Mountain Grove Invitational 2023

Mountain Grove, MO

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Myers, Brady Gainesville High School
Amick, Coy Couch High School
Romans, Kaleb 11.64h West Plains High School
Lindsey, Carson 11.79 Cabool High School
Campbell, Wyatt 11.80 Salem High School
Mendenhall, Evan 11.86 Salem High School
Cockrum, Marcus 11.98 Alton High School
Watlington, Jacob 12.06 Bakersfield High School
Jordan, Bryson 12.14h Houston High School
Martin, Deveyn 12.30 Mountain Grove High School
DeVries, Trace 12.38 Mountain Grove High School
Seago, Layne 12.44 Houston High School
Johnson, Lance 12.44h Cabool High School
Best, David 12.44h Cabool High School
Campbell, Xavier 12.47 Mansfield High School
Arthur, Kladen 12.54h Mountain Grove High School
Bender, Jacob 12.61 Salem High School
Hook, Daiton 12.64 Mountain Grove High School
Goss, Damion 12.64h Gainesville High School
Kelly, Jaxon 12.74h Mountain Grove High School
Lyons, Michael 12.78 Licking High School
Fry, Phillip 12.84h Mountain Grove High School
Rodriguez, Eddie 12.87 Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Beasley, Kaden 12.94h Houston High School
Due, Wyatt 12.94h West Plains High School
Leslie, Elias 12.94h West Plains High School
Crowder, Parker 13.35 Couch High School
Broadway, Howard 13.54h Licking High School
Gilal, Sharif 13.74 Mansfield High School
Osborne, Colton 14.34h Licking High School
Botts-Papcke, John 14.76 Gainesville High School
Jarrett, Corbyn 15.40 Norwood High School
Byrd, Isaac 19.48 Alton High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Ben Norwood High School
McGraw, Nathaniel Salem High School
Tune, Parker 16.94 Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Miller, Cory 17.04 Alton High School
Phillips, Oscar 18.04h Licking High School
Arthur, Jordan 18.50 Houston High School
Riley, Daniel "DJ" 19.64h Houston High School
Koontz, Matthew 20.07 Salem High School
Strong, Hayden 20.38 West Plains High School
Bradshaw, Gunner 20.40 Norwood High School
Bennett, Andrew 22.00 Salem High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Daily, Gavyn Houston High School
Amick, Coy Couch High School
Corder, Nolyn 4:40.54 Mansfield High School
Deckard, Rydan 4:45.20 Alton High School
Stout, Levi 5:05.96 Licking High School
Britt, Noaha 5:09.90 West Plains High School
Cunningham, Trenton 5:11.79 Alton High School
Diehl, Alex 5:13.62 Salem High School
Murphy, Ryder 5:24.48 Gainesville High School
Pippin, Isaac 5:27.37 Gainesville High School
Parks, Matthew 5:28.27 Salem High School
DeHart, Kurtis 5:29.14 Salem High School
Nelson, Owen 5:32.72 Mountain Grove High School
Taylor, Kent 5:32.98 Mountain Grove High School
Kyle, Dallas 5:34.79 Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Hinkle, Warren 5:37.81 Houston High School
Collins, Lane 5:43.00 West Plains High School
Lane, Logan 5:48.63 Licking High School
Haws, Joshua 5:54.74 Mountain Grove High School
Goodson, Nicholas 6:01.00 Gainesville High School
Cook, Michael 6:27.43 Cabool High School
Marlowe, John 7:05.00 West Plains High School
Huber, Jerrith 7:18.78 Cabool High School
Martin, Dameon 7:30.00h Mountain Grove High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Owen, Caleb Licking High School
Smith, Ben 23.50 Norwood High School
Lindsey, Carson 24.12 Cabool High School
Owen, Josh 24.35h Salem High School
Hughston, John 24.56 West Plains High School
Watlington, Jacob 24.61 Bakersfield High School
Vernellus, Andres 24.66 Salem High School
Prestage, Alexander 25.04 Mountain Grove High School
Riley, Daniel "DJ" 25.17 Houston High School
Arthur, Kladen 25.43 Mountain Grove High School
Martin, Deveyn 25.49 Mountain Grove High School
Kahl, Aaron 25.54h Gainesville High School
