Live streaming updates from the 2013 Forest Park XC Festival.

Finish line video of the varsity girls green race won by Taylor Werner in a time of 16:47

Finish line footage of Forest Park XC Varsity Green division won by Patrick Perrier

Footage from the finish line of the varsity girls white division race

More than 3,600 student-athletes will converge on September 14, 2013 at the Forest Park Cross Country Festival presented by SSM Physical Therapy
A look at 10 memories from the first 7 years of the FPXC Festival.
Klimkiewicz wins big in VA, Taylor Werner sets new CR in MO. Baxter dominate in CA. Donaghu over Efraimson in OR. Much more inside!! (Photo by Jon Fleming)
There was no hiding Taylor Werner’s intentions Saturday at Forest Park.
O’Fallon (IL) senior Patrick Perrier will be remembered on both sides of the Mississippi after his victory Saturday at the eighth annual Forest Park Cross Country Festival.
O’Fallon (IL) got a boost from Patrick Perrier’s record-setting victory Saturday in the Green Division of the Forest Park Cross Country Festival, but it was the team’s depth that allowed the Panthers to capture first place.
The size of the opponents didn’t matter in the slightest to Ste. Genevieve.
“A lot of people told me they were screaming their lungs off trying to tell me he was coming, but I had no idea,”
Courtney Rogers stormed out to a huge lead in the White Division of the Forest Park Cross Country Festival, and she kept rolling all the way to the finish.
Dustan Davidson was uniquely familiar with some of the closest competitors as he closed out the Green Division JV race Saturday at the Forest Park Cross Country Festival.