St. Teresa's Academy senior Courtney Coppinger placed 6th at the 2012 Paul Enke Hazelwood Central Cross Country Invitational at the Sioux Passage Park Man-Maker course. Coppinger finished in 20:27 but the Stars had to settle for second place in the varsity girls competition as Ste. Genevieve kept them from defending their meet title. St. Teresa's scored 76 points, 5 behind Ste. Genevieve and 19 ahead of Jefferson City. Coppinger said she enjoys the cross state trip from Kansas City and chance to run the courses' hills, which help prepare St. Teresa's for the hills of Oak Hills State Meet Course in Jefferson City. St. Teresa's earned another team trophy at last year's meet and Coppinger said they want to be in position to run with the best this season. While St. Teresa's were second in the Varsity the race, the ladies dominated the Junior Varsity and Freshman race. 20120915124825 2012 Enke HC Inv Courtney Coppinger int.mts