Bowling Green Invitational 2012

Bowling Green, MO

Bowling Green Invitational 2012 vs Bowling Green Invitational 2013

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -62 135 197
Overall Average -37.94 22:32.65 23:10.59
1st-10th Place +19.71 18:10.60 17:50.89
1st-25th Place +17.97 18:44.96 18:26.99
1st-50th Place +11.89 19:23.46 19:11.57
1st-100th Place +36.62 20:59.29 20:22.67
Common Athletes -- -- 44
Ran Faster -2 21 23
Ran Season Best 3 9 6
Average Time +5.78 21:51.39 21:45.61
Median Time -10.67 21:04.00 21:14.67
Middle 80% Times -2.17 21:43.56 21:45.73
Top 10% Times +25.08 18:15.20 17:50.12
Top 25% Times +24.96 18:49.82 18:24.85
Top 50% Times +20.35 19:28.73 19:08.38
Bottom 50% Times -8.80 24:14.05 24:22.85
Bottom 25% Times -3.27 25:50.01 25:53.28
Bottom 10% Times +26.65 27:41.60 27:14.95
Average Difference +5.78 -- --
Median Difference -1:16.67 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -0.80 -- --
Top 10% Difference +15.24 -- --
Top 50% Difference +23.35 -- --
Top 25% Difference +22.26 -- --
Top 50% Difference +23.35 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -11.80 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -6.83 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +17.25 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Philip Lagemann Bowling Green High School +1:00.00 17:38.00 16:38.00
Seth Brown La Plata High School +24.56 17:31.00 17:06.44
Luke Starr Orchard Farm High School -12.37 18:12.00 18:24.37
Grant Gaines Fulton High School +2:24.16 20:55.00 18:30.84
Brendan Gierer Wright City High School +1:06.05 19:37.00 18:30.95
Daniel Dowd Veritas Christian Academy High School +30.70 19:21.00 18:50.30
Mitchell Soell Veritas Christian Academy High School +6.78 18:59.00 18:52.22
Austin Haskell Centralia High School +45.15 19:38.00 18:52.85
Cody Klemp Wright City High School +24.13 19:17.00 18:52.87
Brock Gibson Veritas Christian Academy High School +58.19 19:54.00 18:55.81
Austin Marsh Wright City High School -2.75 18:56.00 18:58.75
Riley Fee Palmyra High School +1:10.53 20:13.00 19:02.47
Cole Gilkey Orchard Farm High School -1.48 19:04.00 19:05.48
Taylor Leftwich Palmyra High School -1:09.00 19:11.00 20:20.00
Jared Mayer Orchard Farm High School +4.08 19:25.00 19:20.92
Zach Hedlund Veritas Christian Academy High School -24.26 19:34.00 19:58.26
Steven Bryant Bowling Green High School -1:02.41 19:35.00 20:37.41
Reed Plunkett Marion County High School +31.36 20:09.00 19:37.64
Jackson Bruening Wright City High School +5.67 19:51.00 19:45.33
Logan Krigbaum Marion County High School +1:01.49 20:53.00 19:51.51
Daniel Reading Clopton High School -1:16.67 19:58.00 21:14.67
Kylie Conrow Bowling Green High School +19.14 20:41.00 20:21.86
Eli Alcorn Fulton High School +33.99 21:04.00 20:30.01
John Burch Fulton High School +29.57 22:06.00 21:36.43
James David Clopton High School -4.41 21:56.00 22:00.41
Kayla Dawkins South Shelby High School +33.65 22:30.00 21:56.35
Austin Heidbreder Palmyra High School -1:17.32 22:29.00 23:46.32
Naomi Gladney Elsberry High School +38.64 23:23.00 22:44.36
Sierra St. Aulbyn Bowling Green High School -1:25.45 22:48.00 24:13.45
Amber Berg Bowling Green High School +7.16 23:06.00 22:58.84
Maggie Spratt Elsberry High School -1:03.43 23:01.00 24:04.43
Morgan Ellebrecht Veritas Christian Academy High School -4.82 23:17.00 23:21.82
Teagan Teasley Bowling Green High School -42.05 23:19.00 24:01.05
Shelby Beasley Orchard Farm High School -24.77 23:27.08 23:51.85
Angela Hinche Fulton High School -35.88 24:09.00 24:44.88
Zach Jones Palmyra High School -2.97 24:14.00 24:16.97
Anne Marie Bufford Elsberry High School -1:02.06 24:28.00 25:30.06
Lauren Bowdish Marion County High School -1:06.09 24:39.00 25:45.09
Victoria Hales Marion County High School -54.55 24:45.00 25:39.55
Rachel Quick Fulton High School +27.88 25:14.00 24:46.12
Alyssa Nelson Marion County High School -2.88 24:57.00 24:59.88
Chania Hoffman North Callaway High School +2:28.72 28:48.00 26:19.28
Kameny Prathro North Callaway High School +1:41.68 29:34.00 27:52.32
Anne Heintzelman Elsberry High School -43.50 29:55.00 30:38.50