Man on a mission

Caleb Hoover, sophomore at College Heights Christian School in Joplin, came out of nowhere last season to finish 2nd overall in Class 1 cross country behind teammate Ethan Beaver and helped to lead his team to the title with a Class 1 record of merely 17 points.  As great as that sounds, Caleb looks back upon that day with disappointment.  Caleb entered this season with two major goals:  Win the State title with a record breaking performance and lead his team to a perfect team score; a feat never accomplished by any boys team in Missouri’s celebrated history.  With Districts just around the corner, both of these goals seem well within his grasp.  All eyes should be on this young man and his team when they take the line on November 8th.  Will history be made?  We’ll just have to wait and see. was able to reach Caleb by phone for a brief interview.

MoRunners (MR):  When did you start running?

Caleb Hoover (CH):  I started running in 7th grade, but I didn’t take it real serious.  I was always getting beat by Josh Carter who was a year older than me.  He was kind of the running star at our Jr. High.

MR:  What are your long term running goals?

CH:  I would like to run in college.  I’m not sure exactly where I’ll end up.  A lot just depends on how well I do.  Oregon would be my ideal college.

MR:  What motivates you?

CH:  I just want to win.  Period.

MR:  Were you surprised by the success that you found last year?

CH:  Yes, at my first meet I ran a minute and a half faster than I had planned.  But, as the season went on I started setting my goals higher and higher.  When I entered the State Championships, my only thoughts were of victory, so finishing second was a real let down.

MR:  Who do you enjoy competing against?

CH:  I really get excited about the opportunity of competing against both Max Korolev of Harrisonville and Tyler Compton of Buffalo.  I’ve raced Max several times over the years and I still haven’t beaten him.  And after Tyler beat me at the Stampede, I have a new found respect for him as well.

MR:  What type of course do you prefer?

CH:  I prefer running on flat courses because they remind me of track which is my real passion.

MR:  What is your favorite course?

CH:  I enjoy running on Missouri Southern’s course because it is pretty much our home course.  It is also very well maintained.

MR:  How do you prepare for a race?

CH:  I really just try to stay with my teammates and get focused.  I don’t really listen to music, so I just try to keep things as normal as possible.

MR:  How do you spend your free time?

CH:  I enjoy kayaking and spending time with my friends. quick six:

MR:  Favorite subject?

CH:  Math, it’s just one of those things that I happen to be good at.

MR:  Favorite book?

CH:  The Holy Bible

MR:  Favorite movie?

CH:  The Jason Bourne Series because it’s action packed.

MR:  Favorite running quote?

CH:  “To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift,” by Steve Prefontaine.

MR:  Favorite pre-race meal?

CH:  Pasta, chicken alfredo happens to be my favorite.

MR:  Favorite workout?

CH:  1000 meter repeats at sub race pace because it’s not as bad the mile repeats but it’s still an up tempo workout.


MR: Thanks for a great interview, Caleb!  We look forward to seeing your successes as the post season nears.