MSSU Southern Stampede 2009

Joplin, MO

MSSU Southern Stampede 2009 vs Missouri Southern Stampede 2007

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +716 1372 656
Overall Average +60.00 21:21.48 20:21.49
1st-10th Place +34.58 16:05.88 15:31.30
1st-25th Place +37.78 16:27.58 15:49.80
1st-50th Place +41.34 16:48.64 16:07.30
1st-100th Place +40.20 17:14.00 16:33.80
Common Athletes -- -- 117
Ran Faster 13 65 52
Ran Season Best 26 117 91
Average Time -2.00 20:22.91 20:24.91
Median Time -24.71 20:02.29 20:27.00
Middle 80% Times -7.72 20:12.46 20:20.18
Top 10% Times -32.76 16:34.41 17:07.17
Top 25% Times -39.55 17:23.61 18:03.17
Top 50% Times -27.87 18:24.92 18:52.80
Bottom 50% Times +23.90 22:00.17 21:36.27
Bottom 25% Times +41.48 23:44.31 23:02.83
Bottom 10% Times +1:17.21 25:50.04 24:32.83
Average Difference -2.00 -- --
Median Difference -19.94 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -13.29 -- --
Top 10% Difference -21.08 -- --
Top 50% Difference -28.09 -- --
Top 25% Difference -39.30 -- --
Top 50% Difference -28.09 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +23.79 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +42.96 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:49.46 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Caleb Hoover New Heights Christian Academy -20.68 15:28.32 15:49.00
Ben Chapman Glendale High School -11.92 16:03.08 16:15.00
Devon Young Raymore-Peculiar High School -33.65 16:09.35 16:43.00
Trenton Morris New Heights Christian Academy -49.15 16:10.85 17:00.00
Derek Showler Lebanon High School -2:14.12 16:30.88 18:45.00
Brent Collins Hermitage High School -51.38 16:32.62 17:24.00
Billy Mendell Carthage High School -2:03.26 16:34.74 18:38.00
Joshua Carter New Heights Christian Academy +14.18 17:04.18 16:50.00
Shane Wilson Blue Springs South High School -1:12.82 16:54.18 18:07.00
James Selby East Newton High School +2.94 17:08.94 17:06.00
Justin Swake Broken Arrow High School +14.24 17:21.24 17:07.00
Sean Reed Warrensburg High School -1:02.70 17:07.30 18:10.00
Joel Williams Carthage High School -51.57 17:08.43 18:00.00
Chase Cooper Metro Christian Academy +3:09.22 20:29.22 17:20.00
Austin Duncan Osage High School -1:11.37 17:21.63 18:33.00
Ian Simpkins Blue Springs South High School -52.98 17:31.02 18:24.00
Dane Olsen Raymore-Peculiar High School -1:18.17 17:33.83 18:52.00
Jordan Tipton Blue Springs South High School +6.22 17:56.22 17:50.00
Jacob Watson East Newton High School -1:41.71 17:57.29 19:39.00
Lindle Mcalister Neosho High School -25.43 17:57.57 18:23.00
Kyler Littlefield Neosho High School -1:18.26 17:58.74 19:17.00
Kevin Castaldo Parkview High School -35.75 17:59.25 18:35.00
Ryan Coop Raymore-Peculiar High School -1:15.69 17:59.31 19:15.00
Brad Kanan William Chrisman High School +0.69 18:02.69 18:02.00
Mike Hudson Raymore-Peculiar High School -34.42 18:02.58 18:37.00
Marlee Tegenkamp Missouri Southern State University -1:17.71 18:04.29 19:22.00
Clinton Pepper Lebanon High School -2:52.25 18:07.75 21:00.00
Brett Morris Kearney High School -1:14.98 18:12.02 19:27.00
Conner Snowden Blue Springs South High School -44.12 18:12.88 18:57.00
Courtney Wood Neosho High School -1:45.45 18:13.55 19:59.00
Tyler Bartlett Osage High School -2:15.35 18:23.65 20:39.00
Kyle Ritchhart Warrensburg High School +3:09.70 21:34.70 18:25.00
Kevin Votaw Warrensburg High School -1:04.53 18:35.47 19:40.00
Ben Salmon Hermitage High School -24.68 18:40.32 19:05.00
Ben Evans Neosho High School -1:13.31 18:41.69 19:55.00
Brad Presley Marion C. Early High School +45.59 19:34.59 18:49.00
Cody Baze Blue Springs South High School +6.80 18:59.80 18:53.00
Michael Snowden Blue Springs South High School +0.13 18:56.13 18:56.00
Zack Farrand Glendale High School -6.05 18:59.95 19:06.00
Allyson Benkert St. Clair High School +46.91 19:46.91 19:00.00
Cameron Pittman Carl Junction High School +1:01.22 20:01.22 19:00.00
Ryan Rickard Warrensburg High School +48.67 19:59.67 19:11.00
Derek Painter Marion C. Early High School -2:31.03 19:11.97 21:43.00
Dora Eastin Missouri Southern State University -1:16.76 19:14.24 20:31.00
Jake Haause Glendale High School -1:18.41 19:15.59 20:34.00
Alex Rickard Warrensburg High School -27.41 19:16.59 19:44.00
Brian Lovejoy Webb City High School -8.33 19:17.67 19:26.00
Hillarie Kessler Deer Creek High School +1:11.61 20:29.61 19:18.00
Cole Sechrest Liberty (Mountain View) High School -48.59 19:18.41 20:07.00
