Skyline High School Track & Field Invitational 2022

Skyline, MO

Athlete Entries

Varsity Boys 100 Meter Dash 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Villa, Ricardo Osceola High School
Kenig, Owen Wheatland High School
CARTER, MICHAEL Halfway High School
Stewart, Jackson Fair Play High School
Woodhouse, Richard 10.79 Skyline High School
Schwanke, Brett 10.85 Buffalo High School
Jones, Samuel 11.00 Osceola High School
Herrera, Quentin 11.02 Conway High School
Roy, Cooper 11.26 Fair Grove High School
Brown, Joe 11.28 Fair Play High School
Judd, Elijah 11.53 Stover High School
Crowley, Canyon 11.59 Fair Grove High School
Pyeatt, Trenton 11.61 Hermitage High School
Johnson, Gage 11.81 Weaubleau High School
Phillips, Riyle 11.94 Buffalo High School
Miller, Samuel 11.97 Skyline High School
Reid, Matt 11.98 Greenfield High School
Davis, Lukas 12.13 Climax Springs High School
King, Cole 12.15 Hermitage High School
Fowler, Caleb 12.26 Weaubleau High School
Williams-Pritchett, Ty 12.59 Warsaw High School
Love, Fisher 12.83 Warsaw High School
Hertzog, Hunter 12.90 Climax Springs High School
Gabriel, Kyler 12.91 Macks Creek High School
Lyon, Nathaniel 13.04h Humansville High School
Suarez Pereira, Bruno 13.05 Walnut Grove High School
Moreno, Rafael 13.10 Versailles High School
Botta, Joshua 13.15 Macks Creek High School
Phillips, Diesl 13.15 Walnut Grove High School
PERRETTE, TRISTAN 13.21 Versailles High School
Picket, Austin 13.50 Greenfield High School
Burdette, Ian 13.67 Pleasant Hope High School
Petersen, Connor 13.93 Smithton High School
Bradley, Isaac 13.96 Smithton High School
Alberto Coffman, Juan 13.99 Humansville High School
Eacret, Ethan 14.21 Conway High School
Newman, Nic 14.64 Stover High School
LEAVITT, MICHAEL 18.24 Halfway High School
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Varsity Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sorenson, Brody Walnut Grove High School
Cauthon, Jordan Osceola High School
Walters, Landon Halfway High School
Horn, Logan 15.93 Buffalo High School
Smith, Michael 16.62 Green Ridge High School
Ipock, Seth 16.97 Fair Grove High School
Towne, Hayden 17.09 Lakeland High School
Haley, Oliver 17.63 Fair Grove High School
Judd, Elijah 17.75 Stover High School
Page, Lewis 18.71 Smithton High School
Tower, Obediah 18.85 Macks Creek High School
Potter, Eli 19.57 Buffalo High School
Pyeatt, Trenton 19.58 Hermitage High School
Mullins, Cooper 19.72 Conway High School
Tylar, Jacob 20.71 Green Ridge High School
Cortez, Jose 21.27 Macks Creek High School
Montejo, Gabriel 23.18 Hermitage High School
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Varsity Boys 1600 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
INGRAM, ISAAC Halfway High School
Scott, Logan Stover High School
Lindsey, Jevin Osceola High School
Billington, Ayden Osceola High School
Walker, Sean 4:36.60 Buffalo High School
Brodersen, Blaine 4:41.50 Stover High School
Yates, Justus 4:51.00 Hermitage High School
Phillips, Caleb 4:53.52 Macks Creek High School
Hull, Zane 4:55.83 Pleasant Hope High School
Zaffos, Dominick 4:56.94 Conway High School
Walker, Ryan 5:19.01 Buffalo High School
Shepard, Connor 5:22.26 Fair Grove High School
Thomas, Eric 5:23.55 Green Ridge High School
Schockman, Logan 5:24.33 Warsaw High School
Inman, Nathan 5:28.71 Walnut Grove High School
LaRose, Conner 5:37.44 Skyline High School
BAXTER, AIDEN 5:42.00 Fair Grove High School
Brownlee, Braxton 5:45.21 Lakeland High School
Deckard, Jaxson 5:51.45 Warsaw High School
Vasquez, Vaughn 5:59.53 Macks Creek High School
Davis, Lukas 6:03.92 Climax Springs High School
Schuber, Jackson 6:05.21 Humansville High School
Owsley, Kyler 6:13.12 Skyline High School
Hertzog, Hunter 6:22.96 Climax Springs High School
Sage, Alex 6:25.22 Lakeland High School
Ewing, Kaydan 6:28.26 Hermitage High School
Boyd, Zach 6:35.39 Greenfield High School
Kendall, Logan 6:42.02 Humansville High School
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Varsity Boys 200 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
PERRETTE, TRISTAN Versailles High School
Brown, Joe Fair Play High School
Wheeler, Jaxon Wheatland High School
Schwanke, Brett 22.69 Buffalo High School
Herrera, Quentin 22.93 Conway High School
Jones, Samuel 23.52 Osceola High School
Woodhouse, Richard 23.71 Skyline High School
Crowley, Canyon 23.89 Fair Grove High School
Sherrer, Adrian 23.95 Pleasant Hope High School
Baird, Esais 24.24h Fair Grove High School
Judd, Elijah 24.33 Stover High School
Miller, Samuel 24.46 Skyline High School
Portis, Cameron 24.79 Buffalo High School
Garrison, Skyler 24.90 Wheatland High School
Reid, Matt 25.04 Greenfield High School
Gossett, Nikolas 25.06 Greenfield High School
Johnson, Gage 25.32 Weaubleau High School
Gabriel, Kyler 25.54 Macks Creek High School
McGinnis, Virgil 25.55 Humansville High School
Smith, Andrew 25.97 Hermitage High School
Sexton, Branden 26.00 Humansville High School
