Ash Grove Invitational 2019

Ash Grove, MO
Timing/Results TRXC Timing

Complete Results

06:56:49	PM
Ash Grove Classic Page:
TRXC	Timing Inc.
Womens High Jump
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Pierce City	Leavitt Marie	12	5-00.00	F
2	Greenwood	Roberts Keely	10	4-06.00	F
3	Wheaton	Lewis Aspen	12	4-04.00	F
4	Spokane	Cadle Marcella	12	4-02.50	F
5	Spokane	Olmstead Christina	9	4-02.50	F
6	Ash Grove	Gorski Patsy	12	4-02.25	F
7	Lockwood	Forbus Katelynn	10	4-02.00	F
8	School of the Ozarks	Goodwin Maisie	9	4-00.00	F
Mens High Jump
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Pierce City	Smith Dominick	11	5-10.00	F
2	Wheaton	Miller Ricky	11	5-06.00	F
3	Spokane	Axley Micah	10	5-06.00	F
4	Galena	Sherer Dawson	11	5-06.00	F
5	Marionville	Goodman Joey	12	5-04.00	F
6	Ash Grove	Baker Noah	11	5-02.00	F
-- Ash Grove	Doles Christopher	9 NH F
School of the Ozarks	Lingner Nathan	9 NH F
Everton	Gray TJ	12 NH F
-- Spokane	Eckhardt Grant	10 F
Womens Pole Vault
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Marionville	Runck Leslie	11	6-06.00	F
2	Ash Grove	Gorski Patsy	12	6-06.00	F
3	Pierce City	Esteves Valentina	11	6-00.00	F
-- Marionville	Murphy Adriann	10 NH F
Mens Pole Vault
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Marionville	Goodman Mathew	11	12-00.00	F
2	Marionville	White Chase	12	11-06.00	F
3	School of the Ozarks	Anderson Nickolas	10	9-06.00	F
4	Pierce City	Chapman Blake	11	8-00.00	F
Womens Long Jump
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Greenwood	Wilson Danielle	12	16-09.00	F
2	Ash Grove	Bagley Briley	10	15-11.00	F
3	Greenwood	Kessler Averi	12	15-08.00	F
4	Macks Creek	Phillips Madeline	12	14-07.00	F
6	Marionville	Stephens Isabella	10	14-04.00	F
7	Marion C. Early	Painter Keaton	11	14-02.00	F
8	Conway	Lewis Emily	10	13-09.00	F
9	Golden City	Woodworth Ashlyn	12	13-07.00	F
10	School of the Ozarks	Burney Maya	9	13-05.00	F
11	Conway	Nedom Abbey	10	12-10.00	F
12	Pierce City	Kamplain Bella	11	12-07.00	F
13	Pierce City	Esteves Valentina	11	12-07.00	F
15	Spokane	Gale Hope	9	12-02.00	F
16	School of the Ozarks	Goodwin Maisie	9	12-01.00	F
17	Wheaton	Hinojosa Giovanna	10	11-07.00	F
18	Galena	Keltner Rina	9	11-07.00	F
19	Golden City	Veach Kaylee	11	10-04.00	F
06:56:49	PM
Ash Grove Classic Page:
TRXC	Timing Inc.
