Meet Information
- Entries are due Monday April 11, 2022 at 6:00 PM. Scratches and changes can be made until April 13 at 8:00 PM.
- Entry fee of $150.00 per school.
- Entries are limited to two athletes per event and one relay per team.
- Upon arrival, check the entry list in the press box to make scratches. There will be no substitutions or additions allowed at the meet.
- A general coaches meeting will be held at 3:45 on the football field in front of the press box. General information and instructions will begiven at the meeting.
- Field event people are to report for their turns when called or they will be scratched for that attempt. Remind your athletes that running events have priority over field events. Just make sure they tell the field judge. All runners are to report to the respective bull pen. No warm-ups at any field even tunless a judge is present.
- Competitors must use 1/4 inch or 7 mm pyramid spikes or less on the track surface. VIOLATION OF THIS RULE WILL RESULT INDISQUALIFICATION. The spikes will be checked in the bullpen. All competitor's uniforms must conform to NFHS Regulations
- Scoring of the meet will be asfollows:10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1 for the eight places respectively. Medals will be given for the top three places in all events .In cases of ties, the points shall be divided and the contestants will flip for the medal.
- Medals will be placed in packets and coaches may pick them up after the meet or when leaving.
- Plaques will be given to the first place teams.
- Appeals-An infraction will first be dealt with by the starter and referee.
- A concession stand will be provided.
- An area for tents will be available north of the locker room and by the tennis courts. Tents are not to be set up on the west side of the track by the equipment shed. Due to the proximity of the entry gate to the finish line, all athletes are to enter the track using the gate behind the locker room. All athletes not participating in an event are to be outside of the track. It is important that coaches inform their athletes and help enforce this. Seating is available to watch the jumps and throws.
- Time Limit Rules will be in Effect
- The shot put and discus. three throws with no finals. Each thrower will be given 1 measured mark. For each throw after, if the throw does not reach the minimum marks (Minimum marks will be based upon the entry list) the throw will not be measured.
- Long and triple jump will be cafeteria style with three jumps .No finals
- Pole vault starting height will be determined by the games committee, with the cross bar raised by 15cm increments. Jump-offs will adjust at 7cm increments
- High Jump starting height will be determined by the games committee, with the cross bar raised by 5cm increments. Jump-offs will adjust at 2cm increments
All races will be seeded according to times and are ran as finals.