Suburban East Conference Championship 2011 vs Suburban East XC Championships 2009

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +66 157 91
Overall Average +1:00.47 23:52.76 22:52.29
1st-10th Place -1:09.78 17:42.36 18:52.14
1st-25th Place -1:04.60 18:27.10 19:31.70
1st-50th Place -1:05.24 19:29.08 20:34.32
1st-100th Place +25.99 21:14.78 20:48.79
Common Athletes -- -- 23
Ran Faster 13 18 5
Ran Season Best -- 23 23
Average Time -1:01.11 22:03.72 23:04.83
Median Time -2:08.08 20:04.12 22:12.20
Middle 80% Times -1:02.08 22:17.47 23:19.55
Top 10% Times -1:56.44 17:39.06 19:35.50
Top 25% Times -1:59.73 17:50.12 19:49.85
Top 50% Times -2:01.13 18:41.49 20:42.63
Bottom 50% Times +4.00 23:35.63 23:31.63
Bottom 25% Times +45.64 28:10.47 27:24.83
Bottom 10% Times +33.42 29:05.56 28:32.13
Average Difference -1:01.11 -- --
Median Difference -1:27.87 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:10.50 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:16.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:42.49 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:20.21 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:42.49 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -21.96 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:34.50 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +17.22 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Colin Cernik Ladue Horton Watkins High School -4:09.96 17:18.44 21:28.40
Matthew Garrett Clayton High School -2:19.47 17:48.53 20:08.00
Jake Bernstein Clayton High School -5:32.69 17:50.21 23:22.90
Phillip Soncasie Ladue Horton Watkins High School -4:19.78 17:52.42 22:12.20
Ian Docherty Clayton High School -1:38.10 18:01.60 19:39.70
Mathew Millett Clayton High School -1:47.07 18:09.53 19:56.60
Derrick Stone Clayton High School -22.82 18:47.38 19:10.20
Anders Hudson Ladue Horton Watkins High School -1:50.13 18:54.87 20:45.00
Alfred Larry Jennings High School -1:55.51 19:38.19 21:33.70
Ben Wolff Ladue Horton Watkins High School -3.66 19:53.74 19:57.40
Caleb Declue Affton High School -2:59.62 19:58.88 22:58.50
Michael Moore Ladue Horton Watkins High School -1:21.28 20:04.12 21:25.40
Mark Johnson Normandy High School +45.73 20:52.93 20:07.20
Nicole Indovino Clayton High School -1:27.87 21:02.23 22:30.10
Alexa Mowbray Ladue Horton Watkins High School +5:03.58 27:11.28 22:07.70
Janelle Johnson STEAM McCluer South-Berkeley High School -9.93 23:16.27 23:26.20
Maggie Keil Clayton High School -2:36.51 23:57.49 26:34.00
Shawna Carmack Affton High School -1:03.92 24:55.88 25:59.80
Ella Davis Clayton High School +2:36.30 28:09.20 25:32.90
Monica Lee Ladue Horton Watkins High School +55.48 27:14.28 26:18.80
Marguerite Daw Clayton High School -1:08.12 27:20.58 28:28.70
Sherri Mankofsky Ladue Horton Watkins High School -42.14 28:11.06 28:53.20
Lamisha Smith Normandy High School +2:41.91 30:56.41 28:14.50