-- Galena	Keltner Nila	11 ND F
Marionville	Fisher Ema	10 ND F
Spokane	Cooper CJ	9 ND F
Mens Long Jump
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Ash Grove	Adams Jonas	11	19-06.00	F
2	School of the Ozarks	Martin Gideon	10	19-02.00	F
3	Pierce City	Kleiboeker Jackson	11	18-04.00	F
4	Fair Play	Brown Joe	9	17-09.00	F
5	Greenwood	Sharp John	12	17-06.00	F
6	Spokane	Dreiling Pierce	11	16-10.00	F
7	Lockwood	Jordan Damien	11	16-09.00	F
8	Lockwood	Robertson Clayton	9	16-07.00	F
9	Marion C. Early	Taylor Zakhary	12	16-06.00	F
10	Spokane	Ireland Will	10	16-05.00	F
11	Golden City	Parrill Chain	10	16-04.00	F
12	Galena	Nielsen Skylar	11	16-01.00	F
13	Greenwood	Musgrave Christian	12	15-10.00	F
14	Macks Creek	Ramirez Jonathan	11	15-09.00	F
15	School of the Ozarks	Reynolds Israel	9	15-07.00	F
16	Galena	Greene William	11	15-06.00	F
17	Ash Grove	McCroskey Joseph	10	15-04.00	F
18	Fair Play	Lee Seth	10	15-00.00	F
19	Marion C. Early	Huff Garrett	10	14-02.00	F
20	Golden City	Nelson Colby	9	13-03.00	F
21	Conway	Spradling Austin	10	13-01.00	F
-- Marionville	Wilson Dakota	9 ND F
Pierce City	Sagehorn Trey	11 ND F
Womens Triple Jump
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Lockwood	Schnelle Katie	9	31-04.00	F
2	Ash Grove	Bagley Briley	10	31-03.00	F
3	Pierce City	Blackburn Chloe	12	31-00.00	F
4	Galena	Sherer Chalice	10	30-03.00	F
5	Marion C. Early	Painter Keaton	11	29-04.00	F
6	Golden City	Woodworth Ashlyn	12	26-08.00	F
7	Conway	Nedom Abbey	10	26-05.00	F
8	Spokane	Orr Allie	11	25-10.50	F
9	Wheaton	Simpson Zolanna	11	25-07.00	F
10	Spokane	Gale Hope	9	24-01.00	F
-- Conway	Higbee Alexa	10 ND F
School of the Ozarks	Dolloff Leah	12 ND F
Mens Triple Jump
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	School of the Ozarks	Martin Gideon	10	40-11.00	F
2	Pierce City	Kleiboeker Jackson	11	40-06.00	F
3	School of the Ozarks	Carswell Jacob	12	39-07.00	F
4	Galena	Sherer Dawson	11	38-07.00	F
5	Pierce City	Sagehorn Trey	11	37-08.00	F
6	Spokane	Decker Cody	11	37-05.50	F
7	Spokane	Bray Jackson	10	35-10.50	F
8	Marionville	Clevenger Dominic	12	33-06.00	F
9	Lockwood	Robertson Clayton	9	32-10.00	F
06:56:49	PM
Ash Grove Classic Page:
TRXC	Timing Inc.
10	Ash Grove	McCroskey Joseph	10	31-00.00	F
11	Golden City	Parrill Max	9	30-02.00	F
12	Golden City	Pettengill Elijah	9	30-01.50	F
-- Galena	Greene William	11 ND F
Womens Discus
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Marion C. Early	Jess Bailee	12	98-10 F
2	Marion C. Early	Grisham Emily	10	87-02 F
2	Spokane	Bell LeAndra	9	79-01 F
3	Ash Grove	Eagleburger Emma	10	78-05 F
4	Ash Grove	Johnson Makenna	11	77-08 F
5	Pierce City	Lynn Aspen	12	75-05 F
6	Pierce City	Adams Hannah	11	72-04 F
8	School of the Ozarks	Saffle Rylee	10	65-11 F
9	Everton	Powers Ravyn	11	65-00 F
10	School of the Ozarks	Godfrey Winter	9	63-03 F
11	Fair Play	Dollar Jaden	9	62-07 F
12	Golden City	Phillips Tahya	10	60-07 F
13	Spokane	Smith Isabelle	11	44-08 F
14	Wheaton	Hinojosa Monica	9	43-08 F
15	Macks Creek	Amandossova Dayana	11	38-04 F
16	Macks Creek	Earney Cieanna	9	37-08 F
17	Wheaton	Chang Charlene	12	30-11 F
-- Galena	Davis Destiny	10 ND F
Galena	Swarer Matilda	12 ND F
Marionville	Murphy Adriann	10 ND F
Conway	Jensen Jozie	11 ND F
Conway	Nedom Abbey	10 ND F
Fair Play	Zanatta Praley	10 ND F
Mens Discus
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Marion C. Early	Maas Samual	10	110-04 F
2	Pierce City	Hall Matthew	11	106-05 F
3	Marionville	Johnson Adrian	12	106-00 F
4	Ash Grove	Wheeler William	11	105-03 F
5	Lockwood	Bates Evan	12	104-01 F
6	Pierce City	Smith Dominick	11	99-00 F
7	Everton	Hayes Mason	9	93-01 F
8	Fair Play	Buckner Travis	11	88-02 F
9	Fair Play	STERLING DUSTIN	10	85-09 F
10	Macks Creek	Bentch Kaiedon	11	85-05 F
11	School of the Ozarks	Roberts Caleb	10	85-02 F
12	Spokane	Salmans Cole	9	80-00 F
13	Golden City	Dunlap Lane	10	75-09 F
14	Marionville	Adams Caden	11	71-10 F
15	Marion C. Early	Scrivner Quinn	10	66-09 F
16	Lockwood	Jordan Damien	11	65-07 F
17	Spokane	Eddings Mitchell	9	65-00 F
19	Galena	Stewart Davon	11	54-03 F
20	Everton	Gray T.J.	12	52-00 F
21	Greenwood	Carlson Channing	12	47-06 F
22	Wheaton	Prewitt Robbie	9	34-06 F
-- Ash Grove	Doles Christopher	9 ND F
Macks Creek	Thompson Cody	11 ND F
06:56:49	PM
Ash Grove Classic Page:
TRXC	Timing Inc.