Trevor Cessna Kearney High School -19.52 19:19.48 19:39.00
Blakelee Kimmis Notre Dame de Sion High School +1:22.82 20:48.82 19:26.00
Kelsie Hutsell Willow Springs High School +32.11 19:59.11 19:27.00
Asabe O`Neill Notre Dame de Sion High School +7.72 19:41.72 19:34.00
Melissa Menchella Eureka High School +1:16.33 20:50.33 19:34.00
Raymond Hornback Parkview High School -52.58 19:34.42 20:27.00
Brandon Wieser Park Hill South High School -1:08.88 19:36.12 20:45.00
Andy Lane Webb City High School -2:45.91 19:37.09 22:23.00
Sam Peak Park Hill South High School -48.77 19:41.23 20:30.00
Tyler Beeman Glendale High School -1:11.69 19:41.31 20:53.00
Kaitlyn McLeod Raymore-Peculiar High School -1:18.53 19:45.47 21:04.00
Melissa Hollon Liberty High School +1:01.64 20:48.64 19:47.00
Camrie Nixon Liberty High School +43.29 20:31.29 19:48.00
Alyssa Carlson Raymore-Peculiar High School +2:13.78 22:08.78 19:55.00
Zach Taylor Parkview High School -2:04.99 19:56.01 22:01.00
Darron Miller Blue Springs South High School -46.07 19:56.93 20:43.00
Megan Fox Raymore-Peculiar High School -26.26 20:00.74 20:27.00
Samantha Forrest Raymore-Peculiar High School +1:23.38 21:24.38 20:01.00
Abby Ersland Warrensburg High School -1:11.71 20:02.29 21:14.00
Sami Berry Kearney High School +9.19 20:16.19 20:07.00
Denes Ratnasingham Warrensburg High School +10.47 20:19.47 20:09.00
Marissa Moberly Kearney High School +24.10 20:41.10 20:17.00
Kelsey Salzman Notre Dame de Sion High School +55.36 21:14.36 20:19.00
Sami Doran Osage High School -48.06 20:21.94 21:10.00
Bethany Roy Webb City High School +2:03.69 22:27.69 20:24.00
Josh Goggins Webb City High School +3:09.23 23:36.23 20:27.00
Ashley Self Kearney High School -19.94 20:27.06 20:47.00
Arielle Miller East Newton High School +55.17 21:25.17 20:30.00
Darby Evans Notre Dame de Sion High School +43.45 21:14.45 20:31.00
Samantha Capelli Notre Dame de Sion High School +58.72 21:29.72 20:31.00
Amber Priest Warrensburg High School +13.42 20:48.42 20:35.00
Kailea Bogner Raymore-Peculiar High School -16.35 20:41.65 20:58.00
Hannah Montgomery Glendale High School -3.61 20:45.39 20:49.00
Mike Cox Carl Junction High School +1:15.06 22:05.06 20:50.00
Daniel Byrom William Chrisman High School +2:23.56 23:18.56 20:55.00
Dalton Mullins Hermitage High School -2:01.50 21:00.50 23:02.00
Madeline Sanders Notre Dame de Sion High School +30.60 21:31.60 21:01.00
Shynnel Bohannon Neosho High School -6.76 21:04.24 21:11.00
Miranda Norfleet Park Hill South High School -17.45 21:07.55 21:25.00
Amy Willsey Park Hill South High School +3:01.81 24:09.81 21:08.00
Hayley Mclemore Parkview High School -23.31 21:09.69 21:33.00
Colleen Pickett Liberty High School +1:04.09 22:14.09 21:10.00
Jordan Miller New Heights Christian Academy +6:26.25 27:36.25 21:10.00
Lindsay Case Blue Springs South High School -11.44 21:10.56 21:22.00
Mandolin Smith Carthage High School +25.60 21:37.60 21:12.00
Cheryl Bollinger Blue Springs South High School -1:52.73 21:14.27 23:07.00
Hannah Selby East Newton High School +20.36 21:40.36 21:20.00
Brody Huff Marion C. Early High School -9.78 21:20.22 21:30.00
Hillary Patek Blue Springs South High School -1:42.68 21:20.32 23:03.00
Mallory Knott Notre Dame de Sion High School -4.52 21:26.48 21:31.00
Vivian Moreno Joplin High School -1:41.56 21:30.44 23:12.00
Lauren Black Park Hill South High School +24.50 21:58.50 21:34.00
Randy Presley Marion C. Early High School +3:50.20 25:39.20 21:49.00
Treston Birt Hermitage High School -1:29.91 21:50.09 23:20.00
Katie Nelson Warrensburg High School -4.39 22:05.61 22:10.00
Evan Willsey Park Hill South High School +1:17.79 23:28.79 22:11.00
Jessica Bear Glendale High School -1:14.96 22:28.04 23:43.00
Nicole Findley Warrensburg High School +59.09 23:29.09 22:30.00
Bailey Millington Glendale High School +58.17 23:53.17 22:55.00
Maria Pippes Blue Springs South High School +7.63 23:03.63 22:56.00
Jamie Hill Blue Springs South High School +45.82 23:43.82 22:58.00
Kristen Roy Carthage High School +3:16.25 26:16.25 23:00.00
Kayanna Luckinbill Liberty (Mountain View) High School +1:55.99 26:45.99 24:50.00
Kristen Wagner Carthage High School +1:08.76 26:10.76 25:02.00
Mary Pamperien Glendale High School +46.02 26:06.02 25:20.00
Phoebe Hicks Marion C. Early High School -10.32 26:08.68 26:19.00
Jackie Land Lee's Summit High School -12.17 26:12.83 26:25.00
Kasey Grant Joplin High School +6.68 27:17.68 27:11.00