He has had a tremendous impact on our team! He makes sure everyone is sure of themselves and what they are doing. He takes the pressure off of us by being his goofy self and reminding us to have fun!
Q: What are your college plans?
A: I am throwing for Kansas State next year. I will be throwing hammer, weight and shot put. I am undecided for a major as of now.
Q: Who would you like to say 'thank you' to?
A: I would like to thank the whole coaching staff for always putting us athletes first and supporting us at everything we do! Also, to my parents for always believing in me even when I did not believe in myself and for guiding me along this crazy journey I have been on! And then to my teammates for cheering me on and always supporting me!
Q: Is there anything else you'd like to add?
A: just to never take anything for granted. Highschool goes by faster than you will ever imagine and you have to make the most of every moment. Join that sport you've been thinking about, don't hold anything back in your sport as you will never know if that meet is your last.