Womens Shot Put
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Ash Grove	Eagleburger Emma	10	32-09.00	F
3	Spokane	Bell LeAndra	9	28-09.00	F
4	Ash Grove	Bryan Kaylee	9	28-04.00	F
5	Wheaton	Hinojosa Monica	9	27-11.00	F
6	School of the Ozarks	Saffle Rylee	10	27-05.50	F
7	Wheaton	Nunez Arilene	11	25-08.00	F
9	Conway	Dill Brooke	10	23-06.00	F
10	School of the Ozarks	Godfrey Winter	9	22-04.00	F
11	Marionville	Wilken Ashlin	10	22-03.50	F
12	Fair Play	Dollar Jaden	9	22-00.00	F
13	Marion C. Early	Maxwell Caitlin	9	20-08.50	F
14	Spokane	Smith Isabelle	11	19-06.00	F
15	Galena	Swarer Matilda	12	18-05.00	F
-- Conway	Jensen Jozie	11 ND F
Fair Play	Zanatta Praley	10 ND F
Everton	Allen Savanah	12 ND F
Everton	Durdan Skye	10 ND F
Galena	Davis Destiny	10 ND F
Marionville	Mays Alyssa	11 ND F
Mens Shot Put
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Marion C. Early	Maas Samual	10	47-00.00	F
2	Lockwood	Bates Evan	12	42-06.50	F
3	Ash Grove	Wheeler William	11	41-06.50	F
4	Pierce City	Hyde Cody	10	40-06.00	F
5	Spokane	Ballard Shaun	10	38-01.50	F
6	Marionville	Adams Caden	11	35-03.00	F
7	Lockwood	Neal Spencer	10	34-04.50	F
8	Spokane	Wright Gabe	11	33-09.50	F
9	Marionville	Johnson Adrian	12	32-07.50	F
10	Marion C. Early	Herrmann Nathan	10	31-01.00	F
11	Fair Play	Buckner Travis	11	30-06.50	F
12	Fair Play	Kreft Harley	10	30-06.00	F
13	Greenwood	Carlson Channing	12	29-00.00	F
14	Pierce City	Hernandez Dalyn	11	28-10.50	F
15	Everton	Morris Isaac	12	28-08.00	F
17	Ash Grove	Hines Benjamin	9	25-00.00	F
18	Wheaton	Bradford Grant	9	24-00.00	F
-- Everton Jordao Ramos Gama	E Pedro Enrique	11 ND F
Macks Creek	Thompson Cody	11 ND F
Galena	Stewart Davon	11 ND F
Galena	Weaver Randall	12 ND F
Womens	4x800 Meter Relay
pl	team	time
1	Ash Grove	11:31.04	F
2	Conway	13:54.64	F
Mens	4x800 Meter Relay
pl	team	time
1	Spokane	8:55.14	F
2	Greenwood	9:29.34	F
3	Wheaton	9:38.54	F
06:56:49	PM
Ash Grove Classic Page:
TRXC	Timing Inc.
