Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
HARROLD, ALIJAH Bishop DuBourg High School
Bouphata, Tyler Metro High School
Bell, Judius Collegiate School of Medicine an
Greco, Chaz Affton High School
Smith, Ajay Affton High School
Lopez- Garcia, Julian Bayless High School
Cruz, Donovan Affton High School
Wood, Logan Affton High School
Bell, Xavier Collegiate School of Medicine an
Haunold, Nick Affton High School
Irumva, Honore Metro High School
Franklin, Zachary Bishop DuBourg High School
Stutz, Jacob Affton High School
Marley, Jaydon 11.04 Metro High School
Thomas, Keenan 11.08 Bishop DuBourg High School
Davis, Dylan 11.63 Collegiate School of Medicine an
Jones, Marvin 11.87 Bayless High School
HENSON, KEVIN 11.91 Bishop DuBourg High School
Darby, Keion 12.06 Metro High School
Freeman, Elijah 12.09 Bayless High School
Jones, Malachi 12.48 Bishop DuBourg High School
Saville, Larry 12.96 Bayless High School
Penny-Johnson, Jelani 13.05 Metro High School
JONES, LHANDON 13.15 Bishop DuBourg High School
McCall, Raylonzo 13.24 Collegiate School of Medicine an
Yehdego, Temesguen 13.43 Collegiate School of Medicine an
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Watson, Keith 15.99 Affton High School
Roeder, Timothy 18.99 Bishop DuBourg High School
Hulsey, William 19.64 Bayless High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
White, Emmett Collegiate School of Medicine an
Winkeler, Jason Bayless High School
Phan, Benjamin Metro High School
Wakeland, Trenton Bayless High School
Winkler, Tobias Affton High School
Montoya, Armando 4:42.28 Collegiate School of Medicine an
Garrett, Owen 4:42.61 Collegiate School of Medicine an
Cade, Keteyian 4:50.59 Metro High School
Mandernach, Jackson 5:00.51 Affton High School
Lang, Connor 5:33.92 Affton High School
Earll, Mason 5:34.22 Affton High School
Gonzalez, Andres 5:34.70 Metro High School
Roeder, Timothy 5:51.72 Bishop DuBourg High School
Ingram, Owen 5:59.28 Bishop DuBourg High School
Weiss, William 6:09.41 Affton High School
Bihr, William 6:27.32 Metro High School
Dullovi, Avni 6:32.65 Affton High School
Miller, Jackson 6:55.84 Bishop DuBourg High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McFarland, Levi Collegiate School of Medicine an
Wood, Logan Affton High School
Cruz, Donovan Affton High School
Irumva, Honore Metro High School
Stolarski, Daniel Affton High School
Bell, Xavier Collegiate School of Medicine an
Masters, William Bishop DuBourg High School
Haunold, Nick Affton High School
Stiles, Koreion Metro High School
Lopez- Garcia, Julian Bayless High School
Collins, Brian Collegiate School of Medicine an
Stutz, Jacob Affton High School
Bell, Judius Collegiate School of Medicine an
Greco, Chaz Affton High School
Marley, Jaydon 22.71 Metro High School
STAUB, JAMES 23.88 Bishop DuBourg High School
Davis, Dylan 23.90 Collegiate School of Medicine an
Carter, Devin 24.55 Metro High School
HENSON, KEVIN 24.79 Bishop DuBourg High School
Freeman, Elijah 24.84 Bayless High School
Jones, Marvin 25.51 Bayless High School
Saville, Larry 26.06 Bayless High School
Jones, Malachi 26.37 Bishop DuBourg High School
White, Gavin 27.85 Metro High School
McCall, Raylonzo 28.16 Collegiate School of Medicine an
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kennison, James Bishop DuBourg High School
Watson, Keith Affton High School
Lunga, Erick Collegiate School of Medicine an
Hulsey, William 48.49 Bayless High School
White, Gavin 49.85 Metro High School
Roeder, Timothy 52.40 Bishop DuBourg High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stephens, Nathan Affton High School
Malkic, Merim Bayless High School
Kelly, Dylon Affton High School
Miller, Jackson Bishop DuBourg High School
Ingram, Owen Bishop DuBourg High School
White, Emmett Collegiate School of Medicine an
Earll, Mason 11:32.20 Affton High School
Baum-Scholle, Gabriel 11:54.51 Metro High School
