Buffalo Invitational 2023

Buffalo, MO
Timing/Results ActNow Racing

Buffalo Invitational 2023 vs Buffalo Invitational 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -47 173 220
Overall Average +59.73 22:53.84 21:54.11
1st-10th Place +34.54 17:01.03 16:26.48
1st-25th Place +50.11 17:53.20 17:03.09
1st-50th Place +53.22 18:44.70 17:51.48
1st-100th Place +1:08.10 20:05.27 18:57.18
Common Athletes -- -- 76
Ran Faster -8 34 42
Ran Season Best -19 7 26
Average Time +21.62 21:46.44 21:24.83
Median Time -14.16 20:51.71 21:05.87
Middle 80% Times +11.70 21:12.43 21:00.73
Top 10% Times +3.68 17:01.16 16:57.48
Top 25% Times +4.22 17:51.26 17:47.04
Top 50% Times +1.16 18:53.64 18:52.48
Bottom 50% Times +42.07 24:39.25 23:57.18
Bottom 25% Times +1:32.00 27:37.64 26:05.64
Bottom 10% Times +2:07.88 31:37.69 29:29.81
Average Difference +21.62 -- --
Median Difference -13.58 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +4.64 -- --
Top 10% Difference -6.61 -- --
Top 50% Difference +4.26 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1.87 -- --
Top 50% Difference +4.26 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +38.98 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:45.79 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +3:35.23 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Landon Duchscherer Marion C. Early High School -1:14.31 16:08.07 17:22.38
Peter Stunja Lebanon High School +41.81 17:08.05 16:26.24
Justus Yates Hermitage High School +29.55 16:56.32 16:26.77
Bennett Mantooth Hermitage High School +39.15 17:10.18 16:31.03
Braxton Watts El Dorado Springs High School -38.82 16:49.98 17:28.80
Luke Buescher Fair Grove High School +51.71 17:51.28 16:59.57
Liam Allen Lebanon High School -38.11 17:00.30 17:38.41
Nolen Geitz Fair Grove High School +1:31.02 18:42.44 17:11.42
Caleb Phillips Macks Creek High School +29.14 17:43.23 17:14.09
Kelby Conner Lebanon High School -24.77 17:15.40 17:40.17
Logan Fisk El Dorado Springs High School +12.61 17:40.97 17:28.36
Jaxon Wheeler Hermitage High School -28.45 18:00.54 18:28.99
DeJuan Chambers Hermitage High School +31.77 18:32.84 18:01.07
Aidan Jarman Dadeville High School -22.06 18:33.96 18:56.02
Gavin Ogan Clever High School +1:18.65 19:55.39 18:36.74
Diesel Shatto Hillcrest High School -39.64 18:38.06 19:17.70
Jaxson Deckard Warsaw High School +0.54 18:40.59 18:40.05
Grant Klemin Lebanon High School -13.28 18:40.82 18:54.10
Landon Dimock Lebanon High School -4:24.71 18:48.18 23:12.89
Riley Bruce Fair Play High School +15:08.59 34:01.05 18:52.46
Wesley Jackson Warsaw High School -1:56.79 18:52.76 20:49.55
Kaleb Getman Dadeville High School +1:20.19 20:17.27 18:57.08
Brayden Keathley Dadeville High School -2:35.06 19:06.73 21:41.79
Gavin Orr Dadeville High School -36.72 19:08.47 19:45.19
Benjamin Boyer Forsyth High School +55.06 20:10.20 19:15.14
Jayden Safley Hillcrest High School -1.39 19:17.22 19:18.61
Kolton Nichols El Dorado Springs High School -10.87 19:19.68 19:30.55
Riley Church Lebanon High School -9.09 19:26.66 19:35.75
Gabriel Montejo Hermitage High School +25.44 19:53.46 19:28.02
Liam Draper Fair Grove High School -21.50 19:31.18 19:52.68
Macklen Johnson Fair Grove High School -12.15 19:35.77 19:47.92
Brayden Garver Dadeville High School +51.89 20:40.60 19:48.71
Chloe Smith Clever High School -1:15.11 19:50.76 21:05.87
Kyan Roberts El Dorado Springs High School +36.96 20:28.13 19:51.17
Parker Hoel Hillcrest High School -47.90 20:00.99 20:48.89
Gage Simons Clever High School +19.23 20:26.54 20:07.31
Evan McSorley Lebanon High School -12.79 20:13.83 20:26.62
Wesley Meister Forsyth High School +22.59 20:36.81 20:14.22
Audrey Goatley El Dorado Springs High School +47.95 21:03.03 20:15.08
Cayden Coose Dadeville High School +44.74 21:02.78 20:18.04
Riley Britton Clever High School -4.55 20:44.71 20:49.26
Preston Listerud Osceola High School -1:13.88 20:51.71 22:05.59
Damian Frazey Forsyth High School -13.58 20:53.53 21:07.11
Ella Johnson Lebanon High School +4.92 21:13.11 21:08.19
Eli Havens Lebanon High School -7.03 21:08.37 21:15.40
Trenton Hartley Hillcrest High School -28.55 21:12.32 21:40.87
Lindsay Parkin Hillcrest High School +1.03 21:20.42 21:19.39
Henry Breshears Warsaw High School +1:10.82 22:30.36 21:19.54
Corey Rogers Lebanon High School +7.42 21:27.57 21:20.15
Wes Buescher Fair Grove High School -11.68 21:22.98 21:34.66
Jenna Massey Lebanon High School -2:01.01 21:25.57 23:26.58
Samuel Humphrey Hillcrest High School +3.08 21:42.72 21:39.64
Chayse Coose Dadeville High School -1:39.29 21:45.38 23:24.67
Hanna Ridgway El Dorado Springs High School +9.57 22:07.08 21:57.51
Coleton Gardner Clever High School +1:10.63 23:21.14 22:10.51
Elijah Long Warsaw High School +50.78 23:02.30 22:11.52
Bailey Cromer Lebanon High School -1:17.63 22:12.22 23:29.85
Jordan Eastburn Lebanon High School -26.38 22:13.73 22:40.11
Elijah Candler Lebanon High School +9:44.86 32:14.21 22:29.35
Cadence Knight Lebanon High School +53.98 23:28.99 22:35.01
Madison Chepulis Lebanon High School +1:05.05 24:08.55 23:03.50
Aiden Duryee Hermitage High School +5:09.17 28:16.31 23:07.14
Kaitlynne Duenas-Gonzalez Lebanon High School +15.40 23:35.16 23:19.76
Camille Boyer Fair Grove High School +1:47.23 25:07.84 23:20.61
Addison Ratliff Macks Creek High School +1:27.48 24:55.01 23:27.53
Audrey Lemon Fair Grove High School +15.08 23:59.17 23:44.09
Brylie Hicks Clever High School -35.84 24:17.90 24:53.74
Josie Wadley Lebanon High School +3:15.82 27:37.64 24:21.82
Elle Key Lebanon High School -1:23.75 24:32.24 25:55.99
Garrett Frieze Fair Play High School -7:30.24 24:47.34 32:17.58
Brayden Henderson Warsaw High School -1:20.86 25:23.80 26:44.66
Mariah Thoele Hermitage High School +1:20.24 27:59.20 26:38.96
Clara Farren El Dorado Springs High School +2:54.46 30:39.53 27:45.07
Evyn Jones Fair Grove High School +24.68 29:07.57 28:42.89
Myka Barger El Dorado Springs High School +2:30.57 36:23.86 33:53.29
Shaylee Gann Buffalo High School +19.74 34:19.76 34:00.02