4	Ash Grove	10:11.44	F
Womens	100 Meter Hurdles
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Marion C. Early	Painter Keaton	11	17.54	F
2	Greenwood	Roberts Keely	10	17.74	F
3	Galena	Sherer Chalice	10	18.54	F
4	Spokane	Hopper Allison	12	18.64	F
5	Marionville	Mays Alyssa	11	18.74	F
6	Spokane	Cooper CJ	9	20.14	F
7	School of the Ozarks	Goodwin Maisie	9	20.44	F
8	Conway	Moore Emma	9	21.04	F
9	Golden City	Woodworth Ashlyn	12	21.24	F
10	School of the Ozarks	Burney Maya	9	21.64	F
11	Conway	Walker Paige	10	22.54	F
12	Greenwood	Mitchell Madison	9	22.94	F
-- Wheaton	Simpson Zolanna	11 NT F
Mens	110 Meter Hurdles
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Pierce City	Sagehorn Trey	11	17.54	F
2	Spokane	Bray Jackson	10	17.74	F
3	Marionville	Oczkus Alex	10	17.94	F
4	Spokane	Axley Micah	10	18.64	F
5	Ash Grove	Miller Christopher	10	19.34	F
6	Marion C. Early	Knight Blake	12	19.84	F
7	Macks Creek	Tower Obediah	9	20.74	F
8	Marionville	Smith Tyler	11	21.64	F
9	Golden City	Nelson Colby	9	21.94	F
10	Conway	Spradling Austin	10	22.64	F
-- Ash Grove	Rolewicz Aaron	10 NT F
Pierce City O-Hara Colten	11 NT F
Womens	100 Meter Dash
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Greenwood	Wilson Danielle	12	12.84	F
2	School of the Ozarks	Smith Victoria	11	13.04	F
3	Pierce City	Prater Sydnee	9	13.94	F
4	School of the Ozarks	Godfrey Trinity	10	14.34	F
5	Marionville	Stephens Isabella	10	14.34	F
6	Golden City	Phillips Tahya	10	14.54	F
7	Macks Creek	Miller Autumn	9	14.54	F
8	Greenwood	Bayazed Cidra	9	14.64	F
9	Conway	Moore Emma	9	14.84	F
10	Ash Grove	Johnson Makenna	11	14.94	F
11	Ash Grove	Baker Olivia	11	15.04	F
12	Wheaton	Lewis Aspen	12	15.24	F
13	Galena	Holmes Carlie	12	15.34	F
14	Wheaton	Par Tha	11	15.54	F
15	Conway	Lewis Emily	10	15.64	F
17	Fair Play	Dollar Jaden	9	16.04	F
18	Spokane	Orr Allie	11	16.34	F
19	Spokane	Clouser Emma	10	16.54	F
20	Galena	Baker Addison	9	16.64	F
21	Macks Creek	Earney Cieanna	9	18.04	F
-- Fair Play	Khadyrke Anna	10 NT F
06:56:49	PM
Ash Grove Classic Page:
TRXC	Timing Inc.
Marionville	Murphy Adriann	10 NT F
Pierce City	Esteves Valentina	11 NT F
Mens	100 Meter Dash
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Marion C. Early	Taylor Zakhary	12	11.74	F
2	Greenwood	Sharp John	12	12.04	F
3	Marionville	Utke Lathan	12	12.14	F
4	Ash Grove	Baker Noah	11	12.24	F
5	Wheaton	Meyer Chad	10	12.24	F
6	Spokane	Lovato Caleb	12	12.34	F
7	Fair Play	Brown Joe	9	12.34	F
8	Greenwood	Jones Brett	10	12.44	F
9	Lockwood	Queen Gaege	11	12.64	F
10	Ash Grove	Squibb Alexander	11	12.64	F
11	Wheaton	Miller Ricky	11	12.84	F
12	School of the Ozarks	Campbell Sean	11	12.84	F
13	Fair Play	Buckner Travis	11	12.84	F
14	Golden City	Parrill Max	9	12.84	F
15	School of the Ozarks	Bliss Elijah	9	13.04	F
16	Galena	Nielsen Skylar	11	13.14	F
17	Lockwood	Jordan Damien	11	13.14	F
18	Galena	Greene William	11	13.34	F
19	Macks Creek	Strutz Daniel	10	13.44	F
20	Macks Creek	Ramirez Jonathan	11	13.84	F
21	Spokane	Wooten Tristan	9	13.94	F
22	Marion C. Early	Knight Blake	12	14.04	F
23	Conway	Spradling Austin	10	14.64	F
-- Marionville	Jones Wil	12 NT F
Pierce City	Ford Chanse	10 NT F
Everton	Daniel Cortland	11 NT F
Womens	4x200 Meter Relay
pl	team	time
1	Spokane	1:57.84	F
2	Pierce City	1:58.84	F
3	Greenwood	2:02.34	F
4	Ash Grove	2:03.14	F
5	School of the Ozarks	2:05.14	F
6	Conway	2:17.44	F
Mens	4x200 Meter Relay
pl	team	time
1	Marionville	1:39.74	F
2	Spokane	1:39.84	F
3	Pierce City	1:40.44	F
4	Ash Grove	1:40.64	F
5	School of the Ozarks	1:41.74	F
6	Golden City	1:45.64	F
7	Galena	1:47.14	F
8	Wheaton	1:48.94	F
9	Greenwood NT F
Womens	1600 Meter Run
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Macks Creek	Phillips Molly	9	6:16.54	F
06:56:49	PM
Ash Grove Classic Page:
TRXC	Timing Inc.