Towne, Hayden 26.14 Lakeland High School
Amos, Grant 26.27 Smithton High School
Brodersen, Caleb 26.29 Stover High School
Love, Fisher 26.56 Warsaw High School
Anderson, Mason 26.65 Warsaw High School
King, Cole 26.69 Hermitage High School
Fowler, Caleb 26.88 Weaubleau High School
Phillips, Diesl 27.00 Walnut Grove High School
Botta, Joshua 27.11 Macks Creek High School
Brown, Preston 27.22 Smithton High School
Vaughan, Casey 27.60h Conway High School
Suarez Pereira, Bruno 27.62 Walnut Grove High School
RAINEY, KANE 28.70 Versailles High School
Cauthon, Jordan 29.97 Osceola High School
Stewart, Jackson 30.61 Fair Play High School
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Varsity Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chapman, Grant 42.95 Warsaw High School
Horn, Logan 43.95 Buffalo High School
Mantooth, Bennett 44.26 Hermitage High School
Smith, Michael 44.36 Green Ridge High School
Ipock, Seth 45.14 Fair Grove High School
Judd, Elijah 45.36 Stover High School
Tower, Obediah 46.44 Macks Creek High School
Towne, Hayden 46.69 Lakeland High School
Potter, Eli 47.03 Buffalo High School
Haley, Oliver 47.46 Fair Grove High School
Page, Lewis 47.97 Smithton High School
Cortez, Jose 48.26 Macks Creek High School
Boles, Kain 49.97 Stover High School
Mullins, Cooper 50.35 Conway High School
Tylar, Jacob 50.79 Green Ridge High School
Montejo, Gabriel 51.22 Hermitage High School
Steeley, Devin 55.50 Greenfield High School
Cauthon, Jordan 58.79 Osceola High School
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Varsity Boys 3200 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hull, Zane 10:15.10 Pleasant Hope High School
Mantooth, Bennett 10:24.43 Hermitage High School
Horn, Justin 10:27.94 Hermitage High School
Phillips, Caleb 10:34.50 Macks Creek High School
Brodersen, Blaine 10:37.52 Stover High School
Buescher, Luke 10:47.73 Fair Grove High School
Walker, Ryan 11:11.39 Buffalo High School
Inman, Nathan 11:17.41 Walnut Grove High School
Schockman, Logan 12:03.55 Warsaw High School
HASKINS, SHELBY 12:06.17 Fair Grove High School
Deckard, Jaxson 12:21.97 Warsaw High School
Vasquez, Vaughn 12:50.00 Macks Creek High School
Schuber, Jackson 13:33.28 Humansville High School
Scott, Logan 13:41.04 Stover High School
Walker, Sean 9:41.04 Buffalo High School
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Varsity Boys 400 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kenig, Owen Wheatland High School
Newman, Nic Stover High School
Merritt, Jacob Skyline High School
Boyd, Zach Greenfield High School
Tagtmeyer, Sam 1:00.08 Smithton High School
Wright, Kavon 1:00.83 Hermitage High School
Steeley, Devin 1:02 Greenfield High School
Stoner, Mason 1:05.90 Macks Creek High School
Klotz, Bradley 1:05.91 Pleasant Hope High School
Hodges, Briar 1:08.64 Skyline High School
Stewart, Jackson 1:08.93 Fair Play High School
NEWTON, LOGAN 1:09.48 Versailles High School
WARNKE, DANIEL 1:09.82 Versailles High School
Lyon, Nathaniel 1:10.00 Humansville High School
Crane, Aydn 1:10.48 Osceola High School
Vestal, Steven 1:18.58 Conway High School
Draper, Liam 52.98 Fair Grove High School
Chambers, DeJuan 54.45 Hermitage High School
Herrera, Quentin 54.62 Conway High School
Voyles, Derrick 54.71 Pleasant Hope High School
Garrison, Skyler 56.01 Wheatland High School
Montez, George 56.10 Warsaw High School
Obernuferman, Pierce 57.85 Buffalo High School
Phillips, Riyle 57.91 Buffalo High School
Brodersen, Caleb 58.66 Stover High School
Stevens, Dylan 58.79 Green Ridge High School
Buckman, Kurt 59.07 Fair Grove High School
Karr, Hudson 59.12 Warsaw High School
Gabriel, Kyler 59.32 Macks Creek High School
Brown, Preston 59.78 Smithton High School
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Varsity Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Walnut Grove High School
Relay Team A Macks Creek High School
Relay Team A Lakeland High School
Relay Team A Skyline High School
Relay Team A 45.07 Fair Grove High School
Relay Team A 46.94 Osceola High School
Relay Team A 47.50h Buffalo High School
Relay Team A 48.81 Warsaw High School
Relay Team A 49.24 Hermitage High School
Relay Team A 49.54 Versailles High School
Relay Team A 50.16 Greenfield High School
Relay Team A 51.64 Pleasant Hope High School
Relay Team A 52.96 Conway High School
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Varsity Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Wheatland High School
Relay Team A Stover High School
Relay Team A Macks Creek High School
Relay Team A 1:35.98 Fair Grove High School
Relay Team A 1:39.25 Buffalo High School
Relay Team A 1:39.62 Osceola High School
Relay Team A 1:43.83 Hermitage High School
Relay Team A 1:44.81 Greenfield High School
Relay Team A 1:45.19 Versailles High School
Relay Team A 1:49.16 Warsaw High School
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Varsity Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Halfway High School