Mooney, Tyler 12:07.71 Affton High School
Slover, Alexander 13:27.43 Bayless High School
Kennison, James 13:31.28 Bishop DuBourg High School
Murch, Eli 13:35.37 Metro High School
MEEHAN, James 14:38.51 Bishop DuBourg High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lunga, Erick Collegiate School of Medicine an
Morales, Kevin Affton High School
Stolarski, Daniel Affton High School
Badillo, Anthony Metro High School
Thomas, Keenan Bishop DuBourg High School
Bell, Jeremiah Metro High School
McFarland, Levi Collegiate School of Medicine an
White, Zion 1:01.38 Bishop DuBourg High School
Saville, Adam 1:04.19 Bayless High School
Long, Rowan 1:11.91 Metro High School
Keoshkerian, Benjamin 55.42 Metro High School
Moehlenbrock, Bailey 58.94 Affton High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Bayless High School
Relay Team A Affton High School
Relay Team A 45.64 Bishop DuBourg High School
Relay Team A 47.79 Metro High School
Relay Team A 48.35 Collegiate School of Medicine an
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Affton High School
Relay Team A Bayless High School
Relay Team A 1:35.60 Bishop DuBourg High School
Relay Team A 1:45.51 Collegiate School of Medicine an
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Affton High School
Relay Team A 3:55.86 Bishop DuBourg High School
Relay Team A 3:55.96 Metro High School
Relay Team A 3:56.97 Collegiate School of Medicine an
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Affton High School
Relay Team A 10:23.50 Bayless High School
Relay Team A 10:57.27 Bishop DuBourg High School
Relay Team A 9:11.52 Metro High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
St. Vrain, James Bayless High School
Eubank, Jeyn Affton High School
Uviesherhe, Oghenesata Affton High School
Huff, Collin Metro High School
Drake, Daylan Affton High School
Rehg, Anthony Bayless High School
Zecca, Miles Affton High School
Wiesehan, Jeremiah Metro High School
Cox, Jerry Affton High School
Kidner, Eliott Metro High School
Winkler, Tobias Affton High School
Malone, Kye Metro High School
Shell, Jaxon Affton High School
Morales, Kevin 2:04.51 Affton High School
Montoya, Armando 2:06.01 Collegiate School of Medicine an
Garrett, Owen 2:06.29 Collegiate School of Medicine an
Mandernach, Jackson 2:28.28 Affton High School
Weiss, William 2:38.74 Affton High School
Zeric, Dino 2:41.66 Affton High School
Mendenhall, Logan 2:55.65 Affton High School
Dullovi, Avni 2:58.87 Affton High School
Bethel, Weston 3:00.25 Affton High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Penny-Johnson, Jelani 27.97m Metro High School
Earnest-Mcclelland, Beck 23.90m Metro High School
Montroy, August 23.20m Metro High School
Von Rohr, Gabriel 23.00m Metro High School
Hutchens, Rodney 19.97m Metro High School
Kugic, Hamza 18.10m Metro High School
Chung, Jaron Metro High School
Overton, Otto Metro High School
Allbright, Alexander 23.54m Affton High School
Villmer, Pablo 17.56m Affton High School
Bell, Owen Affton High School
Meyer, Waylon Affton High School
SIDES, DAVID 35.60m Bishop DuBourg High School
NEAL, RYAN 23.78m Bishop DuBourg High School
Sawyer, Jayvyn 19.57m Bishop DuBourg High School
HARROLD, ALIJAH 17.36m Bishop DuBourg High School
Bektic, Mustafa 26.01m Bayless High School
Mahmutovic, Amel 16.80m Bayless High School
Miller, Oscar 17.76m Bayless High School
Murray, Brayden Affton High School
Hopfinger, Patrick Affton High School
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HS Boys High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barnes, Lawson 1.67m Metro High School
Darby, Keion Metro High School
Were, Austin Metro High School
Stiles, Koreion Metro High School
Pleas, Evin 1.73m Bishop DuBourg High School
BOONE, AMIR 1.50m Bishop DuBourg High School
Neal, Malik Affton High School
Smith, Ajay Affton High School
Wood, Logan Affton High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Darby, Keion 5.70m Metro High School
Carter, Devin 5.85m Metro High School
Were, Austin 4.63m Metro High School
Wiesehan, Jeremiah Metro High School
Stiles, Koreion Metro High School
Neal, Malik Affton High School
Franklin, Zachary 6.11m Bishop DuBourg High School
Pleas, Evin 5.83m Bishop DuBourg High School
BOONE, AMIR 4.78m Bishop DuBourg High School
JONES, LHANDON 4.71m Bishop DuBourg High School
White, Zion 4.70m Bishop DuBourg High School
Bouphata, Tyler Metro High School
Davis, Dylan 5.61m Collegiate School of Medicine an
Mugenyi, Moses 4.66m Collegiate School of Medicine an
Stutz, Jacob Affton High School
Haunold, Nick Affton High School
Villmer, Pablo Affton High School
Burford, Jameson Affton High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rexhepi, Endrit 2.89m Affton High School
Lang, Connor 2.62m Affton High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Penny-Johnson, Jelani 10.56m Metro High School
Hutchens, Rodney 9.08m Metro High School
Earnest-Mcclelland, Beck 9.06m Metro High School
Montroy, August 8.70m Metro High School
Kugic, Hamza 8.67m Metro High School
Von Rohr, Gabriel 8.62m Metro High School
Keoshkerian, Benjamin Metro High School
Overton, Otto Metro High School
SIDES, DAVION 13.24m Bishop DuBourg High School
HUSTON, ANDREW 10.40m Bishop DuBourg High School
Allbright, Alexander 9.98m Affton High School
Bell, Owen 6.94m Affton High School
Meyer, Waylon Affton High School
Sawyer, Jayvyn 6.71m Bishop DuBourg High School
Paine, Jeffery 9.42m Bishop DuBourg High School
Henson, LIam 10.57m Bayless High School
Wilson, Connor 8.30m Bayless High School
Livingston, StaShaun Bayless High School
Chung, Jaron Metro High School
Hopfinger, Patrick Affton High School
Murray, Brayden Affton High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carter, Devin 12.02m Metro High School
Barnes, Lawson 9.93m Metro High School
Montroy, August 9.13m Metro High School
Bell, Jeremiah Metro High School
Mugenyi, Moses 11.45m Collegiate School of Medicine an
Collins, Brian 9.69m Collegiate School of Medicine an
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hagos, Danait Notre Dame (St. Louis) High Scho
Anderson, Jeanne Rosati-Kain High School
Saliga, Rocio Notre Dame (St. Louis) High Scho
Burgess, Amya Collegiate School of Medicine an
Huffhines, Lily Notre Dame (St. Louis) High Scho
Lazarus, Amelia Rosati-Kain High School
Bick, Lilly Bishop DuBourg High School
Richardson, Olivia Notre Dame (St. Louis) High Scho
Whitley, Jaiden Bishop DuBourg High School
Escalante, Isabella Affton High School
Woods, Taniah Rosati-Kain High School
Lily) Woolard, Lillian Notre Dame (St. Louis) High Scho
Macon-Ford, Leah 12.16 Metro High School
Ladouceur, Gracianaelle 13.25 Bayless High School
Smith, Aymerie 13.51 Affton High School
Carr, Brooklyn 13.63 Rosati-Kain High School
Fuchs, Grace 14.03 Metro High School
Brinkley, Jaden 14.14 Metro High School
Douglas, Jersey 14.27 Metro High School
Spells, Rashonda 14.41 Bishop DuBourg High School
Morrow, Makaylah 14.77 Bishop DuBourg High School
Whitlock, Josephine 14.83 Notre Dame (St. Louis) High Scho
Taylor, Darnea 14.85 Bishop DuBourg High School
Smith, Amerynn 14.98 Rosati-Kain High School
Lang, Vivian 15.01 Affton High School
Harris, Daisa 15.12 Notre Dame (St. Louis) High Scho
Wallace, Tehya 15.43 Collegiate School of Medicine an
McFee, Lashera 15.66 Affton High School
Meyer, Sydney 15.90 Notre Dame (St. Louis) High Scho
White, Aubrey 15.93 Affton High School
McCall, Raymariea 15.98 Collegiate School of Medicine an
Hubbard, Joi 16.62 Collegiate School of Medicine an
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Escalante, Isabella Affton High School
Casey, Elliana "Elli" Affton High School
COLLINS, NE'LEH Bishop DuBourg High School
McIntyre, Chelsie Collegiate School of Medicine an
Couilloud, Sofia 19.63 Metro High School
Bohlen, Kornae 20.80 Collegiate School of Medicine an
Strickland, Amya 21.44 Metro High School