2	Ash Grove	Hall Allison	9	6:23.44	F
3	Ash Grove	Thompson Kylynn	12	6:28.44	F
4	Marion C. Early	Wilson Lilly	12	7:38.94	F
-- Marionville	Runck Leslie	11 NT F
Mens	1600 Meter Run
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Spokane	Shuman Samuel	10	4:43.84	F
2	School of the Ozarks	Thompson Titus	9	4:45.14	F
3	Spokane	Stewart Grant	10	4:57.24	F
4	School of the Ozarks	Hiebsch Adin	12	4:58.84	F
5	Greenwood	Gibbons Ryan	9	5:05.34	F
6	Greenwood	Holmes John	9	5:24.24	F
7	Golden City	Weiser Matthew	10	5:27.74	F
8	Marionville	Metevier Lane	10	5:36.04	F
-- Marionville	Goodman Paul	9 NT F
Pierce City	Seufert Paul	10 NT F
Conway	Coryell Joseph	9 NT F
Ash Grove	Miller Christopher	10 NT F
Ash Grove	Essick Dalton	12 NT F
Marion C. Early	Dilday Jackson	10 NT F
Macks Creek	Borgmeyer Preston	10 NT F
Golden City	Pettengill Elijah	9 NT F
Galena	Martin Jacob	9 NT F
Galena	Etchison Joseph	10 NT F
Womens	4x100 Meter Relay
pl	team	time
1	Spokane	55.14	F
2	Macks Creek	57.54	F
3	Pierce City	57.64	F
4	Ash Grove	58.74	F
5	Greenwood	58.74	F
6	Conway	1:00.34	F
7	Wheaton	1:03.24	F
8	Marionville NT F
Mens	4x100 Meter Relay
pl	team	time
1	Pierce City	46.54	F
2	Ash Grove	47.44	F
3	Marionville	48.24	F
4	Spokane	48.24	F
5	Greenwood	49.44	F
6	School of the Ozarks	50.34	F
7	Wheaton	50.64	F
8	Marion C. Early	51.44	F
9	Fair Play	52.14	F
10	Lockwood	53.34	F
Womens	400 Meter Dash
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Greenwood	Wilson Danielle	12	1:01.04	F
2	Lockwood	Schnelle Katie	9	1:06.24	F
3	Macks Creek	Phillips Madeline	12	1:06.64	F
5	Ash Grove	Stevens Alyssa	9	1:11.64	F
06:56:49	PM
Ash Grove Classic Page:
TRXC	Timing Inc.
