Worth County Early Bird 2024

Grant City, MO

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Staples, Brody Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
Manning, Gabriel Tri-County High School
Lee, Slade Winston High School
Kingery, Trenton Tarkio High School
Sweeney, Lucian North Harrison High School
Heyde, Zander Stanberry High School
McCrary, Caden Pattonsburg High School
Guy, Noah North Harrison High School
Mooney, Cooper King City High School
Hedlund, Collin Tarkio High School
Mason, Dorian King City High School
Baker, Garrett 11.37 Cainsville High School
Walker, Reece 11.57 West Nodaway High School
Moser, Landon 11.76 Worth County High School
Derr, Kane 11.97 Mound City High School
Coleman, Kase 12.09 Bedford High School
Galloway, Mason 12.23 South Harrison High School
Poppa, Paul 12.31 Albany High School
Jincks, Leon 12.44 South Harrison High School
Knighton, Marcus 12.80h Bedford High School
Davis, Clayton 12.85 West Nodaway High School
Archer, Jude 12.89 Northeast Nodaway High School
Caldwell, Evan 13.22 Winston High School
Gillenwater, Cole 13.50 Mound City High School
Scadden, Kyler 13.79 Northeast Nodaway High School
Peterson, Kutter 14.88 Albany High School
Brundage, Keegan 14.90 Mercer High School
Webb, Damien 15.48 Stanberry High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martin, Kaiden Winston High School
Holtzclaw, Marshall South Harrison High School
Meadows, August 16.29 Mound City High School
Brown, Chauncey 16.70 Mound City High School
Swartz, Dalton 17.56 Bedford High School
DeHaas, Koen 18.75 Bedford High School
Frisch, Lucas 18.75 Worth County High School
Otto, Lealand 19.06 Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
Combs, Brayden 19.76 Worth County High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vernon, Clayton Tarkio High School
Staten, Quin Tarkio High School
Richardson, Tate North Harrison High School
Seek, Desmond Winston High School
Zembles, Keaton 4:33.37 Mound City High School
Ivey, Nicholaus 5:15.13 Mound City High School
Sheetz, Bristol 5:16.39 Winston High School
Wall, Brody 5:16.62 King City High School
Holtman, Ethan 5:17.13 Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
Trammell, Koan 5:17.19 South Harrison High School
Peery, Jacob 5:23.74 Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
Powell, Camden 5:26.00h Bedford High School
Schieber, Kenneth 5:44.63 Northeast Nodaway High School
Ewart, Trace 5:45.00h Bedford High School
Gibson, Beau 5:46.22 Gilman City High School
Ellis, Orrin 5:48.30h Albany High School
Goff, Oren 5:51.61 West Nodaway High School
Roller, Benjamin 6:00.56 North Andrew High School
Cookson, Jacob 6:18.87 South Harrison High School
Walker, Dylan 6:27.10 West Nodaway High School
Rowland, Draven 6:27.55 North Nodaway High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Guy, Noah North Harrison High School
Manning, Gabriel Tri-County High School
Seek, Draven Winston High School
Mason, Garion King City High School
Severe, Judah Cainsville High School
Heyde, Zander Stanberry High School
Mooney, Cooper King City High School
Burton, Travis Mercer High School
Giffin, Nathaniel 23.67 Stanberry High School
Motsinger, Garrison 24.04 Bedford High School
Derr, Kane 24.51 Mound City High School
Emerson, Kyle 24.84 Albany High School
McIntosh, Michael 24.90 Albany High School
New, Tyler 25.01 Worth County High School
Walker, Reece 25.48 West Nodaway High School
Gillenwater, Cole 25.50 Mound City High School
Dukes, Izaac 25.50h Bedford High School
Baker, Garrett 25.74 Cainsville High School
Fuhrman, John 25.78 West Nodaway High School
DeRosier, Owen 26.10 Tarkio High School
Casner, Mason 26.44 North Nodaway High School
Holtzclaw, Marshall 27.00 South Harrison High School
