Meet Information
Note that we have changed the timing of our meet from last year since we are out of school on the day of the meet.
Scratch Meeting: 1:30 in the gym by record board
Running Events start at 2:30, Field events start at 2:00
Girls Pole Vault 2:00 (Boys follow)
Boys High Jump 2:00 (Girls follow)
All jumps and throws will get 3 attempts
Boys Triple Jump 2:00-3:15
Girls Long Jump 2:00-3:15
Boys Long Jump 3:30-4:45 (Cafeteria--run throughs 3:15-3:30)
Girls Triple Jump 3:30-4:45 (Cafeteria--run throughs 3:15-3:30)
Boys Javelin 2:00 (Boys will travel directly to shot put after they complete their javelin throws)
Girls Discus 2:00 (Girls will travel directly to javelin after they complete their discus throws)
Girls Javelin 3:30
Boys Shot 3:30
Boys Discus 5:00
Girls Shot 5:00