Belton Cross Country Invitational 2024

Belton, MO

Meet Information

26th Annual Belton Cross Country Invitational 

Saturday, September 7th, 2024 

Location: Belton High School Southwick Stadium/CC course (starting line-to the right of stadium in the middle of the practice soccer field) Address: 801 W North Ave, Belton, MO 64012 

-1 mile, 2 mile, and 3 mile will be clearly labeled for athletes to seeon the course. 


8:30 coaches meeting 

9:00 Varsity girls

9:30 Varsity boys

10:00 JV girls, immediately following will be JV boys 

(following the JV boys race, there will be an alternates race/C team for athletes that did not run in either race- our starter will start the athletes and timer will time. It will run both girls and boys together.) All races are 5K. 

7 runners per gender per division for Varsity, 10 runners for JV and then, unlimitedrunners for C team races. (Entries will be done on MoMileSplit.)

Awards: Varsity races(men and women)- Top 25 medal 

JV races(men and women)- Top 25 medal 

Championship t-shirts given to team winners in Varsity races. *** Athletes will be given a place card and then can pick up their medals at the medal table located near the finish. 

Timing will be done by KC Running Company. (please collect your athletes chips after the race and return to the timing company before leaving) 

Team Camps: Please set up your team camps next to the stadium and parking lot to the left of the starting line. Stadium bathrooms will be unlocked for use. Buses may park in the larger lot in front of the stadium, please no buses in the lot between the stadium and practice field. 

Cost: Entry fee is $175 per gender per team. If a school has 4 or less athletes, the cost is $100. Contact: George Shrum, Athletic Director or Chandler Wilson, Head XC coach

Entry Directions: Go to  Login to your Milesplit account.  Select Teams from the top and locate your team.  Ensure you have claimed your team (you are listed as a coach at the bottom).  If not, find the "Claim Team" button near your team's name.  Then, click on Calendar at the top, and find the Belton Cross Country Invitational listed on September 7th.  Select Register Now.  Click Next to enter the meets password bhsxc.  Select your team.  Then, select your athletes by putting check-marks next to their names.  You do have to select which race they are participating in.  Please enter any names you think may run, even if they may not end up running.  Kansas schools will need to enter their own athletes.  Once you have entered EVERY possible athlete that might participate, be sure to click Save Changes.  You may edit your roster as needed through Thursday, September 5th at noon.  If you have any further entry questions, please email me at