Cella, Emelia 21.56 Affton High School
Gibson, Marley 22.06 Metro High School
Shaffer, Michelle 22.54 Affton High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bakhtyar, Zohel Affton High School
Leonard, Abigail Metro High School
Main, Abigail Rosati-Kain High School
Mosavi, Sumiya Affton High School
Erhard, Rowan 6:25.26 Metro High School
Oberkrom, Audrey 6:27.81 Collegiate School of Medicine an
Doshi, Gia 6:40.60 Metro High School
Sahin, Maya 7:43.76 Bishop DuBourg High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Whitley, Jaiden Bishop DuBourg High School
Escalante, Isabella Affton High School
Boggess, Elise Metro High School
Woods, Taniah Rosati-Kain High School
Bick, Lilly Bishop DuBourg High School
Gibson, Marley Metro High School
Lazarus, Amelia Rosati-Kain High School
McCall, Raymariea Collegiate School of Medicine an
Schroeder, Macie Metro High School
Collins, Chloe Collegiate School of Medicine an
Sells, Samantha Metro High School
VandenBrink, Alia 24.77 Collegiate School of Medicine an
Carr, Brooklyn 27.09 Rosati-Kain High School
Gurley, Derriyah 27.63 Bayless High School
Ladouceur, Gracianaelle 27.95 Bayless High School
Thomas, Makiyah 28.61 Affton High School
Robinson, Markayla 28.74 Collegiate School of Medicine an
Harris, Asia 28.74 Notre Dame (St. Louis) High Scho
Small, Aniyah 30.54 Metro High School
Lang, Vivian 31.70 Affton High School
Struckel, Lindsey 31.87 Notre Dame (St. Louis) High Scho
McFee, Lashera 32.42 Affton High School
White, Aubrey 32.71 Affton High School
Sleik, Skylar 33.70 Bayless High School
Smith, Amerynn 33.91 Rosati-Kain High School
Meyer, Sydney 34.53 Notre Dame (St. Louis) High Scho
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Casey, Elliana "Elli" Affton High School
Cella, Emelia 1:00.30 Affton High School
TATKO, Anna 1:00.58 Bishop DuBourg High School
Shaffer, Michelle 1:02.16 Affton High School
Bohlen, Kornae 1:04.09 Collegiate School of Medicine an
McIntyre, Chelsie 1:09.07 Collegiate School of Medicine an
Wagstaff, Elise 58.42 Affton High School
COLLINS, NE'LEH 59.75 Bishop DuBourg High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Luetkemeyer, Lucy 11:31.26 Metro High School
Malone, Yuri 11:44.05 Metro High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sells, Samantha Metro High School
Morris, Yazmine Collegiate School of Medicine an
Paschedag, Leia Notre Dame (St. Louis) High Scho
Kienzle, Sophia Notre Dame (St. Louis) High Scho
Daughtry, Anna 1:00.78 Affton High School
Cousins, Addison 1:05.67 Affton High School
Struckel, Lindsey 1:06.48 Notre Dame (St. Louis) High Scho
Dodson, Mya 1:07.59 Bayless High School
Brickey, Erin 1:10.29 Bishop DuBourg High School
Lewis, Adley 1:10.58 Metro High School
Chavez, Nina 1:15.20 Collegiate School of Medicine an
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Affton High School
Relay Team A Bishop DuBourg High School
Relay Team A Notre Dame (St. Louis) High Scho
Relay Team A 1:00.32 Collegiate School of Medicine an
Relay Team A 55.46 Bayless High School
Relay Team A 57.23 Metro High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Metro High School
Relay Team A Affton High School
Relay Team A Notre Dame (St. Louis) High Scho
Relay Team A Bishop DuBourg High School
Relay Team A 1:59.02 Bayless High School
Relay Team A 2:04.34 Collegiate School of Medicine an
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Metro High School
Relay Team A Affton High School
Relay Team A Bishop DuBourg High School
Relay Team A Rosati-Kain High School
Relay Team A 5:14.10 Collegiate School of Medicine an
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Rosati-Kain High School
Relay Team A Affton High School
Relay Team A 11:27.42 Metro High School
Relay Team A 12:22.41 Bishop DuBourg High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mosavi, Sumiya Affton High School
Bakhtyar, Zohel Affton High School
