Meet Information
Starting Time: Field Events: 4:00 pm (Jav. 3:45) Running: 4:15 pm
Coaches Meeting: 3:30 pm. Meeting room in the field house.
Entries: Entries are due by 5:00 pm Wednesday, April 26. Changes by 9:00 a.m. April 27 (
Entry Limit: 3 athletes per event and one team per relay.
No prelims. The fastest heat will run last. Girls first.
Changes/Scratches: Can make changes to entries up until the entry deadline. Scratches only, no adds after the deadline. Scratches can be made at the coach's meeting.
Entry fee: $75.00 per team (gender). $150.00 per school.
Spikes: 1/8in pyramid spikes. No spikes in the bleachers.
Bullpen: 4X800, 100/110H, 100m: South Bullpen; 4x200 to 4x400: Infield
Markings: Chalk and tennis balls. No tape, please.
Trainer: Available at the finish line.