Jincks, Leon 27.00 South Harrison High School
Caldwell, Evan 28.02 Winston High School
Dougherty, Griffin 28.86 North Harrison High School
Brundage, Keegan 31.55 Mercer High School
Crosby, Xaden 32.10 Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
McCrary, Caden 32.25 Pattonsburg High School
Lager, Gabriel 32.54 Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
Allen, Chase 35.72 Northeast Nodaway High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martin, Kaiden Winston High School
McCrary, Caden Pattonsburg High School
Meadows, August 41.41 Mound City High School
Mooney, Cooper 43.48 King City High School
Frisch, Lucas 44.13 Worth County High School
Swartz, Dalton 45.59 Bedford High School
Brown, Chauncey 45.78 Mound City High School
Irvine, Gavyn 49.12 Tarkio High School
DeHaas, Koen 49.25 Bedford High School
ANDREW PANIAMOGAN, CESAR 49.29 South Harrison High School
Deleon, Jordan 50.13 North Nodaway High School
Ruby, Cole 50.24 Worth County High School
Otto, Lealand 50.94 Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Meyer, Emmett Stanberry High School
Wall, Brody King City High School
Stepp, Ian Tarkio High School
Richardson, Tate North Harrison High School
Ivey, Nicholaus Mound City High School
Anderson, Cole 11:06.90 Tarkio High School
Sheetz, Bristol 11:12.85 Winston High School
Griffin, Jadon 11:52.12 Mound City High School
Roller, Benjamin 12:05.35 North Andrew High School
Peery, Jacob 12:08.39 Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
Uthe, Elijah 12:43.82 Winston High School
Powell, Camden 12:52.39 Bedford High School
Welch, Javen 13:00.79 Bedford High School
Lager, Andrew 13:03.83 Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
DeRosier, Owen Tarkio High School
Sweeney, Lucian North Harrison High School
Severe, Judah Cainsville High School
Burton, Travis Mercer High School
Kingery, Mason Tarkio High School
Mason, Jared Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
Parker, Conner Winston High School
Mason, Dorian King City High School
Maize, Wyatt North Harrison High School
Staples, Brody Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
Archer, Jude 1:00.17 Northeast Nodaway High School
Seek, Draven 1:00.27 Winston High School
Schaefer, Brayden 1:01.09 Albany High School
Schaefer, Keghan 1:01.53 Albany High School
Livengood, Quinton 1:01.71 Mound City High School
Haer, Isaac 1:12.50 Mound City High School
Baker, Garrett 55.38 Cainsville High School
Giffin, Nathaniel 55.95 Stanberry High School
Nally, Ashton 57.10h Bedford High School
Cordell, Benjamin 57.22 West Nodaway High School
Hilton, Max 57.85 Stanberry High School
Fuhrman, John 59.22 West Nodaway High School
Deemer, John 59.80h Bedford High School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
Relay Team A South Harrison High School
Relay Team A North Harrison High School
Relay Team A Mound City High School
Relay Team A Worth County High School
Relay Team A West Nodaway High School
Relay Team A Stanberry High School
Relay Team A 46.80h Bedford High School
Relay Team A 48.12 Albany High School
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Stanberry High School
Relay Team A South Harrison High School
Relay Team A North Harrison High School
Relay Team A Mound City High School
Relay Team A Worth County High School
Relay Team A 1:37.20h Bedford High School
Relay Team A 1:42.40h Albany High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A North Harrison High School
Relay Team A Mound City High School
Relay Team A Worth County High School
Relay Team A Winston High School
Relay Team A Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
Relay Team A Tarkio High School
Relay Team A South Harrison High School
Relay Team A 3:50.00h Bedford High School