Daughtry, Anna 2:20.26 Affton High School
Laurine, Elizabeth 2:35.21 Rosati-Kain High School
FALETTI, EMILY 2:36.23 Bishop DuBourg High School
Meyer, Amalia 2:45.98 Metro High School
Wong, Jaden 2:53.69 Bishop DuBourg High School
Wenger, Madeline 2:54.09 Rosati-Kain High School
Baum-Scholle, Lucy 2:55.69 Metro High School
Oberkrom, Audrey 2:58.66 Collegiate School of Medicine an
Zewki, Amelia 3:13.67 Bayless High School
Chavez, Nina 3:24.45 Collegiate School of Medicine an
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HS Girls Discus Throw 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Divis, Lucy 28.50m Metro High School
Kugic, Adaleta 23.30m Metro High School
Foluke, Niara 14.00m Metro High School
Grise, Penelope Metro High School
Knapp, Lottie Metro High School
McBride, Ansleigh Metro High School
Finley, Olivia Metro High School
COLLINS, NE'LEH 28.45m Bishop DuBourg High School
Voyer, Abigail 15.30m Bishop DuBourg High School
Fick, Avery Bishop DuBourg High School
Johnston, Audrey Bishop DuBourg High School
Mulat, Mahlet 20.12m Affton High School
Duvall, Alyson Affton High School
Gidcumb, Autumn 31.21m Bayless High School
Sleik, Skylar 15.95m Bayless High School
Tabron, Loren 27.06m Collegiate School of Medicine an
Bell, Ava Affton High School
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HS Girls High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Douglas, Jersey 1.28m Metro High School
Bohler, Kenley Metro High School
Sells, Samantha Metro High School
McFarlane, Olivia 1.30m Metro High School
Brickey, Erin 1.22m Bishop DuBourg High School
Olesia, Bridgit 1.55m Affton High School
Cella, Emelia 1.32m Affton High School
Casey, Elliana "Elli" Affton High School
Wenger, Madeline 1.43m Rosati-Kain High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Small, Aniyah 4.20m Metro High School
Strickland, Amya Metro High School
Schroeder, Macie Metro High School
Fuchs, Grace 3.32m Metro High School
Olayo, Kimberly 3.82m Bishop DuBourg High School
Olesia, Bridgit 4.40m Affton High School
Cella, Emelia 3.02m Affton High School
Cousins, Addison Affton High School
McGill, Marisa 4.76m Notre Dame (St. Louis) High Scho
Spells, Rashonda 3.95m Bishop DuBourg High School
Morrow, Makaylah 3.11m Bishop DuBourg High School
Taylor, Darnea Bishop DuBourg High School
Taylor, Zy'Riah 3.07m Collegiate School of Medicine an
Leachman, Daisha 3.48m Collegiate School of Medicine an
Cotton, Azarhia Collegiate School of Medicine an
Shaffer, Michelle Affton High School
Thomas, Makiyah 3.86m Affton High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bell, Zoey 1.83m Affton High School
Wagstaff, Elise 2.73m Affton High School
Hudson, Charlotte 2.44m Affton High School
Lang, Vivian Affton High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Divis, Lucy 10.06m Metro High School
Kugic, Adaleta 7.37m Metro High School
Foluke, Niara 6.56m Metro High School
Finley, Olivia 5.83m Metro High School
Knapp, Lottie Metro High School
Grise, Penelope Metro High School
McBride, Ansleigh Metro High School
Voyer, Abigail 6.73m Bishop DuBourg High School
Taylor, Giselle 5.00m Bishop DuBourg High School
Fick, Avery Bishop DuBourg High School
Johnston, Audrey Bishop DuBourg High School
Bell, Ava 4.35m Affton High School
Mejia, Isabella Affton High School
Mulat, Mahlet 7.74m Affton High School
Duvall, Alyson Affton High School
Lazarus, Amelia Rosati-Kain High School
Ho, Anna Rosati-Kain High School
Anderson, Jeanne Rosati-Kain High School
Woods, Taniah Rosati-Kain High School
Gidcumb, Autumn 8.73m Bayless High School
Tabron, Loren 9.02m Collegiate School of Medicine an
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HS Girls Triple Jump 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Boggess, Elise Metro High School
Meyer, Amalia 8.96m Metro High School
Cotton, Azarhia Collegiate School of Medicine an
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