Meet Information
Head Coach: Maegen Johnson Athletic Director: Lisa Dey
Contact Information: Contact Information:
Phone: 573-659-3200 Phone: 573- 659-3200
Email: Email:
Coaches and Athletic Directors,
The Mid Mo Track & Field Meet will be held on Wednesday, April 17th, 2024
at Jefferson City High School. Address: 608 Union Street, Jefferson City, MO 65109.
Meet Fee: $0
Meet Entries: Window Opens: 8:00 AM 4/10/24 / Window Closes: 12:00 PM 4/16/24.
All entries will be made online using
We will register and run kids by grade level.
Seeding: Heats and flights will be seeded by grade, time and distances entered.
Games Committee: Head Coaches from each school will be a part of the games committee.
Running Surfaces: All weather rubber 400m, 8 lane track. 3/16 or smaller pyramid spikes are to be worn. All jump runways are the same surface as the track.
Use of longer spikes will result in your athlete(s) being disqualified.
Marking Surfaces: Please use chalk only for marking steps. No tape on the track.
Team Tents: If applicable please set up in an appropriate area outside the fence along the backstretch.
Warm-ups: There will be designated areas for warm-ups inside the track on the main
football field in certain areas.
Due to time constraints and effectively and efficiently running a smooth meet we will be
implementing a cap on all field and running events. Please see below.
Field Events Starting Times:
5:20 pm Girls Shot Put - 10 Entries
5:20 pm Boys Discus - 10 Entries
5:20 pm Girls Long Jump / Boys to follow - 10 Entries
5:20 pm Boys High Jump / Girls to follow - 10 Entries
Running Events will begin at 5:40 PM and will proceed on a rolling time schedule.
Girls first followed by Boys.
4x8 - 2 Relay Teams
100MH - 10 Entries
Sprint Medely (100, 100, 200, 400) - 2 Relay Teams
4x2 - 2 Relay Teams
1600 - open / No Cap
4x1 - 2 Relay Teams
Distance Medley (200, 200, 400, 800) - 2 Relay Teams
4x4 - 2 Relay Teams