Relay Team A Pleasant Hope High School
Relay Team A Stover High School
Relay Team A 3:45.00 Warsaw High School
Relay Team A 3:46.57 Fair Grove High School
Relay Team A 3:48.96 Conway High School
Relay Team A 3:51.37 Buffalo High School
Relay Team A 3:52.00h Osceola High School
Relay Team A 3:57.07 Hermitage High School
Relay Team A 3:59.14 Smithton High School
Relay Team A 4:00.07 Versailles High School
Relay Team A 4:00.19 Green Ridge High School
Relay Team A 4:14.72 Macks Creek High School
Relay Team A 4:25.62 Skyline High School
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Varsity Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Halfway High School
Relay Team A 10:05.59 Buffalo High School
Relay Team A 10:37.28 Skyline High School
Relay Team A 8:48.26 Hermitage High School
Relay Team A 9:11.70 Conway High School
Relay Team A 9:13.58 Warsaw High School
Relay Team A 9:27.72 Fair Grove High School
Relay Team A 9:33.14 Macks Creek High School
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Varsity Boys 800 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
DOKE, BRAYDEN Halfway High School
Lindsey, Jevin Osceola High School
Turner, Jaden Halfway High School
Billington, Ayden Osceola High School
Wheeler, Jaxon Wheatland High School
Zaffos, Dominick 2:07.19 Conway High School
Brodersen, Blaine 2:07.56 Stover High School
Walker, Sean 2:09.99 Buffalo High School
Roy, Carter 2:17.16 Fair Grove High School
Phillips, Caleb 2:18.55 Macks Creek High School
Chambers, DeJuan 2:19.44 Hermitage High School
Walters, Isaac 2:29.93 Fair Grove High School
Butts, Quintion 2:33.22 Skyline High School
Schockman, Logan 2:33.78 Warsaw High School
Walker, Ryan 2:35.50 Buffalo High School
CRAWFORD, WESTON 2:35.99 Green Ridge High School
Vasquez, Vaughn 2:37.69 Macks Creek High School
Owsley, Kyler 2:39.10 Skyline High School
Deckard, Jaxson 2:39.97 Warsaw High School
Schaefer, Harley 2:41.11 Hermitage High School
Tagtmeyer, Sam 2:41.97 Smithton High School
Boyd, Zach 2:44.30 Greenfield High School
Winters, Ethan 2:53.16 Stover High School
Sage, Alex 2:55.36 Lakeland High School
Kendall, Logan 3:11.98 Humansville High School
BOTTOM, GAVIN 3:16.59 Green Ridge High School
Vestal, Steven 3:29.05 Conway High School
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Varsity Boys Discus 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burdette, Ian 23.66m Pleasant Hope High School
Lower, Brenden 15.89m Weaubleau High School
Strange, Garrett 47.93m Lakeland High School
Piccolo, Alessandro 22.14m Lakeland High School
Greene, Delton 29.38m Greenfield High School
HICKS, ADEN 18.76m Weaubleau High School
Karr, Hudson 19.15m Warsaw High School
Hilt, Nathanael 14.33m Green Ridge High School
BODENHAMER, WILLIAM 27.64m Green Ridge High School
Calton, William 20.07m Conway High School
Vestal, Steven 9.38m Conway High School
Richardson, Alex 51.30m Buffalo High School
Jackson, Kendrick 35.76m Buffalo High School
Alberto Coffman, Juan 39.17m Humansville High School
STEVENSON, THEO 29.72m Versailles High School
WALLER, ISAIAH 22.56m Versailles High School
Mitchell, Morgan 32.56m Macks Creek High School
Rusk, Hyde 15.98m Wheatland High School
Murphy, Dan 27.72m Wheatland High School
Henry, Tyler Skyline High School
Metscher, Azlen 39.77m Skyline High School
Culbertson, Christian 19.35m Warsaw High School
TIMOCE, MATTHEW 37.41m Fair Grove High School
Sartin, Brett 38.33m Fair Grove High School
Mosher, Cody 30.18m Stover High School
Kruger, Jeffrey 29.26m Walnut Grove High School
Franse, Bryce 27.65m Hermitage High School
Piper, Weston 26.06m Hermitage High School
Barham, Casey Halfway High School
Wirt, Ryder 29.46m Smithton High School
Mcneeley, Carson 30.81m Smithton High School
Durrill, Ronald 26.75m Osceola High School
Young, Jacob 22.98m Osceola High School
Copeland, Koltan 19.10m Climax Springs High School
Gardner, Wyatt 26.92m Climax Springs High School
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Varsity Boys High Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burdette, Christopher 1.65m Pleasant Hope High School
Hillenburg, Tanner 1.96m Pleasant Hope High School
Johnson, Gage 1.72m Weaubleau High School
Crowder, Logan Lakeland High School
Picket, Austin Greenfield High School
Gossett, Nikolas 1.55m Greenfield High School
Pavlioglo, Mark 1.75m Green Ridge High School
CRAWFORD, WESTON 1.67m Green Ridge High School
Murdock, Reese 1.55m Versailles High School
Hamrick, Justin 1.91m Versailles High School
Merritt, Jacob 1.55m Skyline High School
Hodges, Briar Skyline High School
Orr, Joshua 1.67m Fair Grove High School
Elder, Anderson 1.78m Fair Grove High School
Cochran, Keaton Stover High School
Brodersen, Blaine 1.82m Stover High School
Cortez, Jose Macks Creek High School
HORINEK, JOSEPH 1.52m Buffalo High School
Glor, Gabriel 1.57m Buffalo High School
Mantooth, Bennett 1.82m Hermitage High School
Hickey, Cason 1.35m Hermitage High School
Petersen, Connor 1.42m Smithton High School
Walsh, Alex 1.67m Smithton High School
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Varsity Boys Javelin 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sherrer, Adrian 39.00m Pleasant Hope High School
Lower, Brenden Weaubleau High School
Crowder, Logan 42.04m Lakeland High School
Strange, Garrett 56.60m Lakeland High School
Gossett, Nikolas 24.54m Greenfield High School
Greene, Delton 28.34m Greenfield High School
HICKS, ADEN 35.00m Weaubleau High School
Williams-Pritchett, Ty 40.25m Warsaw High School
Seevers, Cameron 38.61m Warsaw High School
Pavlioglo, Mark 23.88m Green Ridge High School
BODENHAMER, WILLIAM 19.20m Green Ridge High School
Calton, William 20.59m Conway High School
Fincher, Alexander 31.00m Conway High School
Richardson, Alex 50.24m Buffalo High School
Jackson, Kendrick 44.25m Buffalo High School
McGinnis, Virgil 40.07m Humansville High School
WALLER, ISAIAH 30.20m Versailles High School
Dowell, Christopher 21.21m Versailles High School
Mitchell, Morgan 24.63m Macks Creek High School
Murphy, Dan 31.32m Wheatland High School
Goodloe, Caleb Wheatland High School
Henry, Tyler Skyline High School
Metscher, Azlen 48.70m Skyline High School
Hurt, Chelby 39.89m Fair Grove High School
Pierce, Richard 37.52m Fair Grove High School
Winters, Ethan 16.84m Stover High School
Mosher, Cody 28.30m Stover High School
Kruger, Jeffrey 29.32m Walnut Grove High School
Franse, Bryce 39.42m Hermitage High School
Turner, Cash 23.82m Hermitage High School
Mcneeley, Carson 20.83m Smithton High School
Shull, Derick 41.60m Smithton High School
Listerud, Evan 29.09m Osceola High School
Snider, William 37.06m Osceola High School
McMillen, Tanner 29.42m Walnut Grove High School
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Varsity Boys Long Jump 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Klotz, Bradley 3.15m Pleasant Hope High School
Fowler, Caleb 4.75m Weaubleau High School
Brownlee, Braxton 4.85m Lakeland High School
Crowder, Logan 5.74m Lakeland High School
Reid, Matt 4.66m Greenfield High School
Steeley, Devin 4.62m Greenfield High School
Chapman, Grant 6.00m Warsaw High School
Williams-Pritchett, Ty Warsaw High School
Eacret, Ethan 4.15m Conway High School
Lyon, Nathaniel 4.72m Humansville High School
Murdock, Reese 5.21m Versailles High School
Garrison, Skyler 5.40m Wheatland High School
Kenig, Owen Wheatland High School
Miller, Samuel 4.68m Skyline High School
Woodhouse, Richard 6.18m Skyline High School
Stewart, Jackson Fair Play High School
Brown, Joe 5.87m Fair Play High School
Burdette, Christopher 5.35m Pleasant Hope High School
Stacye, Kody 6.17m Fair Grove High School
Peak, Kenneth 5.48m Fair Grove High School
Cochran, Keaton Stover High School
Mosher, Cody 5.09m Stover High School
Sorenson, Brody 4.40m Walnut Grove High School
Suarez Pereira, Bruno 3.95m Walnut Grove High School
Horn, Logan 5.44m Buffalo High School
Waters, TJ 5.69m Buffalo High School
Horn, Justin 5.75m Hermitage High School
Hickey, Cason 4.51m Hermitage High School
Tagtmeyer, Sam 5.06m Smithton High School
Bradley, Isaac 3.80m Smithton High School
Hicks, Nicholas Macks Creek High School
Villa, Ricardo 4.51m Osceola High School
Fincher, Alexander 4.45m Conway High School
PERRETTE, TRISTAN 4.60m Versailles High School
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Varsity Boys Pole Vault 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marshall, Levi 3.35m Pleasant Hope High School
Elder, Anderson 3.20m Fair Grove High School
DALAVIRAS, THOMAS 2.90m Fair Grove High School
Foree, Benjamin Buffalo High School
Schwanke, Brett 3.23m Buffalo High School
Akins, Jaxin 2.30m Hermitage High School
Forrest, Bradley 2.59m Hermitage High School
Snider, William 3.25m Osceola High School
Williamson, Uriah 4.27m Osceola High School
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Varsity Boys Shot Put 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burdette, Ian 9.70m Pleasant Hope High School
Lower, Brenden 5.70m Weaubleau High School
HICKS, ADEN 7.80m Weaubleau High School
Piccolo, Alessandro 7.22m Lakeland High School
Strange, Garrett 12.85m Lakeland High School
Greene, Delton 10.83m Greenfield High School
Culbertson, Christian 7.83m Warsaw High School
Pavlioglo, Mark 10.75m Green Ridge High School
Hilt, Nathanael 6.85m Green Ridge High School
Calton, William 7.50m Conway High School
Vestal, Steven 5.83m Conway High School
Richardson, Alex 15.13m Buffalo High School
Sharif, Jayse 14.55m Buffalo High School
McGinnis, Virgil 13.31m Humansville High School
STEVENSON, THEO 10.30m Versailles High School
Dowell, Christopher 8.89m Versailles High School
Mitchell, Morgan 12.14m Macks Creek High School
Murphy, Dan 9.97m Wheatland High School
Rusk, Hyde 7.58m Wheatland High School
Blankenship, William 13.60m Skyline High School
Metscher, Azlen 12.91m Skyline High School
Brown, Joe 10.84m Fair Play High School
Schwartz, Aiden Fair Play High School