Beasley, Kaden 25.57 Houston High School
DeVries, Trace 25.62 Mountain Grove High School
Goss, Damion 25.74 Gainesville High School
Kelly, Jaxon 25.88 Mountain Grove High School
Johnson, Lance 25.92 Cabool High School
Zamarron, Alexander 26.03 Houston High School
Campbell, Xavier 26.12 Mansfield High School
Rodriguez, Eddie 26.34h Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Fleetwood, Tyler 26.40 Cabool High School
Kelley, Chase 26.64 Mansfield High School
Bivens, Ian 26.68 West Plains High School
Kennedy, Logan 26.74h Alton High School
Sisco, Evan 27.17 Alton High School
Welch, Jonathon 28.39 Salem High School
Logue, Brenden 28.53 West Plains High School
Broadway, Howard 29.32 Licking High School
Ries, Christian 29.42 Gainesville High School
Mueller, William 30.63 Alton High School
Jarrett, Corbyn 31.83 Norwood High School
Teems, Cameron 32.84h Licking High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Anderson, Ian Gainesville High School
Ament, Connor West Plains High School
Ripko, Drew 41.58 Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Smith, Ben 42.77 Norwood High School
Miller, Cory 44.50 Alton High School
Tune, Parker 44.61 Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Kelley, Chase 45.63 Mansfield High School
Phillips, Oscar 47.27 Licking High School
Koontz, Matthew 47.96 Salem High School
Beasley, Kaden 48.70 Houston High School
Strong, Hayden 48.79 West Plains High School
Olla, Mattia 51.51 Salem High School
Gollaher, Marshal 53.45 Salem High School
Lee, Jakob 55.19 Houston High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sherman, Jordin Salem High School
Smith, Trevin 10:14.17 West Plains High School
Deckard, Rydan 10:22.34 Alton High School
Corder, Nolyn 10:26.54 Mansfield High School
Cunningham, Trenton 11:15.00 Alton High School
Gill, Daniel 11:30.45 West Plains High School
Stout, Levi 11:50.28 Licking High School
Hinkle, Warren 12:33.42 Houston High School
Pippin, Isaac 12:37.47 Gainesville High School
Talbott, Riley 12:57.00 Houston High School
Hathcock, Peyton 14:12.00 Gainesville High School
Thies, Nicholas 14:25.94 Salem High School
Yarger, Zeke 14:48.57 Gainesville High School
Brown, Brendan 15:40.52 Salem High School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bradshaw, Gunner Norwood High School
Cook, Michael Cabool High School
Myers, Brady Gainesville High School
Schofield, Lendon 1:00.57 West Plains High School
Gilal, Sharif 1:01.22 Mansfield High School
Pope, Hunter 1:01.76 Mountain Grove High School
Mister, Davontae 1:02.34h Houston High School
Hambelton, Macray 1:03.02 Gainesville High School
Green, Quinton 1:03.39 Cabool High School
Sawyer, Matthew 1:03.43 Houston High School
Mueller, William 1:03.68 Alton High School
McDaniel, Sean 1:04.36 Salem High School
McGraw, Nathaniel 1:05.23 Salem High School
Sisco, Evan 1:05.64h Alton High School
Welch, Jonathon 1:07.91 Salem High School
Osborne, Colton 1:11.57 Licking High School
Teems, Cameron 1:14.85 Licking High School
Jeffords, Trentin 55.60 West Plains High School
Kahl, Aaron 55.72 Gainesville High School
Jordan, Bryson 57.88 Houston High School
Taylor, Jackson 58.92 West Plains High School
Kennedy, Logan 59.97 Alton High School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Gainesville High School
Relay Team A 45.75 Salem High School
Relay Team A 45.77 Mountain Grove High School
Relay Team A 47.67 West Plains High School
Relay Team A 48.05 Mansfield High School
Relay Team A 48.55 Houston High School
Relay Team A 49.42 Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Relay Team B 49.5 Mountain Grove High School
Relay Team B 51.14 West Plains High School
Relay Team A 52.47 Alton High School
Relay Team A 53.82 Licking High School
