Northwest Last Chance 2021

Cedar Hill, MO

Northwest Last Chance 2021 vs Northwest Last Chance 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -71 197 268
Overall Average +36.50 23:53.43 23:16.93
1st-10th Place +0.71 17:27.02 17:26.31
1st-25th Place +7.70 18:05.30 17:57.59
1st-50th Place +19.61 18:48.42 18:28.82
1st-100th Place +46.83 20:14.35 19:27.52
Common Athletes -- -- 55
Ran Faster -25 15 40
Ran Season Best -1 23 24
Average Time +1:16.09 23:53.21 22:37.12
Median Time +1:55.92 24:09.92 22:14.00
Middle 80% Times +1:23.16 23:56.88 22:33.72
Top 10% Times +49.45 18:27.45 17:38.00
Top 25% Times +1:03.67 19:26.93 18:23.26
Top 50% Times +54.10 20:48.29 19:54.19
Bottom 50% Times +1:35.36 26:06.94 24:31.58
Bottom 25% Times +1:00.13 28:23.00 27:22.87
Bottom 10% Times +32.10 29:33.53 29:01.43
Average Difference +1:16.09 -- --
Median Difference +2:19.12 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:26.77 -- --
Top 10% Difference +49.45 -- --
Top 50% Difference +38.33 -- --
Top 25% Difference +57.50 -- --
Top 50% Difference +38.33 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:56.09 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:40.32 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -0.92 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Alvin Wible Lindbergh High School +1:48.44 18:19.24 16:30.80
Sam Meyer Lindbergh High School -7.14 17:37.26 17:44.40
Ezra Bailey Francis Howell Central High School +48.92 18:28.42 17:39.50
Joseph Riley Northwest (Cedar Hill) High School +1:28.50 19:09.60 17:41.10
Andrew Campbell Northwest (Cedar Hill) High School +33.70 18:23.40 17:49.70
Evan Porter Northwest (Cedar Hill) High School +24.28 18:46.78 18:22.50
David Gant Northwest (Cedar Hill) High School +55.23 19:27.13 18:31.90
Ryan Watkins Eureka High School +56.06 19:40.06 18:44.00
Carter Herrin Northwest (Cedar Hill) High School +50.00 19:34.50 18:44.50
Alex Breeze Jefferson (Festus) High School +1:41.68 20:38.28 18:56.60
Tyler Mooney Affton High School +3:20.17 22:20.67 19:00.50
Mason Earll Affton High School +1:55.14 20:55.74 19:00.60
Chase Dodge Northwest (Cedar Hill) High School +41.10 19:52.60 19:11.50
Laney Parmeley Francis Howell Central High School +1:45.97 21:13.97 19:28.00
Dylon Kelly Affton High School +8:12.81 27:46.21 19:33.40
Patrick Adams Lindbergh High School +4:36.63 24:38.03 20:01.40
Cate Guenther St. Joseph's Academy -1:36.15 20:40.75 22:16.90
Nolan Erpelding Lindbergh High School -56.40 20:45.20 21:41.60
BRANDON STANLEY Eureka High School -53.38 20:53.82 21:47.20
James Sherrell Northwest (Cedar Hill) High School +3:18.75 24:24.05 21:05.30
Macie Diguiseppe St. Joseph's Academy +41.57 21:47.17 21:05.60
Tyler Jonanthan Wilson Northwest (Cedar Hill) High School -16.93 21:08.07 21:25.00
William Johnson Northwest (Cedar Hill) High School -1:02.53 21:26.07 22:28.60
Aden Sartorius Lindbergh High School +1:55.74 23:21.94 21:26.20
Dylan Adams Northwest (Cedar Hill) High School +1:19.14 22:46.34 21:27.20
AYLA BISHOP Eureka High School -51.23 21:38.77 22:30.00
Hannah Halterman Francis Howell Central High School +2:19.12 24:09.92 21:50.80
Brad Hejlik Lindbergh High School -52.56 21:52.84 22:45.40
Nathan Ottens Lindbergh High School -6.87 21:55.73 22:02.60
BROOKLYNN LEEPER Eureka High School +6:22.06 28:21.46 21:59.40
Sadie Neff St. Joseph's Academy +59.66 23:11.76 22:12.10
MOLLY RODERMUND Eureka High School +12.10 22:26.10 22:14.00
Nathaniel Sadler Northwest (Cedar Hill) High School +3:33.44 25:59.44 22:26.00
ALEKSANDR FEHLIG Eureka High School +1:42.95 24:38.45 22:55.50
Ally Brower Francis Howell Central High School +3:54.63 27:04.23 23:09.60
MYA WALSH Eureka High School +3:13.80 26:45.90 23:32.10
Alexa Layton Northwest (Cedar Hill) High School +1:57.05 25:37.55 23:40.50
Avni Dullovi Affton High School +1:18.18 25:20.18 24:02.00
NOELLE REED Eureka High School +2:19.37 26:25.47 24:06.10
Caeleigh Edmiston St. Joseph's Academy -30.04 24:26.96 24:57.00
Sydney Hallenberg Affton High School +2:54.40 27:38.30 24:43.90
Sydney Paglusch Affton High School +2:13.61 27:01.11 24:47.50
Gaby Fowler St. Joseph's Academy -8.93 25:06.27 25:15.20
Lucy Giunta St. Joseph's Academy +2:13.65 27:37.65 25:24.00
Riley Brant Northwest (Cedar Hill) High School +57.65 27:02.55 26:04.90
Caroline Rohm St. Joseph's Academy +56.80 27:05.20 26:08.40
NINA HAURI Eureka High School +1:35.61 28:02.01 26:26.40
Olivia Creighton Francis Howell Central High School -2:54.96 26:26.44 29:21.40
MARSHALL DAY St. Pius X (Festus) High School +1:04.83 28:10.43 27:05.60
Olivia Bussman St. Joseph's Academy -1:16.02 27:22.58 28:38.60
Devin Duchek Lindbergh High School -1:39.43 27:26.77 29:06.20
Emily Allen St. Joseph's Academy +9.81 27:59.91 27:50.10
Ruby Cotton St. Joseph's Academy +2:40.46 31:22.86 28:42.40
Margena Melton Northwest (Cedar Hill) High School -22.04 28:49.86 29:11.90
Corey Street Affton High School +3:26.46 32:34.56 29:08.10