The staff at Missouri MileSplit is looking for readers' input as we compile all-state teams from the 2023 track and field season.
A Small School team from Classes 1-2 and a Large School team from schools in Classes 3-4-5 will be named. Fans have the opportunity to vote and play a part in determining the team. Athletes are limited to nomination in just one event and one athlete per event will be named to the all-state team. Some athletes could be the favorite in multiple events but highlighting many athletes has been our focus.
Check back on a new poll for various events over the next few days. The all-state team will be unveiled soon. The poll is open until Aug. 8.
Nominees for the Boys Long Jumper of the year:
Name, Year, School, State Finish, State Mark, Season Best if not at State, Season Performance List position
Jeremy Bennett, Milan, sr., Class 2 state champion, 6.58m/21-7.25 SB C2#2 6.92m/22-8.5
Jon Matchett, Tipton, sr., Class 2 runner-up, 2.54m/21-5.5 SB C2#1 6.99m/22-11.25
Kanden Bolton, Crystal City, jr. 1st in Class 1, 6.70m/22-11.75 SB C2#3 6.78m/22-3 June1-3 @ GSW
Camden Mayes, Crystal City, jr. 2nd in Class 1, 21-11/6.68m/21-11