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:35.82 Salem High School
Relay Team A 1:37.74 Mountain Grove High School
Relay Team A 1:37.88 Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Relay Team A 1:37.89 West Plains High School
Relay Team A 1:39.11 Alton High School
Relay Team A 1:41.04 Houston High School
Relay Team B 1:45.67 West Plains High School
Relay Team A 1:52.30 Gainesville High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:47.28 Salem High School
Relay Team B 3:58.48 Houston High School
Relay Team A 3:58.48 Houston High School
Relay Team A 3:58.86 Gainesville High School
Relay Team A 4:00.30 Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Relay Team A 4:21.67 Cabool High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:01.98 Houston High School
Relay Team A 10:05.00 Salem High School
Relay Team A 8:31.82 West Plains High School
Relay Team A 9:44.90 Cabool High School
Relay Team A 9:46.84 Gainesville High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Parks, Matthew Salem High School
Burns, Tristan 2:15.45 Cabool High School
Britt, Noaha 2:23.30 West Plains High School
Murphy, Ryder 2:23.98 Gainesville High School
Green, Dylan 2:26.54 Alton High School
Maloney, Clayton 2:26.70 Mountain Grove High School
Campbell, Xavier 2:27.35 Mansfield High School
Sawyer, John 2:28.00 Houston High School
Collins, Lane 2:28.64 West Plains High School
Kyle, Dallas 2:29.46 Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Gilal, Sharif 2:29.90 Mansfield High School
Cunningham, Trevor 2:29.94 Alton High School
Gollaher, Marshal 2:30.22 Salem High School
Nelson, Owen 2:30.73 Mountain Grove High School
Haws, Joshua 2:31.06 Mountain Grove High School
Talbott, Riley 2:33.20 Houston High School
Myers, Brady 2:33.39 Gainesville High School
Best, David 2:35.00h Cabool High School
Lane, Logan 2:35.16 Licking High School
Taylor, Kent 2:35.97 Mountain Grove High School
Hathcock, Peyton 2:41.26 Gainesville High School
Lewis, James 2:42.15 Salem High School
Yonkers, Shane 3:02.05 Houston High School
Owen, Austin 3:07.16 Cabool High School
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Boys Discus 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crowder, Parker 22.28m Couch High School
Lawson, Colton 28.37m Gainesville High School
Botts-Papcke, John 23.00m Gainesville High School
Ries, Christian 21.84m Gainesville High School
Frost, Gabe 17.19m Cabool High School
Stone, Laquinton 20.35m Cabool High School
Fleetwood, Tyler 32.31m Cabool High School
Chalmers, Gio 33.61m Licking High School
Scavone, Titus 28.25m Licking High School
Frazier, Colton 20.66m Licking High School
Glasscock, Tyler 18.49m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Hovey, Reuben 33.95m Salem High School
Gover, Tobey 26.41m Salem High School
Bray, Brady 30.07m Mansfield High School
Emerick, Tom 37.04m Mansfield High School
Winters, Nathan 31.10m Alton High School
Hughes, Jerome 20.13m Alton High School
Warren, Jaylen 20.37m Alton High School
Shelton, Devin 29.82m Houston High School
Bieller, Garrett 26.42m Houston High School
Lassiter, Harold 33.51m Houston High School
Curtis, Shane 32.15m West Plains High School
Reynolds, Peyton 24.51m West Plains High School
Rogers, Montgomery 28.14m West Plains High School
Trolinger, Braiden 21.57m Salem High School
Jackson, Asher 22.93m Mansfield High School
Rutledge, Brody 36.86m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Hook, Daiton 35.03m Mountain Grove High School
Holloway, Jimmy 33.25m Mountain Grove High School
Martin, Dameon 31.95m Mountain Grove High School
Beggs, Gage 26.68m Mountain Grove High School
Mitchell, Cooper 25.47m Mountain Grove High School
Sheppard, Tyson 24.16m Mountain Grove High School
Wilkerson, Jackson 20.50m Mountain Grove High School
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Boys High Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sherry, Maliki 1.87m Gainesville High School
Anderson, Ian 1.57m Gainesville High School
Richardson, Cooper 1.57m Cabool High School
Shockley, Josh 1.67m Cabool High School
Gately, Kaiden 1.73m Salem High School
Campbell, Everett 1.65m Salem High School
May, Bryson 1.63m Salem High School
Mays, Brayden 1.67m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Emerick, Tom 1.82m Mansfield High School
Walker, Gage 1.52m Houston High School
Daily, Gavyn Houston High School
Pruett, Carter 1.78m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Lawson, Colton 1.50m Gainesville High School
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Boys Javelin 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Murphy, Ryder 34.87m Gainesville High School
Hambelton, Macray 29.56m Gainesville High School
Frost, Gabe 18.90m Cabool High School
Burns, Tristan 26.46m Cabool High School
Richardson, Cooper 31.79m Cabool High School
Phillips, Oscar 37.00m Licking High School
Chalmers, Gio 31.70m Licking High School
Gover, Tobey 40.34m Salem High School
Trolinger, Braiden 34.30m Salem High School
Wadsworth, Ronald 33.18m Salem High School
Jackson, Asher 28.80m Mansfield High School
Bray, Brady 30.17m Mansfield High School
Steele, Rylan Alton High School
Anderson, Austin 28.50m Alton High School
Warren, Jaylen 25.06m Alton High School
Lassiter, Harold 42.93m Houston High School
Brookshire, Brady 43.08m Houston High School
Dodson, Mason 33.96m Houston High School
Pruett, Carter 44.25m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Rutledge, Brody 42.31m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Scavone, Titus Licking High School
Curtis, Shane 37.11m West Plains High School
Hafer, Watson 28.78m West Plains High School
Cropper, Luke 34.77m West Plains High School
Lawson, Colton 43.59m Gainesville High School
Emerick, Tom Mansfield High School
Gardner, Ty 38.91m Mountain Grove High School
Beggs, Gage 32.34m Mountain Grove High School
Arthur, Kladen 31.01m Mountain Grove High School
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Boys Long Jump 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sherry, Maliki 5.55m Gainesville High School
Goss, Damion 4.93m Gainesville High School
Anderson, Ian 4.90m Gainesville High School
Best, David 4.48m Cabool High School
Lindsey, Carson 5.38m Cabool High School
Fleetwood, Tyler 5.52m Cabool High School
Bradshaw, Gunner 5.29m Norwood High School
Teems, Cameron 4.78m Licking High School
Osborne, Colton 3.97m Licking High School
Reese, Gavin 5.69m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Sharr, Christopher 5.43m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Campbell, Everett 5.15m Salem High School
Steele, Rylan 5.98m Alton High School
Miller, Cory 5.49m Alton High School
Kennedy, Logan 5.20m Alton High School
Watlington, Jacob 5.77m Bakersfield High School
Mister, Davontae 5.27m Houston High School
Riley, Daniel "DJ" 5.07m Houston High School
Daily, Gavyn 4.85m Houston High School
Mays, Brayden 5.33m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Owen, Caleb Licking High School
Harrison, Kael 5.10m West Plains High School
Cobb, Reed 4.46m West Plains High School
Schofield, Lendon 5.00m West Plains High School
Kelley, Chase Mansfield High School
Stokes, Matthew Salem High School
Gardner, Ty 5.22m Mountain Grove High School
Fry, Phillip 5.00m Mountain Grove High School
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Boys Pole Vault 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Owen, Austin 2.20m Cabool High School
Sigman, Koby 2.90m Cabool High School
Phillips, Oscar 3.65m Licking High School
Owen, Josh 3.65m Salem High School
Gollaher, Marshal 2.88m Salem High School
Lewis, James 2.45m Salem High School
Walker, Gage 3.10m Houston High School
Guerra, Caden 2.74m Houston High School
Patten, Dimitri 2.90m West Plains High School
Ament, Connor West Plains High School
Maloney, Clayton 2.40m Mountain Grove High School
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Boys Shot Put 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crowder, Parker 8.62m Couch High School
Uchtman, Tate 8.64m Gainesville High School
Botts-Papcke, John 8.28m Gainesville High School
Ries, Christian 8.27m Gainesville High School
Frost, Gabe 6.74m Cabool High School
Stone, Laquinton 6.78m Cabool High School
Scavone, Titus 10.47m Licking High School
Chalmers, Gio 10.20m Licking High School
Parsons, Trae 12.67m Salem High School
Hovey, Reuben 11.33m Salem High School
Roderman, Jackson 9.83m Salem High School
Glasscock, Tyler 10.11m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Jackson, Asher 9.28m Mansfield High School
Bray, Brady 10.70m Mansfield High School
Winters, Nathan 10.70m Alton High School
Anderson, Austin 9.23m Alton High School
Warren, Jaylen 8.42m Alton High School
Lassiter, Harold 14.02m Houston High School
Seago, Layne 11.37m Houston High School
Morgan, Maleki 11.31m Houston High School
Owen, Caleb 6.51m Licking High School
Rutledge, Brody 14.43m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Pruett, Carter 13.45m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Hafer, Watson West Plains High School
Allen, Samuel 8.34m West Plains High School
Lawson, Warren 10.82m West Plains High School
Holloway, Jimmy 13.80m Mountain Grove High School
Sheppard, Tyson 11.26m Mountain Grove High School
Martin, Dameon 9.75m Mountain Grove High School
Mitchell, Cooper 10.10m Mountain Grove High School
Wilkerson, Jackson 10.01m Mountain Grove High School
Hook, Daiton 10.01m Mountain Grove High School
Beggs, Gage 1.04m Mountain Grove High School
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Boys Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sherry, Maliki 11.43m Gainesville High School
Broadway, Howard 9.53m Licking High School
Lyons, Michael 9.96m Licking High School
Sharr, Christopher 11.87m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Mays, Brayden 11.70m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Cockrum, Marcus 11.11m Alton High School
Campbell, Everett 10.78m Salem High School
Mister, Davontae 10.26m Houston High School
Daily, Gavyn 10.26m Houston High School
Hinkle, Warren 9.35m Houston High School
Frazier, Colton 8.69m Licking High School
May, Bryson 12.35m Salem High School
Cobb, Reed 10.96m West Plains High School
Ripko, Drew 12.76m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Pope, Hunter 10.19m Mountain Grove High School
Hoerning, Cooper 10.94m Mountain Grove High School
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COED 4x400m Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:10.00h Mountain Grove High School
Relay Team A 4:40.00h Gainesville High School
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COED Thrower's Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Cabool High School
Relay Team A 48.05 Mansfield High School
Relay Team A 48.55 Houston High School
Relay Team A 52.47 Alton High School
Relay Team A 53.82 Licking High School
Relay Team A 55.00h Mountain Grove High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Underwood, Marionna Couch High School
Langley, Mikayla Mansfield High School
Crumley, Lacy Couch High School
Combs, Chloe Couch High School
Sharp-MacPherson, Jozey 12.50 Mountain Grove High School
Sullins, Finley 13.04h Licking High School
Hellbusch, Savannah 13.56 Mountain Grove High School
Goldsmith, Kelsey 13.62 Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Lemons, Chloe 13.73 Mansfield High School
Dotson, Sophia 13.96 Cabool High School
Moore, Emma 14.09 Cabool High School
Hutsell, Sadie 14.14h Licking High School
Pipp, Rebekah 14.22 Salem High School
Hickman, Honey 14.22 Houston High School
Kiser, Poppy 14.34 Salem High School
Latham, Jessee 14.38 Gainesville High School
Owen, Kinsey 14.42 Salem High School
Sanders, Graci 14.74 Norwood High School
Antunez, Tierra 14.94h Mountain Grove High School
Watson, Taylor 14.94h Mountain Grove High School
Wagner, Kaylie 15.21 Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Mitchell, Kate 15.44h Licking High School
Porras, Faith 15.44h West Plains High School
Nash, Renee 15.46 Alton High School
Smith, Katie 16.02 Alton High School
Vega, Angelyna 16.09 West Plains High School
Pereyra, Isabella 16.55 Mountain Grove High School
Gossard, Isabella 17.54h Cabool High School
Marlow, Allee 18.84h Alton High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ball, Hadley 18.14h West Plains High School
Roth, Kylie 18.27 Mountain Grove High School
Busalaki, Kenadie 18.43 Mountain Grove High School
Crites, Olivia 18.49 Houston High School
Goldsmith, Kelsey 18.61 Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Hall, Jasmine 19.11 Bakersfield High School
Williams, Alexis 20.04h West Plains High School
Maxwell, Skylar 21.76 Mansfield High School
Fiorino, Roslyn 21.84h West Plains High School
Langley, Mikayla 22.29 Mansfield High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Logan 5:32.08 Mansfield High School
Romans, Karlee 5:54.61 West Plains High School
King, Seri 5:54.70 West Plains High School
McCrosky, Hannah 5:59.42 Cabool High School
Jarrett, Katelyn 6:04.31 Mountain Grove High School
Hines, Lilly 6:26.10 Mountain Grove High School
Williams, Tayler 6:42.87 Mountain Grove High School
Benoist, Allie 6:47.55 Houston High School
Smith, Alyssa 6:54.92 Gainesville High School
PrIngle, Adrianna 6:55.49 West Plains High School
Sullivan, Mallory 7:38.91 Mansfield High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Latham, Jessee 27.04 Gainesville High School
Stenzel, Raylee 27.73 Mountain Grove High School
Sullins, Finley 27.82 Licking High School
Dotson, Sophia 29.42 Cabool High School
Hickman, Honey 29.44 Houston High School
Hellbusch, Savannah 29.79 Mountain Grove High School
Lemons, Chloe 29.94 Mansfield High School
Cummins, Carli 30.09 Houston High School
Lemons, Cali 30.33 Mansfield High School
Zastrow, Gretchen 30.64 Bakersfield High School
Watson, Taylor 30.78 Mountain Grove High School
Hutsell, Sadie 30.83 Licking High School
Moore, Emma 31.30 Cabool High School
Sanders, Graci 31.71 Norwood High School
Antunez, Tierra 31.91 Mountain Grove High School
Top, Jaida 32.65 Mountain Grove High School
Mitchell, Kate 33.74h Licking High School
Porras, Faith 33.89 West Plains High School
Vega, Angelyna 34.65 West Plains High School
Birky, Mashayla 34.66 Cabool High School
Langley, Mikayla 34.85 Mansfield High School
Whaley, Alexia 35.00 Norwood High School
Smith, Katie 35.40 Alton High School
Williams, Alexis 35.99 West Plains High School
Marlow, Allee 41.00 Alton High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fiorino, Roslyn 1:00.92 West Plains High School
Stenzel, Raylee 47.70 Mountain Grove High School
Crites, Olivia 51.36 Houston High School
Hall, Jasmine 51.76 Bakersfield High School
Roth, Kylie 52.77 Mountain Grove High School
Lemons, Cali 53.22 Mansfield High School
Goldsmith, Kelsey 56.64 Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Logan 12:41.78 Mansfield High School
McCrosky, Hannah 13:41.00 Cabool High School
Ely, Kristen 13:57.05 Houston High School
Smith, Alyssa 15:29.00 Gainesville High School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wagner, Kayla 1:03.87 Houston High School
Dixon, Lillian 1:08.14 West Plains High School
Brill, Cameron 1:10.52 West Plains High School
Self, Shailey 1:11.29 West Plains High School
Zastrow, Gretchen 1:13.01 Bakersfield High School
Wagner, Kaylie 1:13.01 Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Langley, Mikayla 1:14.57 Mansfield High School
McNew, Natalie 1:15.30 Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Couch High School
Relay Team A 50.92 Mountain Grove High School
Relay Team A 54.55 West Plains High School
Relay Team A 55.54 Mansfield High School
Relay Team A 56.35 Salem High School
Relay Team B 57.00h Mountain Grove High School
Relay Team A 58.03 Houston High School
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 2:01.45 West Plains High School
Relay Team A 2:02.88 Houston High School
Relay Team A 2:05.28 Mountain Grove High School
Relay Team A 2:05.29 Mansfield High School
Relay Team A 2:18.89 Cabool High School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 5:10.09 Houston High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 12:31.94 Houston High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Mckenzie Alton High School
Ely, Kristen 2:38.00 Houston High School
Jarrett, Katelyn 2:40.03 Mountain Grove High School
King, Seri 2:45.24 West Plains High School
Romans, Karlee 2:46.47 West Plains High School
McCrosky, Hannah 2:47.00 Cabool High School
Whittenburg, Shalana 2:55.63 Alton High School
Clark, Faith 2:58.60 Mansfield High School
Smith, Alyssa 2:59.24 Gainesville High School
PrIngle, Adrianna 3:01.30 West Plains High School
Williams, Tayler 3:01.46 Mountain Grove High School
Sullivan, Mallory 3:34.87 Mansfield High School
Lawson, Bently 3:35.42 Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
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Girls Discus 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sullivan, Annie 30.32m Norwood High School
Alluisi, Alina 16.81m Norwood High School
Cook, Kaida 29.44m Licking High School
Phillips, Evangeline 25.23m Licking High School
Barnes, Jadyn 23.34m Licking High School
Swisloski, Elaina 31.22m Cabool High School
Watson, Paige 24.25m Cabool High School
Manthey, Savannah 31.62m Salem High School
Black, Addison 19.23m Mansfield High School
Steele, Callie 17.87m Alton High School
Infranca, Kendra 17.23m Alton High School
Berkshire, Grace 21.58m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Westbrook, Annabelle 22.11m Houston High School
Garnica, Kaitlynne 16.43m Houston High School
Taff, Mary 15.34m Cabool High School
Brill, Cameron 25.56m West Plains High School
Jenkins, Kaleigh 21.78m West Plains High School
York, Lily 17.73m West Plains High School
Hoerning, Reagan 29.39m Mountain Grove High School
Gibson, Haylee 29.00m Mountain Grove High School
Tysz, Roslyn 12.93m Mansfield High School
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Girls High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bettis, Abbagail 1.37m Couch High School
Dotson, Sophia 1.37m Cabool High School
Maxwell, Skylar 1.11m Mansfield High School
Lemons, Cali 1.34m Mansfield High School
McNew, Natalie 1.35m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Crites, Olivia 1.55m Houston High School
Wagner, Kayla 1.47m Houston High School
Orr, Ella 1.37m West Plains High School
Day, Mickenzie 1.38m West Plains High School
Wake, Kailyn 1.60m Mountain Grove High School
Gonzales, Kaydn 1.35m Mountain Grove High School
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Girls Javelin 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Alyssa 21.22m Gainesville High School
Sanders, Graci 21.86m Norwood High School
