2021 Patriot/Trailblazer Cross Country Invitational 2021

Jefferson City, MO

Athlete Entries

Boys 3200 Meter Run 171 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Myers, Jude Columbia Smithton MS
Buchly, Killian John Warner Middle School
King, Marshall Columbia Jefferson MS
Stafford, Alex Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Schneider, Neal Columbia Gentry MS
Patel, Vedant John Warner Middle School
Coggins, Clayton Columbia Jefferson MS
McIntosh, Henry Columbia Smithton MS
Johnson, Rhett Lewis and Clark Middle School
Supanich, Eli Warrensburg Middle School
Schemel, Colton John Warner Middle School
Flaherty, Jameson Columbia Gentry MS
Graham, Davis Columbia Jefferson MS
Miller, Logan John Warner Middle School
Zuno, Francisco Columbia Jefferson MS
Simmons, Zev Columbia Gentry MS
Koeppen, Ben Osage Middle School
Ruhnke, Carson Warrensburg Middle School
Dubbs, Robert Osage Middle School
Craven, Matt Black Hawk Middle School
Little, Ace Warrensburg Middle School
Deprima, Rocco John Warner Middle School
Robuck, Harrison Columbia Jefferson MS
Simons, Alex Columbia West MS
Roberts, Colter Columbia Smithton MS
White, Drake Columbia Gentry MS
Wightman, Sammy John Warner Middle School
Grus, William Columbia Jefferson MS
Chojnacki, Grant Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Hiles, Alex John Warner Middle School
McCray, Quincy Columbia Jefferson MS
Drymalski, Nate Columbia Oakland MS
Lue, Joseph Columbia Gentry MS
Staab, Nick Warrensburg Middle School
Mings, Clain Columbia Lange MS
Timbrook, Nicholas John Warner Middle School
Brothers, Nate Columbia Gentry MS
Abbot, Liam Lewis and Clark Middle School
Imhoff, Joshua John Warner Middle School
Trachtenberg, Akiva Columbia Jefferson MS
Kim, Matthew Columbia Gentry MS
Burton, Conner Osage Middle School
White, Lane New Bloomfield Middle School
Scruggs, Tyler Black Hawk Middle School
Hunter, Hayden Warrensburg Middle School
Klaus, Noah Osage Middle School
Armistead, Johnny Columbia Smithton MS
Connell, Forrest John Warner Middle School
Ladehoff, Josh Columbia Jefferson MS
Vogt, Dane Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Primm, Jeremiah Columbia Smithton MS
Scott, Jayce Columbia Gentry MS
Scott, Brennan John Warner Middle School
Current, Nick Columbia Jefferson MS
Wise, Collin Columbia West MS
Wiederhoeft, Anton Warrensburg Middle School
Hall, Mikel Columbia Oakland MS
Gilion, Chance Columbia Gentry MS
Johnson, Riley Columbia Jefferson MS
Newman, Sean John Warner Middle School
Stiepleman, Jacob Columbia Jefferson MS
Beaman, Jacob Columbia Gentry MS
Ernst, Jacob Osage Middle School
Shaw, Griffin Warrensburg Middle School
Wolf, Luke Osage Middle School
Edwards, Quade New Bloomfield Middle School
Karrenbrock, Wyatt Black Hawk Middle School
Brisbin, Cole Warrensburg Middle School
Harrison, Blake Osage Middle School
Gizer, Benjamin John Warner Middle School
Schatz-Mitchell, Langston Columbia Jefferson MS
Bush, Cameron Columbia West MS
Brown, Kyler Columbia Smithton MS
Dunn, Ethan Columbia Gentry MS
Andrus, Luke John Warner Middle School
Hager, Jason Columbia Jefferson MS
Hale, Brady Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Maschmann, Benjamin John Warner Middle School
Waller, Joe Columbia Jefferson MS
Gomez-Borunda, Ezequiel Columbia Oakland MS
Mahto, Shuvesh Columbia Gentry MS
Staab, Oliver Warrensburg Middle School
Boyd, Demareo Columbia Lange MS
White, August John Warner Middle School
Byler, Harrison Columbia Gentry MS
Bradshaw, Adrion Columbia Jefferson MS
Duryea, Cooper Lewis and Clark Middle School
Mack, Ransom John Warner Middle School
VeVerka, Clayton Columbia Jefferson MS
Novak, Eli Columbia Gentry MS
Lemke, Dustin Osage Middle School
