Brian T. Simpson Invite honors late Harrisburg coach


Brian's wife Jennie later shared about the meet. She said this year's meet had added emotion, as Bradey was running a race that honored her father.  She shared what she wrote in the yearbook after the first Brian T. Simpson Invitational last year:

The Annual Simpson XC Invitational means a great deal to our family. The greatest gift that you can receive when you are missing someone so deeply is to know that others are missing your person too. To hear their names, to hear the memories, and to know that they are remembered. We feel incredibly blessed to have so many people who remember Brian as a teacher, coach, or friend who wish to celebrate and honor the impact he made in their lives.

A heartfelt thanks to Harrisburg Athletics, Harrisburg Schools, the Harrisburg Community, and to the area schools and XC programs who are making this event possible.

Harrisburg teacher and coach Chris Ackman said about the baseball field being named for Brian, "The positive is that our student-athletes are getting a chance to remember Coach Simpson every day they step on the baseball field. He helped build that field and the program into what it is today. It is also difficult because it is a reminder of his absence. It is impossible to be anywhere near the baseball field and not think of him."

Ackman also discussed how special the meet was. In an email, he wrote, "Brian and Jennie's families are tremendous people. We have all (become) extremely close because of Brian and Jennie. These people have had a major impact on Brian as well. They have helped mold him into the person that he was. It is emotional to see Bradey run in an event that is named after her dad. We are all so proud of Bradey and her commitment to continuing to be a great student-athlete. She is truly an amazing person who has had to deal with more than any teenager should have to deal with. I am inspired by her and Jennie's strength to continue to serve others."

When asked about the Harrisburg community and their support of each other and rallying for Brian and his family, Ackman said "We are a family. We were all impacted by this accident. It has brought us closer. We strive to be better because of our time with Brian. He has made all of us better educators, coaches, and human beings."

In a speech at Brian's memorial service, Ackman lauded Simpson's mindset to always help. Also, how Simpson took his responsibilities with his family first. He talked about what a great husband and father Simpson was and the effort he put into those duties, including countless hours with Bradey, often as she biked, and he went on his daily run. "Brian was always there for Bradey. It is easy to see where Bradey gets her great qualities. We could all learn from Brian what it is like to be a great father. I strive to be like him every day as a father, but I am not sure that I can reach his status."

Simpson may not have had fame or fortune. Nor a million followers or status that might bring fame or fortune. But Brian had what we all should strive for. Brian T. Simpson made a positive impact on so many others, as a friend, teacher, coach, mentor, son, brother, husband, and father. He positively influenced thousands of lives.  

A few tweets from his accounts that can give more insight into Brian: