Iron Mountain Run 2023

Fordland, MO

Iron Mountain Run 2023 vs Iron Mountain Run 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +9 131 122
Overall Average -12.67 24:40.62 24:53.29
1st-10th Place -38.21 18:23.28 19:01.49
1st-25th Place -30.55 19:13.72 19:44.27
1st-50th Place -27.80 20:16.47 20:44.27
1st-100th Place -43.17 22:11.95 22:55.13
Common Athletes -- -- 25
Ran Faster 13 19 6
Ran Season Best 4 6 2
Average Time -2:22.39 22:22.41 24:44.79
Median Time -2:12.31 21:18.98 23:31.29
Middle 80% Times -2:10.54 22:14.96 24:25.50
Top 10% Times -1:37.00 17:43.24 19:20.24
Top 25% Times -1:57.98 18:08.85 20:06.84
Top 50% Times -2:13.00 19:19.40 21:32.40
Bottom 50% Times -2:20.82 23:42.16 26:02.98
Bottom 25% Times -2:53.07 27:27.90 30:20.98
Bottom 10% Times -3:39.24 30:21.06 34:00.31
Average Difference -2:22.39 -- --
Median Difference -1:49.68 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:56.17 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:29.42 -- --
Top 50% Difference -2:00.40 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:20.73 -- --
Top 50% Difference -2:00.40 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -2:41.86 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -3:30.58 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -4:29.78 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Cade Nold Dora High School -1:51.80 17:29.69 19:21.49
Braxton Bolfing Mansfield High School -1:40.77 17:31.00 19:11.77
Ryder Murphy Gainesville High School -4:45.23 18:09.03 22:54.26
Carson Little Greenwood High School -1:22.39 18:10.45 19:32.84
Joshua Nold Dora High School -3:46.00 18:29.11 22:15.11
Ben Smith Norwood High School -55.70 18:31.77 19:27.47
Evan Kochs Niangua High School -4:38.34 18:40.92 23:19.26
Alex Parsons Hartville High School -3:40.01 19:40.33 23:20.34
Isaac Pippin Gainesville High School -15.40 19:54.11 20:09.51
Lane Hughes Hartville High School +26.94 21:16.61 20:49.67
Faith Clark Mansfield High School -2:08.58 20:56.25 23:04.83
Samuel Lang Seymour High School -3:56.80 21:03.92 25:00.72
Nicholas Goodson Gainesville High School -4:34.20 21:18.98 25:53.18
Carson Howard Dora High School -5:29.03 22:02.49 27:31.52
Emma Martin Dora High School -1:49.68 22:19.63 24:09.31
Richard LeClare Gloria Deo +21.79 23:25.11 23:03.32
Kendric Raybuck Fordland High School +1:00.34 24:31.63 23:31.29
Owen Schafer Gloria Deo -6:17.90 23:33.85 29:51.75
Lucie Taylor Hartville High School -1:17.86 24:35.15 25:53.01
Quana Alaimo Greenwood High School +8.11 25:23.76 25:15.65
Chloe Barton Dora High School -15:05.39 25:29.03 40:34.42
Rileigh Sinning Hartville High School -40.37 25:44.20 26:24.57
Justine Justice Fordland High School +2:38.59 30:39.07 28:00.48
Renee Bell Conway High School +1:22.56 29:51.91 28:29.35
Madison Officer Conway High School -1:02.54 30:32.21 31:34.75