Relay Team A 3:59.17 West Nodaway High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A South Harrison High School
Relay Team A Mound City High School
Relay Team A Winston High School
Relay Team A Stanberry High School
Relay Team A Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
Relay Team A Tarkio High School
Relay Team A 10:00.00 Bedford High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Landon North Harrison High School
Vernon, Clayton Tarkio High School
Rowland, Draven North Nodaway High School
Sweeney, Lucian North Harrison High School
Wolfe, Trace King City High School
Blay, Riley 2:00.03 West Nodaway High School
Zembles, Keaton 2:02.33 Mound City High School
Heyde, Decker 2:08.57 Stanberry High School
Holtman, Ethan 2:12.20 Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
Ivey, Nicholaus 2:17.39 Mound City High School
Gibson, Beau 2:20.09 Gilman City High School
Nelson, Noel 2:21.23 Winston High School
Ridnour, Daniel 2:25.00h Bedford High School
Schieber, Kenneth 2:26.17 Northeast Nodaway High School
Hughes-Fast, Adian 2:26.32 West Nodaway High School
Heyde, Jax 2:30.57 Stanberry High School
Schaefer, Keghan 2:33.51 Albany High School
Otto, Bruce 2:34.85 Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
Kooper, Weed 2:39.35 Bedford High School
Uthe, Elijah 2:41.66 Winston High School
Eckerson, Camden 2:42.75 South Harrison High School
Campbell, Jagger 2:44.18 South Harrison High School
Owens, Jared 2:45.10h Albany High School
Vette, Isaac 2:51.30 Tarkio High School
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Boys Discus 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shelman, Joel Winston High School
Lang, Landen Winston High School
Jones, Cooper South Harrison High School
Coffey, Crae South Harrison High School
Hedlund, Collin 40.22m Tarkio High School
Smith, Brayden 25.47m Tarkio High School
Otto, Lealand 33.38m Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
Lager, Gabriel 19.02m Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
Roller, Benjamin North Andrew High School
Lewis, Dylan 23.35m Mercer High School
Mercer, Elliot 31.50m Albany High School
Williams, Tanner 29.34m Albany High School
Privett, Toryn 26.21m Northeast Nodaway High School
Ackley, Fenton 12.18m Northeast Nodaway High School
Collins, Bo 51.96m Worth County High School
Lininger, Ethan 39.19m Worth County High School
Gard, John Mound City High School
Bashor, Wesley Stanberry High School
Keough, Konnor 20.43m Stanberry High School
Manley, Scott Mound City High School
Mason, Garion 25.41m King City High School
Sturgis, Matthew North Nodaway High School
Neely, Gavin 28.40m Bedford High School
Mains, Clinton Bedford High School
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Boys High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Irvine, Gavyn 1.60m Tarkio High School
Kingery, Mason Tarkio High School
Acklin, Lane 1.27m Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
Palmer, Jace 1.50m Albany High School
Schaefer, Keghan 1.57m Albany High School
Archer, Jude 1.50m Northeast Nodaway High School
Johnson, Landon North Harrison High School
Griffin, Andrew 1.60m Worth County High School
Brown, Chauncey 1.73m Mound City High School
Bryant, Wesley 1.37m Mound City High School
Savage, Cole 1.73m Bedford High School
Deleon, Jordan 1.68m North Nodaway High School
Stoll, Jaren 1.62m Stanberry High School
Walker, Dylan 1.44m West Nodaway High School
Taggart, Khale 1.60m South Harrison High School
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Boys Javelin 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lee, Slade Winston High School
Shelman, Joel Winston High School
Severe, Judah Cainsville High School
Coffey, Crae 33.27m South Harrison High School
Hedlund, Collin 34.17m Tarkio High School
Meyer, Ean 42.62m Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
Lager, Gabriel 26.15m Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
Henderson, Eian 36.73m Albany High School
McIntosh, Michael 35.75m Albany High School
Scadden, Kyler 37.10m Northeast Nodaway High School
Graham, Kolton 32.38m North Harrison High School
Schreiber, Evan North Harrison High School
New, Tyler 43.80m Worth County High School
Lininger, Ethan Worth County High School
Burton, Travis Mercer High School
Cooley, Evean 32.49m Stanberry High School
Bashor, Wesley Stanberry High School
Mason, Garion 23.70m King City High School
Thompson, Walker West Nodaway High School
Downing , Lyric West Nodaway High School
Godsey, Graham Bedford High School
Swartz, Dalton Bedford High School
Coe, Ethan 27.44m South Harrison High School
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Boys Long Jump 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Caldwell, Evan 4.60m Winston High School
Parker, Conner 3.95m Winston High School
Severe, Judah Cainsville High School
Hoover, Brendan 5.56m South Harrison High School
DeRosier, Owen 5.70m Tarkio High School
Staten, Quin 4.98m Tarkio High School
Miller, Justin 6.02m Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
Acklin, Lane Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
Gibson, Beau 4.88m Gilman City High School
Poppa, Paul 4.70m Albany High School
Palmer, Jace 4.65m Albany High School
Allen, Chase Northeast Nodaway High School
Graham, Lane North Harrison High School
Moser, Landon 5.89m Worth County High School
New, Caleb 4.36m Worth County High School
Peters, Ernest 4.59m Mound City High School
Roup, Creyton Mound City High School
McCrary, Caden 4.73m Pattonsburg High School
Coleman, Kase 6.48m Bedford High School
Giffin, Nathaniel 5.72m Stanberry High School
Meyer, Emmett Stanberry High School
Mason, Dorian King City High School
Goff, Oren 5.12m West Nodaway High School
Mchugh, Brandt West Nodaway High School
Casner, Mason 6.06m North Nodaway High School
Motsinger, Garrison Bedford High School
Galloway, Mason 5.20m South Harrison High School
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Boys Pole Vault 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nester, Mason North Andrew High School
Combs, Brayden 2.75m Worth County High School
Hill, Wyatt 2.29m Worth County High School
Peters, Ernest 3.35m Mound City High School
Roup, Creyton 2.93m Mound City High School
Giffin, Nathaniel 3.53m Stanberry High School
Walker, Dylan 2.90m West Nodaway High School
Holtzclaw, Marshall 2.90m South Harrison High School
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Boys Shot Put 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lang, Landen Winston High School
Smith, Brayden 9.94m Tarkio High School
Kingery, Trenton Tarkio High School
Lager, Andrew Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
Otto, Lealand 10.21m Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
Lewis, Dylan Mercer High School
Miller, Seth 11.84m Albany High School
Williams, Tanner 11.76m Albany High School
Privett, Toryn 9.22m Northeast Nodaway High School
Ackley, Fenton 5.18m Northeast Nodaway High School
Dougherty, Griffin 8.51m North Harrison High School
Guy, Noah North Harrison High School
Collins, Bo 13.80m Worth County High School
Lininger, Ethan 11.00m Worth County High School
Manley, Scott Mound City High School
Sutton, Brad Mound City High School
Keough, Konnor 6.79m Stanberry High School
Bashor, Wesley 10.17m Stanberry High School
Cronk, JD 9.80m West Nodaway High School
Sturgis, Matthew North Nodaway High School
White, Miles Bedford High School
Neely, Gavin 10.45m Bedford High School
