Meet Information
Bishop LeBlond Cross Country LBXC Invitational 2024
Location: Bishop LeBlond Cross Country Course on the MWSU campus, South 50th Street and Mitchell, St. Joseph, MO
Date: Saturday, September 28th
Fee: High School $150 per school, $75 per gender, or $15 per runner. Middle School $25 per school total.
Registration: Please submit registrations to Mo Mile Split. These are due by midnight on September, 24th. NO RACE DAY CHANGES! 7 entries max in the Varsity race. JV and MS entries are unlimited.
Timing: Electronic timing. To ensure no delays in results please follow the instructions from the timing company on site.
Race Times: Boys Varsity 9:00 a.m.
Girls Varsity 9:40 a.m.
Girls & Boys JV 10:20 a.m.
Middle School Boys & Girls (3200 meter) 11:00 a.m.
Awards immediately following the MS race
Coaches Meeting: 8:30 am at the Hospitality Tent.
Medals: Top 15 Girls and Boys Varsity. Top 10 Girls and Boys JV. Top 5 Girls and Boys Middle School. Plaque for 1st Place Boys Varsity and 1st Place Girls Varsity.
Team Tents/Busses: Busses will drop off athletes near the tent area (Lot P) at the practice field across from the start line. Busses will then be directed to circle around to Riverside, Mitchell and back up South 50th to bus parking at the Dorms (Lot O).
Spectator parking will be in Lot O.
Contact: Mitch Girres, Athletic Director, Bishop LeBlond High School.
Gregg Mrkvicka, Head Cross Country Coach, Bishop LeBlond High School 816-294-8342 (cell)