Saxony Larry Cleair Last Chance Open 2023

Jackson, MO

Meet Information

Saxony Larry Cleair Last Chance

Open 2023

Tuesday April 25th

Location: Saxony Lutheran High School on the world-famous Larry

Cleair Track.

2004 Saxony Lane, Jackson Mo 67355


meeting     3:20pm     Middle of the

soccer Field

Field Events start    3:45pm  Boys: Javelin, Shot                       5pm Boys: Discus, High Jump

                                Girls:  Discus, High Jump                           Girls:  Shot, Javelin

 TJ and LJ cafeteria both

genders you have from 3:45-5:15(two runways)

Throwing events will be 4 throws, 2 at a time & the furthest

will be measured or all 4 at once(still 2 marks measured)
We are planning on having pole

vault for the first time at the Larry Cleair open, but it is tentative at the


While this is an open I do try to create seeded heats for races,

so I will ask that you sign your athletes up on momile when our meet become

active which should become available by the 18th. There will be no

limitation on how many you may enter per event.

Because of the work of building heats and also the rapid turnaround

of getting them entered by hand to be used for district seed times, I am going

to ask for $20 per school.  Checks can be made to SAXONY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL

Running Events -  Girls followed by


4:15pm   4x800m relay then rolling schedule












May need volunteers or coaches to help with

timing of races. Will assign relay exchanges at coaches meeting.

Bullpen will be behind the soccer goal on the

East(scoreboard end of the track)

Please bring blocks as we only

have 2 starting blocks 

Bus entry and parking-   Buses please pull into the first drive(gravel) and

drive along the west side of the school. Buses will park facing the track on

the gravel.

Tents can be set up outside the fence on the

north(scoreboard) side or south side of the track. 

General Warm up area, between the parking lot

and the baseball/softball fields. If we have wet conditions, we will need to

stay off of the soccer field as much as possible. (lots of work has been put

into that field).

Will have concessions available (granola bars,

candy, fruit and water/Gatorade)


or call/text 573-450-6388