Meet Information
Parking is available at the course, weather permitting. If weather does not permit, plan to park at Schumacher Elementary and ride shuttle bus to the course. Busses will be able to park at Stocksdale Park, weather permitting.
Schedule of Events
Coaches meeting- 7:45 am.
9th Girls- 8am 9th Boys- 8:30
10th Girls- 8:55 10th Boys- 9:25
JV Girls- 9:50 JV Boys- 10:20
Varsity Girls- 10:45 Varsity Boys- 11:15
Awards- 11:45
20 to 40 Medals in each division depending on race size.
Team Medals to Top 3 Varsity, JV and Top 2 9th and 10th Teams.
Varsity Awards separated into large and small divisions
Registration help:
Schedule of Events
Coaches meeting- 7:45 am.
9th Girls- 8am 9th Boys- 8:30
10th Girls- 8:55 10th Boys- 9:25
JV Girls- 9:50 JV Boys- 10:20
Varsity Girls- 10:45 Varsity Boys- 11:15
Awards- 11:45
20 to 40 Medals in each division depending on race size.
Team Medals to Top 3 Varsity, JV and Top 2 9th and 10th Teams.
Varsity Awards separated into large and small divisions
Registration help: