Tuesday Top 10: Reasons to Love May

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10 Things I Love About May

The calendar page has turned and I for one am happy we are in the month of May. Here are 10 reasons why.

1. Great Battles  When there is a state championship at stake you can be sure of one thing, a fight to the finish. In the photo below Kenny Cushing edged Daniel Mazar by 1/100th of a second to win the Class 4 Boys 1600 meter race in 2011. The intensity is always amped up in May which leads to our #2.


2. Capturing the thrill of victory -  Shooting photos like these are almost as exciting for us as it is for the athletes who cross the line.  


3. The Festival of Miles -   Once the pressure of state is over there is nothing that celebrates the sport more than the Festival of Miles.   The event features faces from kids in Kindergarten all the way to an elite field. The music is loud but the crowd is even louder.  This year they are adding sprints to the activities and if you have not attended this in person you are missing out. MoMileSplit is proud to sponsor the All-Star High School Mile which promises to be a great race bringing together the most exciting race possible  by breaking down state and class barriers that exist within each state.

4. David's Previews -  (2012 Previews)  Our goal with these previews is not to pick winners or make predictions. We also are not claiming  to be experts on all the participants. However, it's a big state and there are a lot of events.  We think these previews are a great guide to educate spectators on a few names and faces in each category of events.  Davis is already working on the structure of this year's previews and it once again promises to be something you will want to read and share before heading out to Jefferson City,

5. New Champions are Born -   Each spring the state is treated to new names that usually become common over the next 4 years.  In 2011, Sydney Deeken a quiet and unassuming freshman from California High School surprised many by defeating 11 time state champion Lindsay Vollmer.  I suspect we will likely see a new group of freshman making their way to the medal stand in 2013.

6. The State Becomes Smaller - There is something special about everyone gathering at one location for the state meet.  I’ve found that track and field athletes have great respect for the accomplishments of competitors in other areas of the state.  While they may be in different classes or events, the state meet is a common gathering place that I know the athletes look forward to. 


7. Pork Steaks  -  I have to confess I avoided the line the first few times I attended state but now it’s a tradition.


8. Discussion of Records –  Let’s face it, Track & Field fans love the discussion of state records.  May is the time of year you hear things like: “Is this the year someone challenges Teg’s record?” It’s a topic we took on earlier this season with our list of the toughest state records to break as selected by a panel of coaches and fans.


9. The Weather -  Last year there was a lengthy discussion on the heat index and whether is was too hot to run the 3200 and this year we had district meets postponed because of snow.  While the weather may be uncertain, I'm sure there are people looking at extended forecasts even now. (Last time I checked it's supposed to be 84 on the Friday of Class 1-2 and 88 on Saturday)

10. Our Coverage of the State Meet -  While it's impossible to cover every story or mention each athlete, we put many hours into bringing you a level of coverage we are confident enough to say you won't see anywhere else.  We hope you agree.

Finally a big thank you to all our subscribers who help make this all possible.