6	School of the Ozarks	Godfrey Trinity	10	1:11.84	F
7	Golden City	Veach Kaylee	11	1:12.74	F
8	Ash Grove	Wheeler Jessica	9	1:16.94	F
9	Wheaton	Hinojosa Giovanna	10	1:19.34	F
10	Galena	Baker Rebecca	11	1:20.24	F
11	Galena	Mccullough Harley	9	1:21.64	F
12	Spokane	Clouser Emma	10	1:24.24	F
13	Golden City	Phillips Tahya	10	1:25.64	F
14	Wheaton	Vang Pa	9	1:27.34	F
15	Pierce City	Mayes Hailey	11	1:30.74	F
16	Macks Creek	Earney Cieanna	9	1:42.24	F
-- Marionville	Fisher Ema	10 NT F
Lockwood	Holman Kelyn	9 NT F
School of the Ozarks	Smith Victoria	11 NT F
Mens	400 Meter Dash
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Marionville	Stanton Gavin	12	54.24	F
2	Lockwood	Queen Gaege	11	54.44	F
3	School of the Ozarks	Carswell Jacob	12	55.84	F
4	Galena	Clark Caleb	11	57.34	F
5	Greenwood	Musgrave Christian	12	57.64	F
6	School of the Ozarks	Garrison Davis	10	1:00.74	F
7	Spokane	Nord Dennis	9	1:02.44	F
8	Ash Grove	Lobdell Jared	9	1:03.34	F
9	Galena	Gulick Joshua	12	1:03.44	F
10	Spokane	Stevens Isreal	11	1:04.84	F
11	Macks Creek	Strutz Daniel	10	1:06.54	F
12	Marionville	Evans Aidan	10	1:08.94	F
-- Ash Grove	Sinclair Ethan	11 NT F
Golden City	Pettengill Elijah	9 NT F
Womens	300 Meter Hurdles
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Marion C. Early	Painter Keaton	11	49.74	F
2	Greenwood	Kessler Averi	12	51.24	F
3	Spokane	Czachowski Maggie	9	52.54	F
4	Golden City	Woodworth Ashlyn	12	57.24	F
5	Spokane	Crabtree Paige	9	57.64	F
6	Galena	Sherer Chalice	10	58.04	F
7	Ash Grove	Vaughn Hallie	11	58.54	F
8	School of the Ozarks	Burney Maya	9	1:00.54	F
9	Greenwood	Mitchell Madison	9	1:01.14	F
10	Marionville	Mays Alyssa	11	1:03.44	F
11	Galena	Baker Rebecca	11	1:10.14	F
-- Wheaton	Simpson Zolanna	11 NT F
Pierce City	Kamplain Bella	11 NT F
Conway	Walker Paige	10 NT F
Conway	Baldwin Jewel	9 NT F
Mens	300 Meter Hurdles
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Spokane	Bray Jackson	10	45.44	F
2	Spokane	Axley Micah	10	45.64	F
3	Galena	Sherer Dawson	11	47.04	F
4	Pierce City	O-Hara Colten	11	47.54	F
06:56:49	PM
Ash Grove Classic Page:
TRXC	Timing Inc.
5	Macks Creek	Tower Obediah	9	49.04	F
6	Marionville	Oczkus Alex	10	49.04	F
7	Marion C. Early	Knight Blake	12	50.94	F
8	Golden City	Nelson Colby	9	51.04	F
9	Greenwood	Musgrave Christian	12	51.74	F
10	Marionville	Smith Tyler	11	54.54	F
11	Galena	Gulick Noah	9	56.74	F
-- Everton	Gray TJ	12 NT F
Ash Grove	Miller Christopher	10 NT F
Ash Grove	Rolewicz Aaron	10 NT F
Womens	800 Meter Run
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Lockwood	Holman Kelyn	9	2:40.74	F
2	Macks Creek	Phillips Molly	9	2:50.44	F
4	Spokane	Baxter Aryanna	9	2:58.04	F
5	School of the Ozarks	Burney Alex	11	2:59.24	F
6	Pierce City	Leavitt Marie	12	3:00.84	F
7	Galena	Mccullough Harley	9	3:24.04	F
8	Wheaton	Vang Pa	9	3:27.74	F
-- Marion C. Early	Wilson Lilly	12 NT F
Pierce City	Hall Alexis	9 NT F
Ash Grove	Gocke April	9 NT F
Ash Grove	Dinwiddie Leandra	9 NT F
Wheaton	Loftis Farrah	12 NT F
Mens	800 Meter Run
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Greenwood	Harper Grant	10	2:16.64	F
2	Spokane	Carr Kyan	11	2:17.84	F
3	Greenwood	Polly Dominic	10	2:18.24	F
4	Marionville	Goodman Joshua	12	2:20.44	F
5	Golden City	Parrill Chain	10	2:20.74	F
6	Wheaton	Johnson Zane	9	2:22.44	F
7	Spokane	Coberly Austin	11	2:22.84	F
8	Lockwood	Robertson Clayton	9	2:24.64	F
-- School of the Ozarks	Garrison Davis	10 NT F
School of the Ozarks	Roberts Caleb	10 NT F
Wheaton	Smith Zane	9 NT F
Macks Creek	Borgmeyer Preston	10 NT F
Golden City	Weiser Matthew	10 NT F
Galena	Gulick Noah	9 NT F
Galena	Martin Jacob	9 NT F
Conway	Coryell Joseph	9 NT F
Ash Grove	Lobdell Jared	9 NT F
Pierce City	Chapman Blake	11 NT F
Womens	200 Meter Dash
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Greenwood	Wilson Danielle	12	27.14	F
2	Spokane	Hunsucker Lexi	11	28.34	F
3	Pierce City	Prater Sydnee	9	29.54	F
4	Lockwood	Purinton Makenzie	12	29.94	F
5	Macks Creek	Mayer Adriana	9	30.04	F
6	Marionville	Stephens Isabella	10	30.14	F
7	Macks Creek	Miller Autumn	9	30.84	F
06:56:49	PM
Ash Grove Classic Page:
TRXC	Timing Inc.