Todd, Dakota 7.20m Warsaw High School
Mcmains, William 11.76m Fair Grove High School
Adams, Kord 11.10m Fair Grove High School
Kruger, Jeffrey 9.93m Walnut Grove High School
Piper, Weston 10.73m Hermitage High School
Hansen, Jacob 8.19m Hermitage High School
Amos, Grant 9.25m Smithton High School
Brown, Baxter 8.04m Smithton High School
Bruce, Jordan 9.55m Osceola High School
Fleischer, Isach 7.84m Osceola High School
Copeland, Koltan 6.03m Climax Springs High School
Gardner, Wyatt 8.44m Climax Springs High School
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Varsity Boys Triple Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burdette, Christopher 11.10m Pleasant Hope High School
Gossett, Nikolas 10.21m Greenfield High School
Love, Fisher 10.24m Warsaw High School
Eacret, Ethan 8.53m Conway High School
OLLISON, TYRUS 11.04m Versailles High School
SOUDERS, CONNOR 9.28m Versailles High School
Butts, Quintion 8.39m Skyline High School
Stacye, Kody 12.17m Fair Grove High School
Koller, Mason 11.41m Fair Grove High School
Boles, Timothy 10.44m Stover High School
Gabriel, Kyler 10.20m Macks Creek High School
Potter, Eli 10.22m Buffalo High School
Mueller, Isaiah 11.45m Buffalo High School
Horn, Justin 11.86m Hermitage High School
Olson, Jaiden 7.85m Hermitage High School
Brown, Preston 10.40m Smithton High School
Petersen, Connor 10.12m Smithton High School
Botta, Joshua Macks Creek High School
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Foster, Chloe Fair Play High School
Torres, Trista 12.70 Greenfield High School
Stark, Tierra 13.19 Stover High School
Yates, Paris 13.33 Hermitage High School
Cromer, Graceson 13.41 Conway High School
Kendall, Gabbie 13.53 Humansville High School
Kenney, Maliah 13.56 Humansville High School
WOOD, PHALYNN 13.63 Weaubleau High School
IPOCK, SAVANNAH 13.71 Fair Grove High School
Noakes, Anna 13.84 Osceola High School
Mayer, Adriana 13.85 Macks Creek High School
Mueller, Kaitlyn 13.86 Fair Grove High School
Gossett, Haley 13.87 Greenfield High School
Western, Elizabeth 14.22 Buffalo High School
Montle, Gwendolyn 14.58 Pleasant Hope High School
Boone, Skylon 14.69 Warsaw High School
Thoele, Mariah 14.89 Hermitage High School
Lynn, Shayla 14.96 Skyline High School
Wilson, Briona 15.28 Buffalo High School
Vanvleck, Kara 15.30 Stover High School
CHRISTIANSEN, FENIA 15.35 Versailles High School
HODGES, QUINCY 15.64 Skyline High School
Lomax, Kathryn 15.76 Warsaw High School
Leighton, Lilli 16.20 Walnut Grove High School
Gott, Keely 16.22 Pleasant Hope High School
Dickey, Emily 16.54 Halfway High School
Dureault, Kaitlyn 17.33 Walnut Grove High School
HATFIELD, LEXUS 17.56 Versailles High School
Garlick, Madeline 17.78 Osceola High School
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kinney, Ava Wheatland High School
GREEN, ABBEY 18.14h Fair Grove High School
PADGETT, EMMA 18.54 Fair Grove High School
Cordrey, Stella 18.82 Lakeland High School
Mckellips, Emily 19.15 Stover High School
Duggan, Brooklyn 19.30 Macks Creek High School
Boone, Skylon 19.33 Warsaw High School
Barb, Jayln 20.71 Skyline High School
Harris, Madison 21.25 Hermitage High School
Imler-Vanover, Page 21.30 Versailles High School
Richards, Brooke 21.59 Greenfield High School
McCannon, Summer 22.00 Warsaw High School
Holiway, Eleanor 22.43 Smithton High School
Roberts, Addyson 22.47 Osceola High School
Ferreira, Joana 22.90 Lakeland High School
Bell, Renee 23.20 Conway High School
Hohman, Taylor 23.50 Hermitage High School
Vestal, Quinncy 24.77 Conway High School
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Varsity Girls 1600 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kenig, Sophie Wheatland High School
Bryan, Riley 5:24.90 Smithton High School
Alcantara, Alyssa 5:42.46 Warsaw High School
Phillips, Molly 5:46.84 Macks Creek High School
Barb, Justine 5:50.64 Skyline High School
ABERCROMBIE, SADIE 6:00.95 Buffalo High School
Vestal, Gracie 6:08.83 Conway High School
Brown, Resee 6:08.91 Stover High School
Vanvleck, Kara 6:17.43 Stover High School
Bruton, Rachel 6:19.45 Buffalo High School
Ratliff, Addison 6:25.80 Weaubleau High School
HODGES, QUINCY 7:01.26 Skyline High School
Koontz, Danielle 7:02.60 Hermitage High School
Bell, Renee 7:05.13 Conway High School
Shuler, Ilandria 7:11.00h Pleasant Hope High School
Land, Ellee 7:11.10 Greenfield High School
Trelow, Emily 7:11.49 Smithton High School
Vanbrocklin, Alexis 7:16.33 Green Ridge High School
NILSON, SAVANNAH 7:52.25 Green Ridge High School
Cornwall, Tamanna 8:25.35 Pleasant Hope High School
Earney, Cieanna 8:54.19 Macks Creek High School
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Varsity Girls 200 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morris, Sandalyn Stover High School
Roberts, Addyson Osceola High School
Foster, Chloe Fair Play High School
Torres, Trista 26.60 Greenfield High School
Kendall, Gabbie 27.78 Humansville High School
