Meet Information
Location: Grandview High School (11470 Hwy C, Hillsboro, Mo 63050)
Entry: Entries will be done through Championship Timing (
Teams are allowed three entries per individual event and 2 relays (only 1 relay will score)
Each athlete can participate in a maximum of 4 events, three running and one field (vice
versa or a combination of).
Entry Deadline: Entries are due Monday, April 15th at 5:00 PM
Entry Fee: $125-Boys Team $125-Girls Team
$7 individuals/ $10 per relay (IF YOU DON'T BRING A FULL TEAM)
Coaches/Scratch Meeting: 3:00 Coaches Meeting (front of the press box). You will be
allowed to make substitutions if necessary but there will be no reheating. The scratch meeting will end promptly at 3:00 pm. Please review the attached starting times for field events.
Scoring: 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1
Awards: Individual/Relay Medals for Top 3 finishers in each event
Plaques for 1st and 2nd place overall boys and girls teams
Surface: 8 lane rubberized track 3/16" spikes only on track and runways- No tape on track
and runway- Please use chalk and tennis balls for marking
Seeding: Heats/Flights will be seeded by time and distances entered.
Field Events: Shot put, Discus, Long Jump and Triple Jump will have 4 attempts. Pole Vault and High Jump will receive 3 attempts per height. Shot put and discus will throw in reverse order.
Miscellaneous: We DO NOT have locker rooms available for athletes. There will be an area for putting up tents on the practice field south of the stadium, between the road and the fieldhouse. No gum, sunflower seeds, or food is allowed on the turf. Please inform your athletes of this rule.
Hospitality: A hospitality area will be provided for coaches, bus drivers, and administrators and will be located in the back of the concession stand.
Bus Parking: Lot at the North End of the Middle School and Administration building.Parking for visitors will be in the high school lot. All grass parking will not be allowed to allow for field events.
Facilities: Concessions stand and restrooms are onsite. Please go to the back of concession stand for hospitality services.
Starting Height: Determined at the Scratch Meeting
Meet Questions: Michael Loyd (314)922-6417
Dave Dallas (785)452-2368
TIME SCHEDULE || Grandview Eagles
Field Events: 3:30 PM
Running events: 4:00 PM Girls Followed by Boys
Girls discus followed by boys
Girls long jump followed by boy
Girls pole vault followed by boys
Boys triple jump followed by girls
Boys high Jump followed by girls
100/110m Hurdles Finals
100m DashFinals
4x200m RelayFinals
1600m RunFinals
4x100m Relay Finals
400m Dash Finals
800m RunFinals
200m Dash Finals
4x400m RelayFinals