Pleasant Hope Invitational 2009 vs Pleasant Hope Invitational 2008

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +29 144 115
Overall Average +3.16 23:46.38 23:43.23
1st-10th Place -59.80 18:15.30 19:15.10
1st-25th Place -48.80 19:10.52 19:59.32
1st-50th Place -41.28 20:10.82 20:52.10
1st-100th Place -1:02.89 21:37.98 22:40.87
Common Athletes -- -- 34
Ran Faster 22 28 6
Ran Season Best -- 34 34
Average Time -51.85 23:05.91 23:57.76
Median Time -1:07.00 22:21.00 23:28.00
Middle 80% Times -1:10.50 23:00.32 24:10.82
Top 10% Times -53.75 18:42.75 19:36.50
Top 25% Times -1:20.78 19:13.89 20:34.67
Top 50% Times -1:11.53 20:18.35 21:29.88
Bottom 50% Times -32.18 25:53.47 26:25.65
Bottom 25% Times +1.67 27:55.67 27:54.00
Bottom 10% Times +2:07.00 31:13.25 29:06.25
Average Difference -51.85 -- --
Median Difference -1:29.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:15.64 -- --
Top 10% Difference -49.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:12.00 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:06.67 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:12.00 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -31.71 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -6.11 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:27.50 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Austin Slagle Ash Grove High School -20.00 18:07.00 18:27.00
Collin Ault Spokane High School -1:57.00 18:26.00 20:23.00
Tyler Weaver Fair Play High School -18.00 19:02.00 19:20.00
Landon Grimes Sparta High School -1:13.00 19:16.00 20:29.00
Dakota House Clever High School -2:29.00 19:33.00 22:02.00
Brandon Stockstill Fair Play High School -41.00 19:35.00 20:16.00
Cole Pearce Clever High School -2:09.00 19:38.00 21:47.00
Merle Carter Conway High School -1:47.00 19:42.00 21:29.00
Caleb Whaly Fair Play High School -2:12.00 19:46.00 21:58.00
Jake Davis Weaubleau High School -3:12.00 20:09.00 23:21.00
Alex Padgett Fair Play High School -48.00 21:00.00 21:48.00
Nathan Perisho Conway High School -47.00 21:11.00 21:58.00
Eric Sechler Pleasant Hope High School +50.00 22:03.00 21:13.00
Joe Merklin Halfway High School -20.00 21:49.00 22:09.00
Thomas Maggard Weaubleau High School -44.00 21:52.00 22:36.00
David Girshner Sparta High School -1:34.00 21:54.00 23:28.00
Cody Walworth Weaubleau High School -1:29.00 22:09.00 23:38.00
Will Ehrhardt Wheatland High School -43.00 22:21.00 23:04.00
Cody Young Sparta High School -1:40.00 22:32.00 24:12.00
Cody Miller Pleasant Hope High School +40.00 23:48.00 23:08.00
Brennan Miller Weaubleau High School -1:33.00 23:21.00 24:54.00
Lydia Marsh Fair Grove High School -2:56.00 23:56.00 26:52.00
Cassie Sturdefant Seymour High School -1:22.00 24:08.00 25:30.00
Brandon Hileman Conway High School -3:50.00 24:13.00 28:03.00
Bridget Hanafin Clever High School -38.00 24:29.00 25:07.00
Dani Baker Weaubleau High School -45.00 24:30.00 25:15.00
Levin Roweton Weaubleau High School -1:54.00 24:53.00 26:47.00
Kathryn Brochu Fair Play High School -1:17.00 25:06.00 26:23.00
Katie Draman Spokane High School -3:43.00 25:24.00 29:07.00
Megan Luce-Province Fair Grove High School +1:56.00 28:02.00 26:06.00
Joey Meese Spokane High School -1.00 26:35.00 26:36.00
Samuel Grube Spokane High School +3:47.00 32:07.00 28:20.00
Jaime Troye Fair Play High School +5:24.00 34:14.00 28:50.00
Abby Hollenbeck Fair Play High School +22.00 30:30.00 30:08.00