MSHSAA Class 1 District 1 2024

Cape Girardeau, MO

Athlete Entries

Varsity Boys 100 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Warren, Namarius 11.21 Scott County Central High School
Alexander, Jeremy 11.57 Hayti High School
Sanders, Courtney 11.89 Scott County Central High School
Cobb, Remington 11.98 Couch High School
Watlington, Nathan 12.04 Bakersfield High School
Folk, William 12.06 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Vance, Sylas 12.07 Valley High School
Vaughan, Cooper 12.08 Norwood High School
Black, Prince 12.11 Hayti High School
Hardy, Collin 12.24 Viburnum High School
Ivy, Carmelo 12.37 Crossroads College Preparatory S
McClain, John 12.51 Valley High School
White, Jay 12.68 Richland (Essex) High School
Roberts, Ashton 12.86 Dora High School
Franklin, Brock 12.97 Viburnum High School
Meystedt, Brody 12.99 Oran High School
Ward, Josiah 13.12 Dora High School
Shoemaker, Kendyll 13.28 Oran High School
Jarrell, Blake 13.34 Bell City High School
Steil, Zachary 13.59 Bell City High School
Saladin, Christopher 13.63 Norwood High School
Crews, Ezra 13.74 Newburg High School
Allen, Owen 13.77 Newburg High School
Smith, Miles 14.05 The Fulton School
Smith, Damien 14.60 The Fulton School
Watlington, Jacob 14.68 Bakersfield High School
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Varsity Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
C. Ford, J. Hayti High School
Jordan, Isaac 18.88 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Cline, Lucas 19.00 Richland (Essex) High School
Dyer, Jayce 20.14 Newburg High School
Carroll, Lucas 21.22 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Turner, Tamryn 22.98 Hayti High School
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Varsity Boys 1600 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Angelette, Jack Crossroads College Preparatory S
Nold, Joshua 5:06.95 Dora High School
Tomlinson, Daniel 5:13.32 Dora High School
Ziegelmeyer, Wyatt 5:18.34 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Walk, Alex 5:18.39 Zalma High School
Samuels, Gage 5:26.56 Bakersfield High School
Palmer, Cohen 5:26.77 Delta High School
Borders, Nate 5:32.68 Zalma High School
Jones, Carter 5:42.45 Valley High School
McCoy, Conner 5:43.00 Oran High School
Martin, Gregory 5:58.39 Newburg High School
Stoffregen, Gavin 6:00.93 Delta High School
Angelette, Graham 6:06.95 Crossroads College Preparatory S
Nettleton, Noah 6:16.19 Hayti High School
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Varsity Boys 200 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Alexander, Jeremy 23.54 Hayti High School
Sanders, Courtney 24.15 Scott County Central High School
Taylor, KeAnthony 24.20 Hayti High School
Smith, Ben 24.58 Norwood High School
Vaughan, Cooper 24.68 Norwood High School
Watlington, Jacob 24.90 Bakersfield High School
Watlington, Nathan 24.91 Bakersfield High School
Vance, Sylas 25.19 Valley High School
Hardy, Collin 25.51 Viburnum High School
Prade, Joseph 25.74 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Smith, Lathan 25.91 Dora High School
Doughty, Anthony 26.43 Newburg High School
Berry, Isaiah 26.63 Delta High School
Ivy, Carmelo 26.70 Crossroads College Preparatory S
Walker, Taber 26.94 Dora High School
McClain, John 27.08 Valley High School
Morrow, Evin 27.20 Newburg High School
Gadberry, Porter 27.47 Oran High School
Gillam, Mason 28.31 Viburnum High School
Williams, Jayden 28.94 Oran High School
Smith, Miles 29.72 The Fulton School
Lynchard, Garrett 31.24 The Fulton School
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Varsity Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Watlington, Nathan 1:00.76 Bakersfield High School
Smith, Ben 42.55 Norwood High School
C. Ford, J. 45.45 Hayti High School
Bradshaw, Gunner 45.59 Norwood High School
Cline, Lucas 46.77 Richland (Essex) High School
Turner, Tamryn 47.75 Hayti High School
Hodgson, Tyler 48.04 Bakersfield High School
Propst, Elijah 48.47 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Dyer, Jayce 48.76 Newburg High School
Borders, Nate 49.08 Zalma High School
Brooks, Gabe 51.51 Viburnum High School
Carroll, Lucas 53.21 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
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Varsity Boys 3200 Meter Run 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lynchard, Garrett The Fulton School
Ziegelmeyer, Wyatt St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Smith, Damien The Fulton School
