Ozark Conference Championships 2021 vs Ozark Conference Championship 2019

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -24 194 218
Overall Average -28.83 22:41.83 23:10.66
1st-10th Place -13.74 17:14.48 17:28.22
1st-25th Place -13.67 18:02.40 18:16.07
1st-50th Place -13.25 18:50.37 19:03.62
1st-100th Place -6.48 20:02.68 20:09.16
Common Athletes -- -- 55
Ran Faster 25 40 15
Ran Season Best -1 2 3
Average Time -1:01.30 21:43.51 22:44.81
Median Time -1:11.41 21:02.56 22:13.97
Middle 80% Times -1:04.47 21:33.62 22:38.09
Top 10% Times -51.14 17:20.96 18:12.10
Top 25% Times -54.64 18:07.30 19:01.94
Top 50% Times -1:02.15 19:10.24 20:12.39
Bottom 50% Times -58.26 23:30.22 24:28.48
Bottom 25% Times -47.26 26:14.37 27:01.63
Bottom 10% Times -47.68 28:00.79 28:48.47
Average Difference -1:01.30 -- --
Median Difference +1:08.70 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -59.72 -- --
Top 10% Difference -27.45 -- --
Top 50% Difference -41.42 -- --
Top 25% Difference -39.99 -- --
Top 50% Difference -41.42 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:16.54 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:16.79 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:50.89 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Tyler Harris Kickapoo High School -54.15 16:24.32 17:18.47
Brooklyn Creehan Kickapoo High School -48.15 17:15.07 18:03.22
Connor Ayres Parkview High School -2:58.61 17:22.68 20:21.29
Brodie Callahan West Plains High School -3:04.11 17:27.47 20:31.58
Jack Creehan Kickapoo High School -32.33 17:36.34 18:08.67
Colby Goddard Kickapoo High School -35.30 17:59.88 18:35.18
Drew Stewart West Plains High School -2:08.00 18:08.09 20:16.09
Luther Supancic Waynesville High School -1:09.31 18:14.77 19:24.08
Brooks Barker Kickapoo High School +27.65 18:48.49 18:20.84
Cody Wilmsmeyer Glendale High School -22.41 18:23.79 18:46.20
Ridge Smith West Plains High School -57.45 18:38.30 19:35.75
Zander Kimberlin-Poore Central (Springfield) High School -10:46.13 18:40.41 29:26.54
Michael Marquis Kickapoo High School +55.12 20:01.99 19:06.87
Chris Wadley Lebanon High School -19.53 19:18.39 19:37.92
Joshua Kroft Central (Springfield) High School -20.42 19:24.20 19:44.62
Jack Lawson Central (Springfield) High School -2:37.81 19:25.04 22:02.85
Brett Carnes Glendale High School +1:18.38 20:46.59 19:28.21
William Goode Central (Springfield) High School -3:32.50 19:31.97 23:04.47
Brayden Kantola West Plains High School -1:29.12 19:50.34 21:19.46
Jeremiah Hower Rolla High School -2:57.05 19:57.34 22:54.39
Klarie Brown Kickapoo High School +23.05 20:24.11 20:01.06
Ayden Carr Lebanon High School -1:08.56 20:03.62 21:12.18
Jordan Kantola West Plains High School -2:08.75 20:05.22 22:13.97
Orlando Mcelderry Kickapoo High School -3:10.97 20:16.40 23:27.37
Jayna Gunter West Plains High School -1:27.14 20:21.05 21:48.19
Elijah Saenz-lopez Parkview High School -1:00.99 20:26.07 21:27.06
Sally Cybulski Kickapoo High School +13.10 21:04.17 20:51.07
Lilah Genel Parkview High School -2:46.48 20:52.34 23:38.82
Ethan Brand Lebanon High School -35.12 21:02.56 21:37.68
Kaylee Lambe West Plains High School +52.32 21:57.11 21:04.79
Isabella Frost Rolla High School -50.70 21:12.94 22:03.64
Tara Randol Kickapoo High School +1:08.70 22:31.63 21:22.93
Spiritstone Sell Central (Springfield) High School +49.99 22:13.02 21:23.03
Daphnie Dollins West Plains High School -29.02 22:13.83 22:42.85
John O'connell Central (Springfield) High School -2:13.90 22:21.11 24:35.01
Juliane Lopez Lebanon High School +21.69 22:49.82 22:28.13
Tyler Mitts Central (Springfield) High School -3:19.30 22:28.25 25:47.55
Lillian Griffith Glendale High School -1:04.20 22:47.18 23:51.38
Rebecca Waterman Parkview High School -1:54.31 22:54.68 24:48.99
Daniel Huinda Central (Springfield) High School -17.85 22:56.03 23:13.88
Samantha Mccormick Glendale High School -1:09.88 23:15.08 24:24.96
Elli Moll Kickapoo High School -40.34 23:23.03 24:03.37
Hannah White Glendale High School +58.08 24:49.93 23:51.85
Sophia Hawley Glendale High School +1:21.09 25:59.12 24:38.03
Mallory Moats Rolla High School -2:10.85 24:44.01 26:54.86
Skyla Sien Lebanon High School -29.48 24:56.16 25:25.64
Maddie Jay Lebanon High School -27.57 25:06.34 25:33.91
Ethan Gardner Hillcrest High School -1:12.78 25:07.34 26:20.12
Chloe Cross Lebanon High School +4.05 25:22.96 25:18.91
Skye Scott Waynesville High School -34.79 25:46.73 26:21.52
Tara Adams Lebanon High School +2:23.02 28:18.45 25:55.43
Sage Baker Glendale High School -1:26.48 25:56.63 27:23.11
Jaclynn Runyon Waynesville High School +2.06 27:29.76 27:27.70
Cassidy Bowling Waynesville High School -3:36.97 28:40.97 32:17.94
Adrienne Hafley Camdenton High School +2:19.14 31:39.79 29:20.65