Kenney, Maliah 28.34 Humansville High School
Mayer, Adriana 28.59 Macks Creek High School
Thompson, Breanna 28.61 Conway High School
Yates, Paris 28.64 Hermitage High School
Wolf, Graci 28.71 Pleasant Hope High School
Gossett, Haley 28.76 Greenfield High School
WOOD, PHALYNN 28.85 Weaubleau High School
Colby, Grace 28.87 Osceola High School
Quennoz, Miranda 29.04 Skyline High School
IPOCK, SAVANNAH 29.28 Fair Grove High School
Western, Elizabeth 29.47 Buffalo High School
Mueller, Kaitlyn 29.64 Fair Grove High School
Demand, Kaelynn 30.36 Smithton High School
Weathers, Hailey 30.38 Hermitage High School
Kenady, Cheyann 31.07 Buffalo High School
Lynn, Shayla 31.08 Skyline High School
Finkenbine, Madison 31.35 Warsaw High School
Vanvleck, Kara 31.44 Stover High School
CHRISTIANSEN, FENIA 31.48 Versailles High School
Collins, Hunter 31.65 Warsaw High School
Cornelison, Callie 32.11 Conway High School
Craig, Kylie 33.27 Walnut Grove High School
Cordrey, Stella 33.40 Lakeland High School
Kinney, Ava 33.77 Wheatland High School
Bader, Kenzie 34.12 Pleasant Hope High School
Buckner, Lexi 34.98 Walnut Grove High School
HATFIELD, LEXUS 37.43 Versailles High School
Ferreira, Joana 38.00 Lakeland High School
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Varsity Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mckellips, Emily 1:00.03 Stover High School
Bell, Renee 1:00.36 Conway High School
Barb, Jayln 1:00.55 Skyline High School
Cordrey, Stella 1:01.01 Lakeland High School
Richards, Brooke 1:03.50 Greenfield High School
Vestal, Quinncy 1:04.52 Conway High School
Romines, Shaelyn 1:05.66 Pleasant Hope High School
Holiway, Eleanor 1:05.75 Smithton High School
McCannon, Summer 1:07.39 Warsaw High School
Harris, Madison 1:10.84 Hermitage High School
Hohman, Taylor 1:12.10 Hermitage High School
GREEN, ABBEY 54.13 Fair Grove High School
Konopasek, Angela 55.35 Warsaw High School
Imler-Vanover, Page 56.21 Versailles High School
Duggan, Brooklyn 56.51 Macks Creek High School
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Varsity Girls 3200 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Earney, Cieanna Macks Creek High School
Koontz, Danielle Hermitage High School
Bryan, Riley 11:23.32 Smithton High School
James, Riley 12:42.58 Skyline High School
Phillips, Molly 12:53.75 Macks Creek High School
Vestal, Gracie 13:01.01 Conway High School
Bruton, Rachel 13:10.20 Buffalo High School
James, Breanna 13:15.13 Skyline High School
Page, Murray 13:40.50 Smithton High School
ABERCROMBIE, SADIE 13:43.95 Buffalo High School
Shuler, Ilandria 13:59.27 Pleasant Hope High School
Ratliff, Addison 14:02.00 Weaubleau High School
Brown, Resee 14:27.78 Stover High School
Land, Ellee 16:08.34 Greenfield High School
Vanvleck, Kara 18:36.27 Stover High School
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Varsity Girls 400 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Corlett, Jenivee Walnut Grove High School
Rodrigues Martinez, Clara Walnut Grove High School
Morris, Sandalyn Stover High School
Kenig, Sophie Wheatland High School
Ross, Audree Smithton High School
Foster, Chloe Fair Play High School
Vestal, Quinncy Conway High School
Mayer, Adriana 1:04.06 Macks Creek High School
Alcantara, Alyssa 1:07.35 Warsaw High School
Cheek, Kenzi 1:07.82 Skyline High School
Richey, Kylee 1:08.35 Versailles High School
Kenady, Cheyann 1:08.50 Buffalo High School
WOOD, PHALYNN 1:09.25 Weaubleau High School
Redd, Sadie 1:11.21 Skyline High School
Eckhoff, Katherine 1:11.58 Stover High School
Bray, Josie 1:12.99 Smithton High School
Ratliff, Addison 1:13.00 Weaubleau High School
Wilson, Briona 1:18.46 Buffalo High School
Richards, Brooke 1:19.82 Greenfield High School
Harris, Haliey 1:20.71 Hermitage High School
Stephens, Haleyanne 1:20.94 Hermitage High School
HATFIELD, LEXUS 1:25.45 Versailles High School
Gott, Keely 1:29.49 Pleasant Hope High School
Mallory, Shalynn 1:47 Greenfield High School
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Varsity Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:00.95 Versailles High School
Relay Team A 1:05.58 Walnut Grove High School
Relay Team A 53.76 Greenfield High School
Relay Team A 54.35 Fair Grove High School
Relay Team A 55.48 Conway High School
Relay Team A 56.08 Skyline High School
Relay Team A 56.79 Osceola High School
Relay Team A 58.15 Warsaw High School
Relay Team A 58.18 Buffalo High School
Relay Team A 58.31 Hermitage High School
Relay Team A 58.77 Pleasant Hope High School
Relay Team A 59.00 Smithton High School
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Varsity Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:54.65 Greenfield High School
Relay Team A 1:55.91 Fair Grove High School
Relay Team A 1:56.87 Skyline High School
Relay Team A 1:57.23 Conway High School
Relay Team A 2:01.67 Osceola High School
Relay Team A 2:03.70 Versailles High School
Relay Team A 2:07.86 Hermitage High School
Relay Team A 2:11.15 Warsaw High School