Coe, Ethan 9.22m South Harrison High School
Coffey, Crae 9.98m South Harrison High School
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Boys Triple Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Parker, Conner 8.34m Winston High School
Lee, Slade Winston High School
Irvine, Gavyn 10.99m Tarkio High School
Miller, Justin 12.79m Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
McQueen, Brandon Jefferson (Conception Jct) High
Manning, Gabriel 11.33m Tri-County High School
Emerson, Kyle 11.89m Albany High School
Palmer, Jace 9.50m Albany High School
Maize, Wyatt North Harrison High School
Griffin, Andrew 11.46m Worth County High School
Moser, Landon 12.10m Worth County High School
Bryant, Wesley 6.90m Mound City High School
Brown, Chauncey 12.61m Mound City High School
Meyer, Emmett 6.50m Stanberry High School
Goff, Oren 10.69m West Nodaway High School
DeHaas, Koen Bedford High School
Nally, Ashton Bedford High School
Barclay, Gage 9.30m South Harrison High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kerr, Peyton North Harrison High School
Cameron, Rosalynn Winston High School
Simmons, Caroline Bedford High School
Drummond, Dalaynie Tarkio High School
Blanton, Emilia Winston High School
Hardee, Bella Bedford High School
HENRY, ABBEY 12.46 South Harrison High School
Spencer, Emma 12.96 Worth County High School
Staley, Clare 13.05 King City High School
Richardson, Brooklyn 13.22 Worth County High School
Hodge, Izzie 13.50 Union Star
Roberts, Kaylee 13.59 King City High School
Jones, Katelyn 13.67 Pattonsburg High School
Flora, Jailee 13.75 South Nodaway High School
Seiter, Alexis 14.08 Albany High School
Goble, Jayden 14.35 Pattonsburg High School
James, Katlyn 14.36 Stanberry High School
Gerken, Erica 14.37 North Harrison High School
Reidlinger, Wynona 14.79 Albany High School
Rieger, Miranda 14.85 Mound City High School
Van Draska, Danielle 14.92 Stanberry High School
Irvine, Danni 15.22 Tarkio High School
Cox, Hadley 15.50 South Harrison High School
Marrs, Kamran 15.54 Tri-County High School
Billings, Sienna 15.57 South Nodaway High School
Zerbe, Aspen 16.29 Cainsville High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Longfellow, Joslyn Bedford High School
Irvine, Danni Tarkio High School
Crabtree, Kelsey 16.27 Pattonsburg High School
CANNON, KYLEE 16.63 South Harrison High School
Criley, Amber 17.17 South Harrison High School
Schlueter, Elizabeth 17.85 Tarkio High School
Hanig, Mackenzie 18.20 West Nodaway High School
Moffat, Makena 18.20 Albany High School
Tracy, Kristen 18.22 Worth County High School
Gerken, Erica 18.35 North Harrison High School
Messer, Kaleah 18.44 Mound City High School
Walker, Bella 18.50 West Nodaway High School
Ridge, Riley 18.52 Worth County High School
Hardee, Abigail 19.17 Bedford High School
Ivey, Karlee 22.66 Mound City High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nicholas, MaKayla Bedford High School
Bywater, Bella Tarkio High School
Agnew, Danika Tarkio High School
Atkins, Abigail Mound City High School
Williams, Zoie Tri-County High School
Wray, Mya 5:18.99 South Nodaway High School
Gregg, Avery 5:55.08 Gilman City High School
Hampton, Reiann 6:09.43 Winston High School
Dunks, Tori 6:18.41 Tri-County High School
Riley, Allison 6:23.48 South Nodaway High School
Hall, Severia 6:50.18 Northeast Nodaway High School
Lovins, Samantha 7:53.94 South Harrison High School
Shaffer, Maverick 8:12.98 South Harrison High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cannon, Aubree South Harrison High School
Reiske, Chase South Nodaway High School
Gillip, Kayla Union Star
Salas, Amber Mound City High School
Cameron, Rosalynn Winston High School
Spencer, Emma Worth County High School
Ralston, Kenzee Mound City High School
