Lutheran North Invitational 2007

Florissant, MO

Lutheran North Invitational 2007 vs Lutheran North Invitational 2008

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +1 50 49
Overall Average -15.30 19:50.88 20:06.18
1st-10th Place -33.80 16:51.00 17:24.80
1st-25th Place -20.76 17:31.88 17:52.64
1st-50th Place +8.82 19:50.88 19:42.06
1st-100th Place +4.41 9:55.44 9:51.03
Common Athletes -- -- 13
Ran Faster -1 6 7
Ran Season Best -8 5 13
Average Time -0.92 18:30.69 18:31.62
Median Time +19.00 18:04.00 17:45.00
Middle 80% Times +1.00 18:47.00 18:46.00
Top 10% Times -11.50 17:01.00 17:12.50
Top 25% Times +2.50 17:22.50 17:20.00
Top 50% Times +9.14 17:37.00 17:27.86
Bottom 50% Times -10.86 16:45.71 16:56.57
Bottom 25% Times -27.75 20:14.50 20:42.25
Bottom 10% Times -1:06.00 21:06.00 22:12.00
Average Difference -0.92 -- --
Median Difference +59.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +4.55 -- --
Top 10% Difference -31.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference +3.86 -- --
Top 25% Difference -13.25 -- --
Top 50% Difference +3.86 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2.86 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -20.50 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:06.00 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Adam Prahlow Lutheran North High School -1:00.00 16:29.00 17:29.00
Alex Zisser Lutheran South High School +59.00 18:04.00 17:05.00
Nick Shafer-Skelton University City High School +34.00 17:54.00 17:20.00
Dean Odegard Lutheran South High School +25.00 17:51.00 17:26.00
Ryan Tucker Lutheran North High School +42.00 18:13.00 17:31.00
Julian Nicks University City High School -16.00 17:33.00 17:49.00
Joseph Wagner Priory High School +43.00 18:22.00 17:39.00
Nathan Boyer-Rechlin Principia High School -2.00 17:43.00 17:45.00
Eric McDonnell Lutheran South High School -13.00 17:45.00 17:58.00
Kenny Capps Priory High School +1.00 18:09.00 18:08.00
Ali Ross Rosati-Kain High School +7.00 20:24.00 20:17.00
Jen Langin Rosati-Kain High School -1:43.00 20:40.00 22:23.00
Rachel Swiderski Rosati-Kain High School -29.00 21:32.00 22:01.00