Angelette, Graham Crossroads College Preparatory S
Tomlinson, Daniel 11:16.88 Dora High School
Prade, Joseph 13:08.88 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
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Varsity Boys 400 Meter Dash 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morgan, Dean 1:00.66 Oran High School
Shoemaker, Zackary 1:00.77 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Smith, Lathan 1:02.14 Dora High School
Yearson, Inigo 1:02.96 Crossroads College Preparatory S
Berry, Isaiah 1:03.16 Delta High School
Rogers, Levi 1:05.55 Delta High School
Rhodes, Kingston 1:07.02 Crossroads College Preparatory S
Tauscher, Marshall 1:08.74 Viburnum High School
Scheeter, Aiden 1:23.01 Oran High School
Nold, Cade 49.40 Dora High School
Warren, Namarius 52.81 Scott County Central High School
Bryant, Ricky 53.74 Hayti High School
Alexander, Jamauri 55.66 Hayti High School
Prade, Joseph 57.45 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Hardy, Collin 58.61 Viburnum High School
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Varsity Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 45.25 Hayti High School
Relay Team A 48.99 Norwood High School
Relay Team A 51.28 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Relay Team A 53.43 Oran High School
Relay Team A 53.46 Newburg High School
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Varsity Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:34.76 Hayti High School
Relay Team A 1:46.60 Newburg High School
Relay Team A 1:46.68 Dora High School
Relay Team A 1:47.70 Viburnum High School
Relay Team A 1:49.09 Oran High School
Relay Team A 1:50.88 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
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Varsity Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:38.55 Hayti High School
Relay Team A 3:45.66 Dora High School
Relay Team A 4:02.13 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Relay Team A 4:04.07 Norwood High School
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Varsity Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:26.05 Oran High School
Relay Team A 10:37.78 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Relay Team A 9:02.84 Hayti High School
Relay Team A 9:28.00 Dora High School
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Varsity Boys 800 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nold, Cade 1:55.14 Dora High School
Liddell, Tremell 2:15.77 Hayti High School
Nold, Joshua 2:16.60 Dora High School
Ziegelmeyer, Wyatt 2:17.37 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Walk, Alex 2:23.23 Zalma High School
Cook, Leilan 2:23.58 Richland (Essex) High School
Shy, Ayden 2:25.00 Oran High School
Jarrell, Blake 2:27.00 Bell City High School
McCoy, Conner 2:27.69 Oran High School
Palmer, Cohen 2:28.05 Delta High School
Angelette, Jack 2:28.09 Crossroads College Preparatory S
Samuels, Gage 2:33.03 Bakersfield High School
Nettleton, Noah 2:33.44 Hayti High School
Rogers, Levi 2:37.35 Delta High School
Jones, Carter 2:38.66 Valley High School
Yearson, Inigo 2:43.35 Crossroads College Preparatory S
Martin, Gregory 2:43.60 Newburg High School
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Varsity Boys Discus 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cornwell, Hayden 21.31m Hayti High School
Harris, Malachi 26.30m Hayti High School
Woodbury, Milo 12.45m Crossroads College Preparatory S
Hahn, Camden 23.60m Oran High School
Anderson, Paden 16.78m Oran High School
Barker, Kyle 19.46m Norwood High School
Seddon, Peter 21.77m The Fulton School
Killian, Nate 33.20m Newburg High School
Gretsky, David 25.83m Newburg High School
Propst, Elijah 37.46m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Folk, Christian 26.63m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Arnett, Drake 31.16m Dora High School
Mills, Jeffrey 23.73m Dora High School
Tiefenauer, Kamron 31.10m Valley High School
Nipper, Elijah 26.85m Valley High School
Richardson, Kale 38.06m Bell City High School
Lacy, Riley 23.44m Bell City High School
Wyman, Joe 27.61m Richland (Essex) High School
Schroeder, Bobby 22.44m Norwood High School
Ivy, Carmelo Crossroads College Preparatory S
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Varsity Boys High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Warren, Namarius 1.85m Scott County Central High School
