Forest Park XC Festival 2012

Saint Louis, MO

Forest Park XC Festival 2012 vs Forest Park Cross Country Festival 2009

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +947 2116 1169
Overall Average +47.62 22:06.89 21:19.27
1st-10th Place -19.79 15:39.16 15:58.95
1st-25th Place -21.07 15:59.20 16:20.27
1st-50th Place -18.34 16:18.95 16:37.29
1st-100th Place -21.00 16:41.00 17:02.00
Common Athletes -- -- 46
Ran Faster 40 43 3
Ran Season Best -26 15 41
Average Time -2:08.64 20:39.49 22:48.13
Median Time -2:26.40 20:00.40 22:26.80
Middle 80% Times -2:05.51 20:25.36 22:30.87
Top 10% Times -1:49.08 16:40.18 18:29.26
Top 25% Times -2:00.25 17:24.64 19:24.89
Top 50% Times -1:56.63 18:19.28 20:15.91
Bottom 50% Times -2:20.65 22:59.70 25:20.35
Bottom 25% Times -2:02.62 25:04.19 27:06.81
Bottom 10% Times -2:42.16 27:20.68 30:02.84
Average Difference -2:08.64 -- --
Median Difference -13.80 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -2:09.04 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:22.90 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:49.10 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:41.70 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:49.10 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -2:28.18 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -3:04.54 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -3:44.90 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Nathan Keown Rock Bridge High School -1:35.10 15:45.20 17:20.30
Sheldon Keence St. Charles West High School -1:43.90 16:33.70 18:17.60
Matt Peterson Branson High School -2:35.80 16:50.90 19:26.70
Christian Alten Parkway North High School -3:33.00 16:58.90 20:31.90
Matthew Garrett Clayton High School -3:59.40 17:12.20 21:11.60
Cole Ross Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High School -2:45.70 17:23.60 20:09.30
Josh Daugette Ste. Genevieve High School -2:59.50 17:32.20 20:31.70
Brendan Woodall Troy Buchanan High School -1:35.40 17:53.90 19:29.30
Jacob Cieslewicz Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High School -3:50.60 17:59.70 21:50.30
Derrick Stone Clayton High School -33.90 18:06.50 18:40.40
Craig Hodges McCluer North High School -25.80 18:15.50 18:41.30
Will Burton Parkview High School -1:16.90 18:23.40 19:40.30
Josh Bippert Branson High School -2:04.40 18:24.70 20:29.10
Bridgette Caruthers Branson High School -2:02.60 18:40.00 20:42.60
Ryan Donlin Priory High School -1:37.10 18:44.20 20:21.30
Michael VanHorn Francis Howell Central High School -1:06.90 18:49.90 19:56.80
Caleb Declue Affton High School -5:41.50 19:16.90 24:58.40
Malcom Ross Soldan International Studies High School -3:44.80 19:32.70 23:17.50
Breanna Conklin Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High School -6:19.20 19:33.70 25:52.90
Jarris Williams McCluer North High School -4:56.90 19:42.50 24:39.40
Anna Nelson Ladue Horton Watkins High School -2:57.80 19:48.70 22:46.50
Phillip Whitaker St. Clair High School -1:51.10 19:55.40 21:46.50
Laura Tarantino Westminster Christian Academy -2:27.70 19:59.10 22:26.80
Riley Fader Troy Buchanan High School -3:45.30 20:00.40 23:45.70
Jacob Hoban Festus High School -34.40 20:02.00 20:36.40
Kipp Landers North County High School -1:26.10 20:05.90 21:32.00
Sam Maue Lutheran St. Charles High School -6:36.20 20:12.50 26:48.70
Craig Butler Lutheran South High School -48.00 20:17.10 21:05.10
Brian Steiner Priory High School +2:01.80 22:28.10 20:26.30
Alex Noddings Priory High School -4:15.20 20:29.10 24:44.30
Andrew Meyer Lutheran South High School -4:02.20 20:42.40 24:44.60
Angie Steinbacher Lutheran St. Charles High School -2:13.50 20:51.20 23:04.70
Nick Sarai Priory High School +1:42.80 22:57.10 21:14.30
Dalton Wilson Mexico High School -3:03.90 21:20.40 24:24.30
Megan Whithead Incarnate Word Academy -1:49.50 21:33.70 23:23.20
Katherine Hopkins Visitation Academy +3:21.30 25:26.20 22:04.90
Jordan Garner Ladue Horton Watkins High School -13.80 22:35.70 22:49.50
Andrew Fogarty Priory High School -30.60 22:36.60 23:07.20
Kathleen Cihota Cor Jesu Academy -48.70 23:19.00 24:07.70
Stephen Hanley Priory High School -29.50 23:43.80 24:13.30
Wyatt Gill Priory High School -48.60 24:26.80 25:15.40
Pat Bachmann Priory High School -24.60 24:27.90 24:52.50
David Sescleifer Priory High School -1:35.60 26:04.80 27:40.40
Will Moore Priory High School -1:51.60 26:05.40 27:57.00
Julian Moore Parkway North High School -8:32.20 27:50.40 36:22.60
Sam Taylor Priory High School -8.90 31:16.60 31:25.50