Meet Information
Dear Coaches:
This letter is to inform and invite you to this year's Senn-Thomas Relays.
When: Monday April 8, 2019
Time: Coaches meeting will start at 3:30 p.m.
Field events will start at 3:45 p.m.
Running events will start at 4:00 p.m.
Where: Herculaneum High School Track
Scoring: 10-8-6-4-2-1
Cost: $100.00 for boys
$100.00 for girls
Order of Events:
Girls followed by Boys (start at 4:00)
4 x 800 Relay (water fall start)
Shuttle Hurdle Relay (5 hurdles, 100 meters)
Open Mile (no points, for athletes not entered in other events, unlimited entries.)
1600 Sprint Medley (400-200-200-800) 1st runners in lanes
4 x 100 Relay (lanes)
Distance Medley (800-400-400-1200) waterfall start
4 x 200 Relay (lanes)
Sprint Medley (200-100-100-400) 1st three runners in lanes
4 x 400 Relay (1st runner in lanes)
Field Events start at 3:45 p.m.
Pole Vault - Girls followed by boys
Opening height for girls will be 5 feet.
Opening height for boys will be 6 ' 6 "
Shot Put - Boys followed by girls
Discus - Girls followed by boys
High Jump - Boys only
Long Jump - Girls only
The mile will follow the shuttle hurdle relay. Each school may enter 3 athletes (one relay team) per field event, and
one relay team per relay race.Individual athletes may be entered in no more than 3 events.
Please go to to enter your athletes into the meet, all entries are due by April 6, 2019 by
10:59 pm
Please remit payment to Dunklin R5 School District
Attn Chris Schell, AD
200 Senn-Thomas Drive
HerculaneumMO 63048