Relay Team A 2:11.44 Smithton High School
Relay Team A 2:17.53 Pleasant Hope High School
Relay Team A 2:18.77 Walnut Grove High School
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Varsity Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Osceola High School
Relay Team A Smithton High School
Relay Team A Hermitage High School
Relay Team A 4:29.57 Skyline High School
Relay Team A 4:43.11 Conway High School
Relay Team A 4:50.13 Fair Grove High School
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Varsity Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Hermitage High School
Relay Team A 10:39.10 Skyline High School
Relay Team A 11:30.20 Conway High School
Relay Team A 12:10.65 Smithton High School
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Varsity Girls 800 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ratliff, Addison Weaubleau High School
Kenig, Sophie Wheatland High School
Alcantara, Alyssa 2:32.81 Warsaw High School
DANIELS, BROOKE 2:34.79 Fair Grove High School
Barb, Justine 2:37.22 Skyline High School
Phillips, Molly 2:39.14 Macks Creek High School
Vestal, Gracie 2:44.80 Conway High School
ABERCROMBIE, SADIE 2:53.65 Buffalo High School
Brown, Resee 2:54.36 Stover High School
James, Breanna 2:54.66 Skyline High School
Eckhoff, Katherine 3:03.19 Stover High School
Bruton, Rachel 3:05.98 Buffalo High School
Wilkes, Kori 3:10.57 Hermitage High School
Koontz, Danielle 3:14.29 Hermitage High School
Cooke, Cailey 3:15.36 Smithton High School
Dickey, Emily 3:16.94 Halfway High School
Weidner, Alina 3:20.72 Pleasant Hope High School
Trelow, Emily 3:21.07 Smithton High School
Vanbrocklin, Alexis 3:21.26 Green Ridge High School
Cornwall, Tamanna 3:38.94 Pleasant Hope High School
Earney, Cieanna 3:48.05 Macks Creek High School
STEVENS, ALEXAS 3:50.26 Green Ridge High School
Mallory, Shalynn 4:26.98 Greenfield High School
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Varsity Girls Discus 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wolf, Cheyenne 25.45m Pleasant Hope High School
Peral, Alicia 15.93m Pleasant Hope High School
STOKES, CHARLEE 12.58m Weaubleau High School
Hulette, Hailey 25.66m Fair Grove High School
Thomlinson, Lauren 16.90m Fair Grove High School
Hostettler, Grayce 27.85m Weaubleau High School
Lomax, Kathryn 14.25m Warsaw High School
Cooley, Emily 19.38m Conway High School
Pryor, Kendra 31.21m Buffalo High School
WARFEL, BROOKLYN 27.00m Buffalo High School
Kenney, Maliah 34.09m Humansville High School
Anderson, Cherakee 17.06m Humansville High School
Kates, Cameron 15.80m Macks Creek High School
Meyers, Katarzyna 18.99m Wheatland High School
Harrison, Olivia 17.79m Skyline High School
Blankenship, Hannah 20.24m Skyline High School
Henderson, Keelie Fair Play High School
Harris, Haylee Fair Play High School
Murrell, Ellie 18.73m Warsaw High School
HUFF, SUNNY 21.58m Versailles High School
KORN, KIMBERLY 18.39m Versailles High School
Shivers, Aryana Lakeland High School
Rucker, Carolyn 15.95m Lakeland High School
Blakemore, Abigail 18.20m Walnut Grove High School
Maxwell, Harlee 20.97m Walnut Grove High School
Horn, Chelsi 28.63m Hermitage High School
Wilhite, Hannah 17.11m Hermitage High School
Newton, Chantaleigh 19.11m Smithton High School
McNeeley, Malena 17.32m Smithton High School
Garlick, Mary 21.32m Osceola High School
Dailey, Ella 15.69m Osceola High School
Beckler, Gibson Conway High School
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Varsity Girls High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Weidner, Alina Pleasant Hope High School
Wolf, Graci 1.49m Pleasant Hope High School
Shivers, Aryana 1.20m Lakeland High School
PADGETT, EMMA 1.37m Fair Grove High School
GREEN, TAYLOR 1.42m Fair Grove High School
Vestal, Quinncy Conway High School
Wallace, Kadence 1.45m Skyline High School
LUTJEN, JASMINE 1.25m Versailles High School
Cochran, Kalysa 1.47m Stover High School
Stark, Tierra 1.47m Stover High School
Duggan, Brooklyn 1.30m Macks Creek High School
Harris, Haliey 1.27m Hermitage High School
Payne, Amparo Hermitage High School
Simmons, Payton 1.41m Smithton High School
Richey, Kylee 1.52m Versailles High School
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Varsity Girls Javelin 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Peral, Alicia 16.35m Pleasant Hope High School
Perryman, Lexi 18.49m Pleasant Hope High School
Hostettler, Grayce 14.95m Weaubleau High School
Breshears, Emma 19.50m Weaubleau High School
Shivers, Aryana 17.61m Lakeland High School
Ferreira, Joana 17.90m Lakeland High School
Hulette, Hailey 22.72m Fair Grove High School
Thomlinson, Lauren 22.43m Fair Grove High School
Land, Ellee 8.78m Greenfield High School
Konopasek, Angela 22.44m Warsaw High School
Vanbrocklin, Alexis 17.45m Green Ridge High School
Anderson, Cherakee 13.13m Humansville High School
Kendall, Gabbie 23.98m Humansville High School
Cooley, Emily 16.71m Conway High School