Erickson, Hope Bedford High School
Blanton, Emilia Winston High School
Gray, Addison Worth County High School
Wiley, Lillyann South Harrison High School
Hansel, Jaxcynn North Harrison High School
Crabtree, Kelsey 27.13 Pattonsburg High School
Staley, Clare 27.53 King City High School
McLain, Sloane 27.98 Cainsville High School
Wright, Hailey 28.01 King City High School
Flora, Jailee 28.92 South Nodaway High School
Sperry, Khloey 29.55 Gilman City High School
Hogue, Emersyn 30.10 Albany High School
Siddens, Keylee 30.20 Albany High School
Robinson, Brookelynn 30.40 Stanberry High School
Wilmes, Ellie 30.56 West Nodaway High School
Robertson, Kira 30.77 North Harrison High School
Foehrenbach, Julia 31.04 Tarkio High School
Drummond, Dylan 31.83 Tarkio High School
Johnson, Kinsley 33.08 Pattonsburg High School
Wilmes, Madeline 33.26 West Nodaway High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tracy, Kristen Worth County High School
Goble, Jayden Pattonsburg High School
Longfellow, Joslyn Bedford High School
Ridge, Riley Worth County High School
Gibson, Shelby 1:01.38 Gilman City High School
Crabtree, Kelsey 45.93 Pattonsburg High School
CANNON, KYLEE 48.43 South Harrison High School
Schlueter, Elizabeth 51.25 Tarkio High School
Criley, Amber 51.37 South Harrison High School
Messer, Kaleah 53.77 Mound City High School
Foehrenbach, Julia 54.25 Tarkio High School
Herndon, Lauren 55.08 North Nodaway High School
Riley, Allison 56.57 South Nodaway High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Atkins, Abigail Mound City High School
Nicholas, MaKayla Bedford High School
Holtman, Mylie South Nodaway High School
Irvine, Jayla Tarkio High School
Riley, Allison 13:21.51 South Nodaway High School
Dunks, Tori 15:05.72 Tri-County High School
Williams, Zoie 16:46 Tri-County High School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Blanton, Emilia Winston High School
Jones, Katelyn Pattonsburg High School
White, Kennedy Tarkio High School
Degase, Aubre South Nodaway High School
Hardee, Bella Bedford High School
Gillip, Kayla Union Star
Gardener, Annabelle Pattonsburg High School
Day, Allison South Nodaway High School
Armfield, Brylin King City High School
Cameron, Rosalynn Winston High School
Hanson, Paige 1:02.31 West Nodaway High School
CHAMBERLIN, HALLEE 1:03.00 South Harrison High School
Hilton, Marli 1:05.05 Stanberry High School
Moffat, Josi 1:05.97 Stanberry High School
Sperry, Khloey 1:06.07 Gilman City High School
Wilmes, Madeline 1:06.66 West Nodaway High School
Hufford, Rayla 1:08.55 Mound City High School
Rainey, Lucy 1:09.13 South Harrison High School
Rogers, Gracie 1:09.87 Mercer High School
Wells, Peyton 1:10.62 Mercer High School
Cousatte, Autumn 1:11.67 Worth County High School
Underwood, Arianna 1:15.71 Cainsville High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Stanberry High School
Relay Team A North Harrison High School
Relay Team A South Harrison High School
Relay Team A Cainsville High School
Relay Team A Mound City High School
Relay Team A Bedford High School
Relay Team A South Nodaway High School
Relay Team A King City High School
Relay Team A 56.90h Worth County High School
Relay Team A 57.10 Albany High School
Relay Team A 58.50h Tarkio High School
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A King City High School
Relay Team A Mercer High School
Relay Team A South Harrison High School
Relay Team A Mound City High School
Relay Team A Bedford High School
Relay Team A 1:53.50 Stanberry High School
Relay Team A 1:58.00 Tarkio High School
Relay Team A 2:01.20 Albany High School
Relay Team A 2:05.00h Worth County High School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Mound City High School
Relay Team A Bedford High School