Crowden, Casey 1.63m Delta High School
Hightower, Thomas Hayti High School
Bradshaw, Gunner 1.88m Norwood High School
Morrow, Evin 1.63m Newburg High School
Urling, Porter 1.68m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Hodgson, Tyler 1.68m Bakersfield High School
Jarrell, Blake 0.04m Bell City High School
Cook, Leilan 1.73m Richland (Essex) High School
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Varsity Boys Javelin 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Payne, Moses 32.09m Hayti High School
Harris, Malachi Hayti High School
Seddon, Peter 20.35m The Fulton School
Zhang, JiTao 19.79m The Fulton School
Killian, Nate 41.07m Newburg High School
Angle, Joshua 29.40m Newburg High School
Arnold, Jaden 36.09m Scott County Central High School
Propst, Elijah 49.70m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Folk, Christian 33.80m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Nold, Joshua 30.30m Dora High School
Mills, Jeffrey 25.78m Dora High School
Lacy, Riley 21.77m Bell City High School
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Varsity Boys Long Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Berry, Isaiah 5.26m Delta High School
Johnson, Willie 5.91m Hayti High School
Payne, Jovonta 5.62m Hayti High School
Ivy, Carmelo 5.52m Crossroads College Preparatory S
Morgan, Dean 5.16m Oran High School
Gadberry, Porter 4.65m Oran High School
Sanders, Courtney 5.47m Scott County Central High School
Franklin, Brock 5.18m Viburnum High School
Smith, Damien 4.06m The Fulton School
Lynchard, Garrett 3.24m The Fulton School
Morrow, Evin 4.97m Newburg High School
Dyer, Jayce 5.42m Newburg High School
Prade, Joseph 5.62m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Garner, John 4.76m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Watlington, Jacob 5.91m Bakersfield High School
Roberts, Ashton 5.36m Dora High School
Roberts, Skyler 4.80m Dora High School
Steil, Zachary 4.71m Bell City High School
Jarrell, Blake 4.58m Bell City High School
White, Jay 5.76m Richland (Essex) High School
Cook, Leilan 5.64m Richland (Essex) High School
Crowden, Casey Delta High School
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Varsity Boys Pole Vault 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Franklin, Brock 3.05m Viburnum High School
Brooks, Gabe 2.85m Viburnum High School
Conger, Timmy 3.30m Newburg High School
Brookshire, Keegan 2.92m Newburg High School
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Varsity Boys Shot Put 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harris, Malachi 11.24m Hayti High School
Crowder, Parker 10.19m Couch High School
Woods, Weston 8.73m Oran High School
Meystedt, Brody 10.47m Oran High School
Payne, Moses Hayti High School
Barker, Kyle 7.38m Norwood High School
Gretsky, David 10.40m Newburg High School
Bean, Cameron 0.29m Scott County Central High School
Folk, William 13.59m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Walls, Dayton 8.73m Newburg High School
Arnett, Drake 9.66m Dora High School
Walker, Taber 9.22m Dora High School
Tiefenauer, Kamron 9.69m Valley High School
Nipper, Elijah 9.50m Valley High School
Richardson, Kale 14.54m Bell City High School
Wyman, Joe 0.26m Richland (Essex) High School
Eaton, Carter 8.70m Richland (Essex) High School
Schroeder, Bobby 7.86m Norwood High School
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Varsity Boys Triple Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Willie 12.14m Hayti High School
Cobb, Remington 11.51m Couch High School
Brandt, Joel 10.10m Newburg High School
Pratt, Tristan 9.64m Newburg High School
Garner, John 10.17m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Thomas, Tiger 8.33m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Scherer, Linc 9.93m Bell City High School
Payne, Jovonta 11.63m Hayti High School
Barnes, Dakota 9.42m Dora High School
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kearns, Daisy 13.31 Valley High School
Leonard, Lily 13.91 The Fulton School
Jones, Kalaiha 13.96 Hayti High School
Anderson, Kara 14.11 Dora High School
Perdue, Camarie 14.14 Scott County Central High School
Larry, Taaron 14.17 Hayti High School
Chambers, Jayden 14.32 Norwood High School
Lunsford, Juliana 14.36 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Redinger, Brylee 14.41 Valley High School
McCoy, Bailey 14.83 Oran High School
Drake, Kendall 14.86 Norwood High School