8	Ash Grove	Stevens Alyssa	9	31.54	F
9	Galena	Sherer Chalice	10	31.74	F
10	Golden City	Veach Kaylee	11	32.24	F
11	Greenwood	Bayazed Cidra	9	32.34	F
12	Galena	Keltner Nila	11	32.44	F
13	Golden City	Phillips Tahya	10	33.14	F
14	Wheaton	Vang Pa	9	33.34	F
15	Ash Grove	McClelland Emma	9	33.74	F
16	Wheaton	Par Tha	11	34.24	F
17	Conway	Walker Paige	10	36.64	F
18	Pierce City	Mayes Hailey	11	38.54	F
-- Spokane	Cadle Marcella	12 NT F
Conway	Baldwin Jewel	9 NT F
Fair Play	Khadyrke Anna	10 NT F
Marionville	Fisher Ema	10 NT F
School of the Ozarks	Smith Victoria	11 NT F
School of the Ozarks	Bergeron Kara	11 NT F
Mens	200 Meter Dash
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Marionville	Jones Wil	12	24.04	F
2	Marion C. Early	Taylor Zakhary	12	24.74	F
3	Wheaton	Meyer Chad	10	24.84	F
4	Lockwood	Queen Gaege	11	24.94	F
5	Ash Grove	Lanter William	10	25.04	F
6	Pierce City	Ford Chanse	10	25.64	F
7	Spokane	Eddings Michael	10	25.74	F
8	School of the Ozarks	Anderson Nickolas	10	25.94	F
9	Galena	Clark Caleb	11	26.14	F
10	Macks Creek	Tower Obediah	9	26.54	F
11	Galena	Harness Grant	10	26.74	F
12	Golden City	Dunlap Lane	10	26.84	F
13	School of the Ozarks	Bliss Elijah	9	27.04	F
14	Spokane	Hime Cooper	10	27.74	F
15	Ash Grove	Bowers Tristan	9	27.74	F
16	Marion C. Early	Huff Garrett	10	28.34	F
17	Macks Creek	Ramirez Jonathan	11	28.44	F
18	Fair Play	STERLING DUSTIN	10	29.04	F
19	Wheaton	Harper Coy	9	29.84	F
20	Conway	Spradling Austin	10	31.84	F
21	Fair Play	Tennyson Gavin	9	33.74	F
-- Marionville	Wilson Dakota	9 NT F
Everton Jordao Ramos Gama	E Pedro Enrique	11 NT F
Greenwood	Duncan Gavin	9 NT F
Womens	3200 Meter Run
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Ash Grove	Hall Allison	9	14:38.04	F
2	Ash Grove	Vaughn Hallie	11	15:06.24	F
Mens	3200 Meter Run
pl	team	name	grade	mark
1	Spokane	Shuman Samuel	10	10:28.94	F
2	Spokane	Stewart Grant	10	10:45.44	F
3	Wheaton	Smith Marek	12	10:47.14	F
4	School of the Ozarks	Hiebsch Adin	12	11:13.54	F
06:56:49	PM
Ash Grove Classic Page:
TRXC	Timing Inc.
5	Marionville	Goodman Paul	9	12:25.14	F
6	Ash Grove	Essick Dalton	12	13:45.14	F
-- Conway	Coryell Joseph	9 NT F
Ash Grove	Bowers Tristan	9 NT F
Greenwood	Mitchell Connor	12 NT F
School of the Ozarks	Thompson Titus	9 NT F
Womens	4x400 Meter Relay
pl	team	time
1	Spokane	4:39.74	F
2	Ash Grove	4:46.74	F
3	Lockwood	4:51.24	F
Mens	4x400 Meter Relay
pl	team	time
1	Spokane	3:52.74	F
2	Golden City	4:04.04	F
3	Ash Grove	4:09.54	F
4	Marionville	4:29.04	F
5	School of the Ozarks NT F