Relay Team A Mercer High School
Relay Team A South Harrison High School
Relay Team A 4:35.00 Tarkio High School
Relay Team A 4:37.34 Gilman City High School
Relay Team A 4:41.48 West Nodaway High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A South Nodaway High School
Relay Team A South Harrison High School
Relay Team A 10:34.62 Gilman City High School
Relay Team A 11:05.00 Tarkio High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hardee, Aniya Bedford High School
Wennihan, Bailey Tarkio High School
Martin, Tommi 2:28.77 Tarkio High School
CHAMBERLIN, EMMA 2:30.18 South Harrison High School
Pankau, Kayte 2:34.33 Mound City High School
Sperry, Kelsey 2:39.70 Gilman City High School
TEMPLETON, BAILEY 2:43.30 South Harrison High School
Hanson, Paige 2:45.09 West Nodaway High School
Holtman, Mylie 2:49.78 South Nodaway High School
Hampton, Reiann 2:55.64 Winston High School
Underwood, Arianna 3:16.56 Cainsville High School
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Girls Discus 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCampbell, Miley Winston High School
Vaughn, Bree 32.94m Cainsville High School
Hunter, Ambrey 23.98m South Harrison High School
Thompson, Liberty North Andrew High School
Rogers, Sari 26.34m Mercer High School
Stark, Lily 22.59m Mercer High School
Taggart, Pyper 20.69m Gilman City High School
Billings, Sienna 24.52m South Nodaway High School
Collins, Maggie 33.81m South Nodaway High School
Staton, Kara-Jean 32.85m Worth County High School
Cousatte, Autumn Worth County High School
Mercer, Emma 37.33m Albany High School
Weatherd, Mylee 18.65m Albany High School
Auffert, Dalanie 27.20m Northeast Nodaway High School
Yost, Hayley Northeast Nodaway High School
Hansel, Jaxcynn North Harrison High School
Perkins, Lexi 29.17m Bedford High School
Osburn, Maggie 28.15m Mound City High School
Wilmes, Jaylynn Mound City High School
Iddings, Addi 18.44m Pattonsburg High School
White, Delainee Tarkio High School
Vernon, Chloe Tarkio High School
James, Jencie 28.45m Stanberry High School
Graham, Ava 40.11m West Nodaway High School
Cannon, Aubree South Harrison High School
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Girls High Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McLain, Sloane 1.57m Cainsville High School
Zerbe, Aspen Cainsville High School
Hunter, Alexis South Harrison High School
Klindt, Ainsley South Harrison High School
Fisher, Madeline 1.45m Mercer High School
Sperry, Khloey 1.50m Gilman City High School
Ridge, Riley 1.55m Worth County High School
Troncin, Abigail 1.45m Albany High School
Busby, Baylie 1.48m Northeast Nodaway High School
Nelson, Blair 1.40m Northeast Nodaway High School
Kerr, Peyton North Harrison High School
Perkins, Cadence Bedford High School
Hufford, Rayla 1.42m Mound City High School
Salas, Amber 1.25m Mound City High School
Gardener, Annabelle 1.57m Pattonsburg High School
Johnson, Kinsley 1.50m Pattonsburg High School
Woodring, Payton Tarkio High School
Noland, Addison Tarkio High School
Hodge, Izzie Union Star
Herndon, Lauren North Nodaway High School
Wilmes, Ellie 1.40m West Nodaway High School
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Girls Javelin 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pliley, Shealyn 32.64m Winston High School
Crouse, Karlee 26.85m Cainsville High School
Gilpatrick, Keeleigh 29.96m South Harrison High School
Hagan, Makenzie 19.12m Mercer High School
Langfitt, Ava 35.19m Gilman City High School
Crump, Riah 27.79m Gilman City High School
Billings, Sienna 16.16m South Nodaway High School
Day, Allison South Nodaway High School
Cousatte, Autumn 29.67m Worth County High School
Fletchall, Katelyn Worth County High School
Bunker, Kaitlyn 20.50m Albany High School