Kent, Alyssa 15.47 Crossroads College Preparatory S
Burnett, Nekoda 15.54 Zalma High School
Crowden, Trena 15.72 Delta High School
Sherfield, Daisy 15.81 Richland (Essex) High School
Smith, Emma 16.22 Bell City High School
Cureton, Brooke 17.95 Bell City High School
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Klima, Carley 17.53 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Kearns, Daisy 18.15 Valley High School
Constien, Sarah 18.25 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Sutton, Isabella 19.21 Scott County Central High School
Redinger, Brylee 19.26 Valley High School
Halbert, Natalie 20.17 Viburnum High School
Lee, Zoey 20.47 Bell City High School
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Varsity Girls 1600 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mccarty, Taylor St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Martin, Isabelle 5:53.77 Dora High School
Blackmon, Elissa 6:04.30 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Jones, Kayden 6:23.50 Dora High School
Fite, Brooklyn 6:23.98 Newburg High School
Caquelin, Laynee 6:37.82 Newburg High School
Britt, Ellie 6:38.40 Scott County Central High School
Gibbs, Clara 6:41.13 Viburnum High School
Loughary, Carlie 6:55.78 Valley High School
Bennett, Piper 6:57.80 Oran High School
Williams, Tayler 7:14.38 Norwood High School
Irwin, Sydney 7:39.02 Norwood High School
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Varsity Girls 200 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kent, Alyssa Crossroads College Preparatory S
Klima, Carley 26.13 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Kearns, Daisy 27.87 Valley High School
Jones, Kalaiha 28.46 Hayti High School
Leonard, Lily 29.00 The Fulton School
Perdue, Camarie 29.43 Scott County Central High School
Larry, Taaron 29.64 Hayti High School
Mannon, Mollie 29.91 Bell City High School
Barton, Chloe 30.56 Dora High School
Gunter, Autumn 30.91 Norwood High School
Drake, Kendall 31.26 Norwood High School
Crowden, Adisen 31.78 Delta High School
Redinger, Brylee 31.83 Valley High School
Sherfield, Daisy 33.16 Richland (Essex) High School
Burnett, Nekoda 33.34 Zalma High School
Land, Amy 34.35 Viburnum High School
Howard, Charli 35.29 Dora High School
Smith, Emma 37.46 Bell City High School
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Varsity Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gibbs, Clara 1:00.07 Viburnum High School
Klima, Carley 51.22 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Constien, Sarah 55.33 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Christian, Hali 55.99 The Fulton School
Sutton, Isabella 58.21 Scott County Central High School
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Varsity Girls 3200 Meter Run 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Blackmon, Elissa St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Fite, Brooklyn Newburg High School
Hassan, Madeleine The Fulton School
Martin, Isabelle 12:46.68 Dora High School
Christian, Hali 14:25.65 The Fulton School
Caquelin, Laynee 16:32.79 Newburg High School
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Varsity Girls 400 Meter Dash 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chambers, Jayden 1:02.31 Norwood High School
Kearns, Daisy 1:04.99 Valley High School
Jones, Kalaiha 1:05.90 Hayti High School
Anderson, Kara 1:10.00 Dora High School
Perkins, Haley 1:11.55 Dora High School
Blackmon, Elissa 1:12.40 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
McCoy, Bailey 1:16.02 Oran High School
McGraw, Harmony 1:16.32 Viburnum High School
Land, Amy 1:21.70 Viburnum High School
Cureton, Brooke 1:34.79 Bell City High School
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Varsity Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:01.59 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Relay Team A 1:01.80 Viburnum High School
Relay Team A 58.17 Norwood High School
Relay Team A 58.32 The Fulton School
Relay Team A 58.34 Scott County Central High School
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Varsity Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 2:00.03 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Relay Team A 2:02.07 Dora High School
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Varsity Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:42.56 Dora High School
Relay Team A 5:01.36 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Relay Team A 5:03.47 Norwood High School