Locke, Jayson New Bloomfield Middle School
Huyng, Andy Warrensburg Middle School
Stombaugh, Hudson Osage Middle School
Grooms, Nolan Black Hawk Middle School
Cornell, Cash John Warner Middle School
Nichols, George Columbia Jefferson MS
White, Zach Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Schilling, Owen Columbia Smithton MS
Steele, Henry Columbia Gentry MS
Summerall, William John Warner Middle School
Felts, Pierce Columbia Jefferson MS
Nathan, Breuer Thomas Jefferson Middle School
McFarland, Keller Columbia West MS
Wittmaier, Evan Warrensburg Middle School
Hargrove, Chris Columbia Oakland MS
Goeckler, Cal Columbia Gentry MS
Almasri, Hamzah John Warner Middle School
Lembke, Carter Columbia Jefferson MS
Babbitt-Stuckey, Tyler Columbia Lange MS
Thornburg, Baker John Warner Middle School
Sievers, Luke Columbia Jefferson MS
Bolton, Gavin Columbia Gentry MS
Groll, Nic Osage Middle School
Woodruff, Noah Lewis and Clark Middle School
Smith, Maxwell Warrensburg Middle School
Leavens, Clay Osage Middle School
Hurt, Porter New Bloomfield Middle School
O'Hara, Logan Black Hawk Middle School
Gillogly, Landon Warrensburg Middle School
DeGraffenreid, Maddox Osage Middle School
Gu, Brandon John Warner Middle School
Sparks, Elijah Columbia Jefferson MS
Gillig, Arlo Columbia West MS
Wyatt, Elin Columbia Smithton MS
Behura, Aayan John Warner Middle School
Hall, Keaton Columbia Jefferson MS
Smith, Gabe Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Mettu, Rithvik John Warner Middle School
Barr, Fischer Columbia Jefferson MS
Baldovinos, Alex Columbia Oakland MS
Norden, Cole Columbia Gentry MS
Stuck, Evan Warrensburg Middle School
Gonzalez, Zach John Warner Middle School
Dettmar, David Columbia Gentry MS
Bradshaw, Amahdrion Columbia Jefferson MS
Mitchell, Deegan Lewis and Clark Middle School
Marroquin, Isaiah John Warner Middle School
Wimmer, Collin Columbia Jefferson MS
Reid, Tyler Columbia Gentry MS
Jenkins, Ethan Osage Middle School
Jackson, Avery Warrensburg Middle School
Nicholson, Chris Osage Middle School
Donovan, Nathan Black Hawk Middle School
Daugherty, Drake John Warner Middle School
Roberds, Ben Columbia Jefferson MS
Kim, Dowan Columbia Smithton MS
Ting, Daniel Columbia Gentry MS
Welker, Brendan John Warner Middle School
Frick-Alofs, Seth Columbia Jefferson MS
Bundy, Jack Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Benter, Hogan Columbia West MS
Zollinger, Charlie Warrensburg Middle School
Christopher, Izayah Columbia Oakland MS
Kern, David Columbia Gentry MS
Canlas, Noah John Warner Middle School
Mauxion, Owen Columbia Jefferson MS
Belmore, Spencer Columbia Lange MS
Thoroughman, Luke John Warner Middle School
Brothers, Aidin Columbia Gentry MS
Crooks, Sean Osage Middle School
Watts, D'Andre Lewis and Clark Middle School
Snyder, Atticus Warrensburg Middle School
Hudson, Cook Columbia Gentry MS
Zilz, Caleb Osage Middle School
Antweiler, Jace New Bloomfield Middle School
Petersmeyer, Wade Black Hawk Middle School
Hennrich, Carson Warrensburg Middle School
Anderson, Aidan Osage Middle School
Gupta, Adithya John Warner Middle School
Torres, James Columbia Jefferson MS
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 101 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Holmberg, Morgan Warrensburg Middle School
Thompson, AJ Columbia West MS
Lemuz-Guerra, Jessly Columbia Gentry MS
Wright, Sophie Lewis and Clark Middle School
Gerlach, Emma Warrensburg Middle School
Stoops, Sophia Columbia Oakland MS
Olsen, Zoe John Warner Middle School
McDonald, Cara Columbia Lange MS
London, Alyssa Columbia Jefferson MS
Sperling, Avery Osage Middle School
Welty, Lucy Columbia Gentry MS
Smart, Delaney New Bloomfield Middle School