Alluisi, Alina 20.29m Norwood High School
Barnes, Jadyn 34.13m Licking High School
Phillips, Evangeline 23.40m Licking High School
Sullins, Finley Licking High School
Thiele, Lily 24.37m Cabool High School
Watson, Paige 20.22m Cabool High School
Birky, Mashayla 15.14m Cabool High School
Manthey, Savannah 40.12m Salem High School
Tysz, Roslyn 13.62m Mansfield High School
Infranca, Kendra 17.77m Alton High School
Weaver, Kynlee 29.97m Houston High School
Westbrook, Annabelle 22.53m Houston High School
Clinton, Maxine 23.31m West Plains High School
Jenkins, Kaleigh 20.20m West Plains High School
York, Lily 16.84m West Plains High School
Smith, Mckenzie Alton High School
Hoerning, Reagan 28.95m Mountain Grove High School
Gibson, Haylee 26.47m Mountain Grove High School
Black, Addison 15.69m Mansfield High School
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Girls Long Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bettis, Abbagail 4.24m Couch High School
Combs, Chloe Couch High School
Sullins, Finley 4.97m Licking High School
Mitchell, Kate 4.08m Licking High School
Dotson, Sophia 4.36m Cabool High School
Reece, Lakaya 3.72m Cabool High School
Maxwell, Skylar 3.85m Mansfield High School
Steele, Callie 4.51m Alton High School
Nash, Renee 3.22m Alton High School
Hall, Jasmine 4.14m Bakersfield High School
Zastrow, Gretchen 4.14m Bakersfield High School
Crites, Olivia 4.66m Houston High School
Wagner, Kayla 4.49m Houston High School
Porras, Faith 4.06m West Plains High School
Ball, Hadley 4.52m West Plains High School
Robbins, Emylee 4.27m West Plains High School
Wake, Kailyn 5.09m Mountain Grove High School
Roth, Kylie 4.61m Mountain Grove High School
Pereyra, Isabella 3.75m Mountain Grove High School
Owen, Kinsey 4.21m Salem High School
Kiser, Poppy 4.12m Salem High School
Antunez, Tierra 3.42m Mountain Grove High School
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Girls Pole Vault 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hutsell, Sadie 1.83m Licking High School
McCrosky, Hannah 1.67m Cabool High School
Pipp, Rebekah 2.30m Salem High School
Drake, Loran 2.15m Houston High School
Bressie, Miah 1.98m Houston High School
Cummins, Carli 1.82m Houston High School
Hafer, Lucy 2.28m West Plains High School
Hines, Lilly 2.61m Mountain Grove High School
Busalaki, Kenadie 2.59m Mountain Grove High School
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Girls Shot Put 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Alluisi, Alina 6.94m Norwood High School
Swisloski, Elaina 12.04m Cabool High School
Thiele, Lily 9.83m Cabool High School
Schamber, Olivia 5.97m Cabool High School
Tysz, Roslyn 6.21m Mansfield High School
Black, Addison 6.93m Mansfield High School
Marlow, Allee Alton High School
Infranca, Kendra 6.86m Alton High School
Berkshire, Grace 9.35m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Westbrook, Annabelle 7.70m Houston High School
Graciano, Elysia 7.22m Houston High School
Garnica, Kaitlynne 6.15m Houston High School
Jenkins, Kaleigh 7.59m West Plains High School
York, Lily 7.91m West Plains High School
Clinton, Maxine 9.15m West Plains High School
Gibson, Haylee 8.65m Mountain Grove High School
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Girls Triple Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Combs, Chloe Couch High School
Bettis, Abbagail 9.12m Couch High School
Mitchell, Kate 8.59m Licking High School
Hutsell, Sadie 7.80m Licking High School
Wagner, Kaylie 9.21m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Wagner, Kayla 9.30m Houston High School
Bressie, Miah 8.34m Houston High School
Orr, Ella 7.02m West Plains High School
Gonzales, Kaydn 8.59m Mountain Grove High School
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