Kates, Cameron 15.59m Macks Creek High School
Meyers, Katarzyna Wheatland High School
Lynn, Shayla 26.21m Skyline High School
Harrison, Olivia 24.21m Skyline High School
Caudle, Joey 17.40m Fair Play High School
King, Caitlin 17.45m Fair Play High School
Guiot, Jillian 35.89m Warsaw High School
STEMPER, MARIAH 18.60m Versailles High School
HUFF, SUNNY Versailles High School
Earney, Cieanna 20.86m Macks Creek High School
Horn, Chelsi 28.96m Hermitage High School
Sabala, Isabella 25.72m Hermitage High School
Shoemaker, Sara 24.57m Smithton High School
Bray, Josie 19.67m Smithton High School
Beckler, Gibson 20.70m Conway High School
Garlick, Mary 18.19m Osceola High School
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Varsity Girls Long Jump 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Perryman, Lexi 3.12m Pleasant Hope High School
Bader, Kenzie 3.34m Pleasant Hope High School
Shivers, Aryana 3.70m Lakeland High School
Ferreira, Joana 3.76m Lakeland High School
Luna, Savanna Fair Grove High School
GREEN, TAYLOR 4.64m Fair Grove High School
Wright, Marlie 5.03m Greenfield High School
Torres, Trista 5.04m Greenfield High School
Boone, Skylon 4.00m Warsaw High School
Finkenbine, Madison 3.94m Warsaw High School
Nail, Kendra 4.18m Conway High School
Bell, Renee 3.30m Conway High School
Kinney, Ava 3.79m Wheatland High School
Wallace, Sierra 4.31m Skyline High School
Garrett, Ashlen 4.43m Skyline High School
Foster, Chloe 2.66m Fair Play High School
Nix, Kalie Fair Play High School
HIGGINS, EMILY 3.69m Versailles High School
LUTJEN, JASMINE 3.25m Versailles High School
Stark, Tierra 4.67m Stover High School
Jackson, Katelynn 4.72m Stover High School
Blakemore, Abigail 3.07m Walnut Grove High School
Kenady, Cheyann 3.86m Buffalo High School
Western, Elizabeth 4.16m Buffalo High School
Phillips, Molly 4.62m Macks Creek High School
Duggan, Brooklyn Macks Creek High School
Harris, Haliey 3.95m Hermitage High School
Hamilton, Emily 4.01m Hermitage High School
Bradley, Paige 4.65m Smithton High School
Ross, Audree 4.24m Smithton High School
Colby, Grace 4.49m Osceola High School
Buckner, Lexi 3.84m Walnut Grove High School
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Varsity Girls Pole Vault 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Montle, Gwendolyn 2.60m Pleasant Hope High School
WELLS, REESE Fair Grove High School
Garrett, Ashlen 2.60m Skyline High School
Stidham, Ella 2.15m Buffalo High School
Wilson, Briona Buffalo High School
Payne, Amparo 2.15m Hermitage High School
Trautweiler, Megan 1.97m Osceola High School
Roberts, Addyson 1.90m Osceola High School
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Varsity Girls Shot Put 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Perryman, Lexi 6.65m Pleasant Hope High School
Peral, Alicia 6.31m Pleasant Hope High School
Rogers, Jalynn 8.00m Weaubleau High School
Rucker, Carolyn Lakeland High School
Hulette, Hailey 8.30m Fair Grove High School
Thomlinson, Lauren 9.50m Fair Grove High School
Carney, Nicole 8.70m Weaubleau High School
Porter, Brielle 5.41m Warsaw High School
Murrell, Ellie 8.47m Warsaw High School
Cooley, Emily 8.70m Conway High School
Pryor, Kendra 9.76m Buffalo High School
WARFEL, BROOKLYN 8.62m Buffalo High School
Kates, Cameron 5.50m Macks Creek High School
Meyers, Katarzyna 7.42m Wheatland High School
Blankenship, Hannah 8.90m Skyline High School
Harrison, Jorja 8.38m Skyline High School
Kirksey, Ashlynne 9.18m Fair Play High School
Harmon, Grace 7.20m Fair Play High School
HUFF, SUNNY 7.75m Versailles High School
STEMPER, MARIAH 7.58m Versailles High School
Blakemore, Abigail 7.50m Walnut Grove High School
Horn, Chelsi 9.96m Hermitage High School
Alley, Valencia 6.37m Hermitage High School
Newton, Chantaleigh 6.01m Smithton High School
McNeeley, Malena 6.38m Smithton High School
Garlick, Madeline 6.63m Osceola High School
Garlick, Mary 7.37m Osceola High School
Beckler, Gibson 8.70m Conway High School
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Varsity Girls Triple Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Polk, Maggie Pleasant Hope High School
Dubois, Charlene 5.53m Pleasant Hope High School
WELLS, REESE 10.06m Fair Grove High School
GREEN, TAYLOR 9.22m Fair Grove High School
Wright, Marlie 10.27m Greenfield High School
Gossett, Haley 8.67m Greenfield High School
Morrison, Kendra 6.93m Warsaw High School
Nail, Kendra 8.28m Conway High School
Quennoz, Miranda 9.99m Skyline High School
HIGGINS, EMILY Versailles High School
Cochran, Kalysa 8.20m Stover High School
Jackson, Katelynn 9.78m Stover High School
Echavarria, Nevaeh 8.02m Lakeland High School
Mayer, Adriana 8.45m Macks Creek High School
Weathers, Hailey 8.44m Hermitage High School
Bradley, Paige 9.79m Smithton High School
Holiway, Eleanor 7.82m Smithton High School
Richey, Kylee 8.32m Versailles High School
Yates, Paris 9.76m Hermitage High School
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