Reid, Shy Black Hawk Middle School
Annabelle, Jones Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Hardin, Nakieyah Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Adams, Kalie Columbia West MS
Keenoy, Natalie Columbia Smithton MS
Guess, Maddie Columbia Gentry MS
Taylor, Hannah Columbia Smithton MS
White, Sejal John Warner Middle School
Osborn, Aspen Warrensburg Middle School
Foss, Aurora Lewis and Clark Middle School
Smith, Danielle Warrensburg Middle School
DeRose, Abby John Warner Middle School
Weber, Iris Columbia Jefferson MS
O'Laughlin, Zoe Columbia Jefferson MS
Ball, Rosalyn Osage Middle School
Hunt, Marley New Bloomfield Middle School
McGraw, Mia Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Watson, Grace Columbia Smithton MS
Stevens, Annabella Columbia Gentry MS
Werneke, Ava Warrensburg Middle School
Berry, Lela Columbia West MS
SCOTT, JADYN Columbia Gentry MS
Patton, Kenley John Warner Middle School
Gardner, Makayla Lewis and Clark Middle School
Greenburg, Arin Warrensburg Middle School
Schnipper, Jenna Lewis and Clark Middle School
Shah, Isabella John Warner Middle School
Page, Kate Columbia Jefferson MS
Falter, Rosie Osage Middle School
Walker, Mae Columbia Gentry MS
Baker, Addison New Bloomfield Middle School
Ruff, Alexis Black Hawk Middle School
Alison, Spencer Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Klenke, Bailey Columbia Smithton MS
Hunt, Charlotte Columbia Gentry MS
Kim, Kyu Yeon Columbia Smithton MS
Murashita, Hotaru John Warner Middle School
Woodward, Rhiannon Warrensburg Middle School
Muhlenbruch, Kelsey Lewis and Clark Middle School
Kellner, Bridget Warrensburg Middle School
Dimond, Olivia John Warner Middle School
Werth, Olive Columbia Jefferson MS
Stevens, Catherine Columbia Jefferson MS
Cole, Kylie Osage Middle School
Pace, Cheyanne Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Kerpash, Rhyan Black Hawk Middle School
Weber, Sarah Columbia Smithton MS
Toro, Maria Columbia Gentry MS
Blakey, Ivy Columbia West MS
Bukoski, Emma Columbia Smithton MS
Deason, Alana Columbia Gentry MS
Richardson, Claire John Warner Middle School
Kientzy, Audrey Warrensburg Middle School
Hackman, Natalie Lewis and Clark Middle School
Tennison, Reese John Warner Middle School
Ritter, Alyssa Columbia Jefferson MS
Ridnour, Abigail New Bloomfield Middle School
Schulte, Ellie Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Maland, Claire Columbia Smithton MS
Jamison, Bailey Columbia Gentry MS
Myers, Katie Columbia Smithton MS
BECKER, SOPHIA Columbia Gentry MS
Richner, Kamber Warrensburg Middle School
Winemiller, Caidence Lewis and Clark Middle School
Denton, Gracie Warrensburg Middle School
McKenzie, Brooke John Warner Middle School
Eatherton, Addie Columbia Jefferson MS
Wilson, Frances Columbia Lange MS
Coy, Amelia Columbia Jefferson MS
Hudson, Audry Osage Middle School
Borde-Koufie, Danette Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Werdehausen, Addyson New Bloomfield Middle School
Hopper, Malia Black Hawk Middle School
Myers, Lydia Columbia Smithton MS
Torres, Giada Columbia Gentry MS
Hoyt, Natalie Columbia West MS
Kaufman, Alli Columbia Smithton MS
Gilion, Luci Columbia Gentry MS
Alexa, Scott Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Wheeler, Ella John Warner Middle School
Mannering, Claira Warrensburg Middle School
Horne, Sarah Lewis and Clark Middle School
Coble, Claire John Warner Middle School
Sexten, Millie Columbia Jefferson MS
Jex, Lindley Columbia Jefferson MS
Locke, Raylyn New Bloomfield Middle School
Abbott, Miriam Thomas Jefferson Middle School
McCarty, Livy Columbia Smithton MS
Nichols, Evalyn Columbia Gentry MS
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