Clinton XC Invite 2021

Clinton, MO

Athlete Entries

Boys 3200 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hawkins, Eric Clinton Middle School
Rucker, Matthew Lakeland MS
Travis, Brandon Clinton Middle School
Brandes, Slade Crest Ridge High School
Johns, Ethan Clinton Middle School
Colutas, David Landyn Lakeland MS
Brandes, Slade Crest Ridge MS
Meeks, Caleb Clinton Middle School
Moore, Wyatt Calhoun High School
Duncan, Isaac Clinton Middle School
Engeman, Seth Montrose High School
Ross-Varner, Colton Clinton Middle School
Hammett, Brandon Butler High School
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Boys 5000 Meter Run 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Grunig, Quin Clinton High School
Shouse, Jarren Butler High School
Knecht, Jacob Calhoun High School
Overbay, Steven Harrisonville High School
Hill, Jordan Sacred Heart High School
Harrill, Dakota Lakeland High School
White, Austin Calhoun High School
Lahann, Joseph Center High School
Griffith, Marques Center High School
McCullough, Maxwell Crest Ridge High School
Barta, Alex 17:50.70 Harrisonville High School
Schultz, James 18:01.03 Lutheran (Kansas City) High Scho
Carter, Bailey 18:36.92 Montrose High School
Reimer, David 18:38.70 Lutheran (Kansas City) High Scho
Trumbore, Carter 18:50.23 Butler High School
Mantonya, Laramie 18:51.43 Clinton High School
Lyle, Rex 19:07.86 Lutheran (Kansas City) High Scho
Mensching, Jaxon 19:08.50 Harrisonville High School
Brandes, Jaeger 19:24.00 Crest Ridge High School
Rohaus, Carson 19:34.22 Montrose High School
Crowell, Nickolas 19:36.07 Clinton High School
Nord, Wyatt 19:42.90 Lutheran (Kansas City) High Scho
Brownlee, Braxton 19:48.03 Lakeland High School
Hamlin, Cooper 19:52.20 Crest Ridge High School
Everhart, Connor 19:53.30 Harrisonville High School
Peterman, Garett 19:55.10 Harrisonville High School
Hodges, Mason 20:02.90 Lutheran (Kansas City) High Scho
Davis, Cameron 20:03.60 Montrose High School
Ross, Gage 20:09.01 Clinton High School
Wegener, Simon 20:11.80 Lutheran (Kansas City) High Scho
Fries, Jacob 20:21.00 Lutheran (Kansas City) High Scho
Wareham, Blake 20:30.99 Montrose High School
Chiodini, Isaac 20:37.10 Harrisonville High School
Bigler, Colby 20:56.31 Clinton High School
Feldman, Theodore 20:59.30 Crest Ridge High School
Kennedy, Jerrun 21:07.77 Butler High School
Chandler, Brandon 21:18.60 Center High School
Rankin, Patrick 21:19.50 Center High School
Mitchem, Canady 22:02.70 Lutheran (Kansas City) High Scho
Bailey, Nate 22:05.01 Montrose High School
Walker, Richard 22:40.78 Butler High School
Taylor, Dakota 22:54.60 Crest Ridge High School
Reimer, Christopher 22:59.40 Lutheran (Kansas City) High Scho
Brown, Chris 23:03.00 Harrisonville High School
Lahann, William 23:16.70 Center High School
Henzlik, Jesse 23:31.27 Montrose High School
Sage, Alex 23:44.00 Lakeland High School
Wareham, Lane 23:44.10 Montrose High School
Mason, Xavier 24:37.90 Clinton High School
Clutter, Andrew 24:50.40 Butler High School
McDonald, Alec 25:18.30 Lutheran (Kansas City) High Scho
Gounev, Troy 26:01.20 Lutheran (Kansas City) High Scho
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Engeman, Olivia Montrose High School
Carter, Kelsey Montrose High School
Vice, Mikaylinn Butler High School
Moore, Kaydie Calhoun High School
Brownsberger, Baylor Montrose High School
Meeks, April Clinton Middle School
Ridge, Hailey Crest Ridge High School
Kennedy, Natalee Butler High School
Taylor, Abby Calhoun High School
Hawkins, Adelyn Montrose High School
cooper, hope Lakeland MS
Ross Varner, Chloe Clinton Middle School
Ridge, Haily Crest Ridge MS
Wareham, Kate Montrose High School
Marriott, Kimber Calhoun High School
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ponce-Estrada, Arly Sacred Heart High School
Miller, Aliah Lakeland High School
Buffington, Jennifer Center High School
Barta, Emily Harrisonville High School
Hughes, Macey Lakeland High School
Ada, Rachel 21:58.92 Lutheran (Kansas City) High Scho
Kenney, Leah 22:33.98 Clinton High School
Emily, Addyson 22:34.87 Lutheran (Kansas City) High Scho
Brown, Vyla 22:45.50 Clinton High School
Dowell, Olivia 23:51.43 Butler High School
McCartney, Alexa 24:21.40 Clinton High School
Mahnken, Elizabeth 24:21.90 Lutheran (Kansas City) High Scho
Stinnett, Rilee 24:23.33 Montrose High School
Mendenhall, Sarah 24:38.03 Clinton High School
McMillan, Eleanor 24:50.50 Clinton High School
Craig, Olivia 25:46.30 Lutheran (Kansas City) High Scho
Echavarria, Nevaeh 25:55.94 Lakeland High School
Gardner, Annalee 26:18.40 Butler High School
Dowell, Gillian 26:34.97 Butler High School
Campbell, Brielle 26:34.99 Butler High School
Pearson, Asha 27:27.10 Center High School
Turney, Cadence 28:30.64 Butler High School
Eldred, Avery 28:32.89 Butler High School
Wareham, Mikah 28:37.40 Clinton High School
Rolph, Jakaila 29:53.47 Butler High School
Bagley, Lauren 33:59.00 Clinton High School
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