Hillyard, Jayden 22.65m Albany High School
Busby, Baylie 25.12m Northeast Nodaway High School
Yost, Hayley Northeast Nodaway High School
Crabtree, Kelsey 21.77m Pattonsburg High School
Martin, Tommi 41.70m Tarkio High School
Wennihan, Bailey Tarkio High School
Derks, Taelyn Stanberry High School
James, Jencie 25.16m Stanberry High School
Roberts, Kaylee 30.38m King City High School
Klindt, Ainsley 23.35m South Harrison High School
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Girls Long Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crouse, Karlee 4.63m Cainsville High School
Cox, Hadley South Harrison High School
HENRY, ABBEY 5.33m South Harrison High School
Jones, Katelyn 5.27m Pattonsburg High School
Marrs, Kamran 3.75m Tri-County High School
Flora, Jailee 4.52m South Nodaway High School
Gray, Addison Worth County High School
Troncin, Abigail 5.18m Albany High School
Wink, Hayleigh 4.65m Albany High School
Nelson, Blair 4.22m Northeast Nodaway High School
Robertson, Kira 4.23m North Harrison High School
Detrick, Kaylee 4.64m Bedford High School
Simmons, Caroline Bedford High School
Barnes, Ava 4.78m Mound City High School
Bramman, Nichole 3.66m Mound City High School
Goble, Jayden 4.40m Pattonsburg High School
Jimenez, Bresayda Tarkio High School
Caudill, Grace Tarkio High School
Derks, Taelyn 4.39m Stanberry High School
Hodge, Izzie 4.36m Union Star
Herndon, Lauren 3.72m North Nodaway High School
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Girls Pole Vault 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Engel, Eva 3.40m Worth County High School
Seiter, Alexis 1.80m Albany High School
Barnes, Ava 3.28m Mound City High School
Barnes, Lilli 1.68m Mound City High School
Oswald, Grace Tarkio High School
Drummond, Dalaynie Tarkio High School
James, Katlyn 3.31m Stanberry High School
Forck, Karli 2.30m South Harrison High School
Criley, Amber 2.15m South Harrison High School
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Girls Shot Put 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pliley, Shealyn 8.61m Winston High School
McCampbell, Miley 7.42m Winston High School
Vaughn, Bree 8.25m Cainsville High School
Hunter, Ambrey 11.82m South Harrison High School
Gilpatrick, Keeleigh 8.65m South Harrison High School
Thompson, Liberty North Andrew High School
Rogers, Sari 8.19m Mercer High School
Stark, Lily 9.79m Mercer High School
Taggart, Pyper 8.26m Gilman City High School
Crump, Riah Gilman City High School
Collins, Maggie 12.10m South Nodaway High School
Degase, Aubre South Nodaway High School
Staton, Kara-Jean 10.23m Worth County High School
Bunker, Kaitlyn 8.45m Albany High School
Hillyard, Jayden 8.30m Albany High School
Auffert, Dalanie 8.95m Northeast Nodaway High School
Yost, Hayley Northeast Nodaway High School
Perkins, Lexi 9.83m Bedford High School
Osburn, Maggie 10.97m Mound City High School
Wilmes, Jaylynn Mound City High School
Iddings, Addi 9.72m Pattonsburg High School
Martin, Claire Tarkio High School
Vernon, Chloe Tarkio High School
Graham, Ava 11.93m West Nodaway High School
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Girls Triple Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crouse, Karlee 9.17m Cainsville High School
CHAMBERLIN, HALLEE 9.84m South Harrison High School
Hunter, Alexis 9.95m South Harrison High School
Fletchall, Katelyn 8.98m Worth County High School
Troncin, Abigail 11.22m Albany High School
Preston, Kylee 8.91m Albany High School
Hall, Severia 6.10m Northeast Nodaway High School
Jones, Katelyn 10.28m Pattonsburg High School
Goble, Jayden 9.00m Pattonsburg High School
Noland, Addison Tarkio High School
Hodge, Izzie 9.00m Union Star
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