Meet Information

Live Results Link:
The Gans Creek Classic is an invite only event. Only teams that are on the accepted teams list will be allowed to enter athletes into the meet.
Meet Information Contact
Entry Fees
Race Day Information
September 27, 2019
Course preview for high school athletes will be available anytime after 3 pm. There will be collegiate races during the early evening. Race packets and meet merchandise will be available as well on Friday evening and Saturday morning. Please allow an additional 15 minutes in your planning for vehicle drop-off and parking.
September 28, 2019
7:55 am National Anthem
8:00 am Varsity Girls 5K White Division
8:30 am Varsity Boys 5K White Division
9:00 am White Division Awards
9:00 am Varsity Girls 5K Blue Division
9:30 am Varsity Girls 5K Gold Division
10:00 am Varsity Boys 5K Blue Division
10:30 am Blue Division Awards
10:30 am Varsity Boys 5K Gold Division
11:00 am Gold Division Awards
11:00 am Junior Varsity Girls 5K Blue/White Division
11:30 am Junior Varsity Girls 5K Gold Division
12:00 pm Junior Varsity Boys 5K Blue/White Division
12:30 pm Junior Varsity Boys 5K Gold Division
1:00 pm Junior Varsity Awards - All Divisions
**Division note: Gold is the most competitive, followed by blue and finally white.
***If heat poses a threat to athlete safety, we reserve the right to shorten the JV race distances
Registration will be done will open on Monday, August 19th and close at midnight on Thursday, September 12th.
Set up an account if you don't have one. If you need assistance, visitmilesplit support.
Sometime after your official roster is submitted to MSHSAA, it will populate You can view and edit your roster as needed.
On the meet calendar page you can click on theGans Creek Classicand proceed through the official entry process. You will proceed through the provided checklist where you will be asked to choose your team, athletes, and finalize your athlete entries.
Division Lists:
High School division lists and box assignments will be posted by 9-23-19.