MSHSAA Class 1 & 2 State Championship 2018

Jefferson City, MO

C2 Boys Javelin

 TRXC Timing, LLC. - Contractor License                  5/18/2018 - 12:00 PM
      2018 MSHSAA Track & Field Championships - 5/18/2018 to 5/19/2018       
                                Classes 1 & 2                                
                   Dennis and Roberta Licklider TF Complex                   
                            Last Completed Event                             
Event 28  boys Javelin Class 2
    National: N 246-09  2012        Billy Stanley, South Park, PA            
 All Classes: A 188-02  2017        Dylan Cowling, Blue Springs              
Class Record: C 173-11  2017        Bruester Young, Woodland                 
17' Champion:   173-11  2017        Bruester Young, Woodland                 
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1 Owen Dobbins              SR Carrollton              178-02C  10         
      174-11  163-04  165-10  162-01  178-02  174-06                         
  2 Truman Harris             SR Lexington               168-03    8         
      151-02  165-00  168-03  167-10  164-03  166-01                         
  3 Payton Culwell            SR New Bloomfield          164-04    6         
      128-07  146-11  147-04  131-11  145-06  164-04                         
  4 Kaul Kleeman              SO Miller                  160-02    5         
      160-02  FOUL  150-08  154-04  157-01  152-01                           
  5 Jeremy Williams           SO Brookfield              150-02    4         
      139-11  141-03  148-08  145-09  150-02  FOUL                           
  6 Alfred Velasquez          SR Sarcoxie                146-06    3         
      139-04  141-05  ND  138-01  134-04  146-06                             
  7 Braden Perry              JR Dixon                   144-00    2         
      126-11  140-06  144-00  124-11  123-03  128-02                         
  8 Tye Huff                  JR Greenville              143-10    1         
      122-01  143-10  124-07  127-01  127-08  127-10                         
  9 Dalton McAfee             SO Monroe City             143-07              
      140-08  142-04  FOUL  127-00  131-00  143-07                           
 10 Chris Palmer              JR Saxony Lutheran         139-05              
      139-05  129-04  FOUL                                                   
 11 Kaleb Meyer               SR Pierce City             138-02              
      127-07  131-06  138-02                                                 
 12 Wyatt Hager               JR South Callaway          137-00              
      136-06  134-05  137-00                                                 
 13 Garett Tolly              JR Steelville              134-09              
      134-09  129-09  123-06                                                 
 14 Broddric Annesser         SR Malden                  132-06              
      117-01  125-10  132-06                                                 
 15 Ryan Dabney               SO Milan                   131-05              
      FOUL  129-06  131-05                                                   
 16 Ezekiel Martin            SO Butler                  120-11              
      120-11  117-06  108-08                                                 
                      (M) - C. 2 - Team Rankings - 3 Events Scored           
    1) Cleveland N.J.R.O.T.C.      16        2) New Bloomfield             11
    3) Carrollton                  10        3) Maplewood-Richmond Hts.    10
    5) Russellville                 8        5) Lexington                   8
    5) Lathrop                      8        8) Monroe City                 6
    9) Miller                       5        9) Plattsburg                  5
   11) Pierce City                  4       11) Brookfield                  4
   11) Penney                       4       14) Sarcoxie                    3
   14) St. Vincent                  3       14) Crocker                     3
   17) Dixon                        2       17) Cole Camp                   2
   17) Hayti                        2       20) Greenville                  1
   20) South Callaway               1       20) Marceline                   1