Relay Team A 5:25.99 Viburnum High School
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Varsity Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Relay Team A 11:19.73 Dora High School
Relay Team A 12:53.35 Viburnum High School
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Varsity Girls 800 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mccarty, Taylor St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Jones, Kayden 2:48.40 Dora High School
Blackmon, Elissa 2:49.34 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Fite, Brooklyn 2:51.39 Newburg High School
Luna, Kinley 2:52.68 Dora High School
Britt, Ellie 2:55.30 Scott County Central High School
Caquelin, Laynee 2:56.37 Newburg High School
Williams, Tayler 3:05.27 Norwood High School
Bennett, Piper 3:07.45 Oran High School
Scherer, Jolie 3:07.66 Delta High School
Irwin, Sydney 3:12.40 Norwood High School
Loughary, Carlie 3:14.33 Valley High School
Woodfin, Reann 3:26.41 Viburnum High School
Wigger, Natalie 3:30.81 Viburnum High School
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Varsity Girls Discus 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kirkpatrick, Madison 31.36m Zalma High School
Kirkpatrick, Samantha 21.62m Zalma High School
Walter, Emma 27.46m Delta High School
Rhines, Canasia 11.28m Hayti High School
Taylor, Olivia 13.00m Hayti High School
Burrus, Naomi 17.33m Crossroads College Preparatory S
Woods, Cora 0.57m Oran High School
Freeman, Morgan 18.30m Oran High School
Moore, Zena 10.57m Crossroads College Preparatory S
Martin, Kaylynn 22.59m Viburnum High School
Pyatt, Lanee 21.92m Viburnum High School
Casalone, Sofia 31.78m The Fulton School
Racanelli, Laya 15.54m The Fulton School
Gulley, Hannah 23.62m Newburg High School
Villmer, Clara 24.68m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Pinkley, Piper 23.02m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Angle, Alyssa 17.79m Newburg High School
Hadley, Abby 20.58m Bakersfield High School
Erickson, Emily 18.82m Dora High School
Portell, Kalley 23.01m Valley High School
Civey, Kyndra 19.87m Valley High School
Lee, Zoey 0.52m Bell City High School
Davis, Hailie 23.83m Bell City High School
Enos, Nikki 16.13m Dora High School
Mallory, Lexus 25.10m Richland (Essex) High School
Finch, MaKayla 22.70m Richland (Essex) High School
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Varsity Girls High Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bettis, Abbagail 1.52m Couch High School
Gunter, Autumn 1.37m Norwood High School
Williams, Tayler 1.27m Norwood High School
Leonard, Lily 1.40m The Fulton School
Hauf, Aliviah 1.38m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Lunsford, Juliana 1.33m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
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Varsity Girls Javelin 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burnett, Nekoda 22.83m Zalma High School
Moore, Zena 9.47m Crossroads College Preparatory S
Kent, Alyssa 12.14m Crossroads College Preparatory S
Adams, Alysa 24.73m Scott County Central High School
Pyatt, Lanee 22.57m Viburnum High School
Martin, Kaylynn 16.25m Viburnum High School
Casalone, Sofia 25.37m The Fulton School
Fite, Brooklyn 24.13m Newburg High School
Gulley, Hannah 21.31m Newburg High School
Perkins, Haley 30.57m Dora High School
Easter, Makinna 0.45m Scott County Central High School
Pinkley, Piper 25.45m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Villmer, Clara 23.10m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Hadley, Abby 17.85m Bakersfield High School
Howard, Charli 16.59m Dora High School
Davis, Hailie 22.89m Bell City High School
Smith, Emma 12.42m Bell City High School
Mallory, Lexus 21.13m Richland (Essex) High School
Wheeler, Ashland 16.79m Richland (Essex) High School
Holweg, Presley 29.53m Delta High School
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Varsity Girls Long Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Combs, Chloe 4.52m Couch High School
McCoy, Bailey 3.35m Oran High School
Bennett, Piper 0.09m Oran High School
Kent, Alyssa 3.79m Crossroads College Preparatory S
Spriggs, Maliya Hayti High School
Halbert, Natalie 4.30m Viburnum High School
Hauf, Aliviah 4.03m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Eller, Haylie 3.18m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Gunter, Lily 3.23m Dora High School
Mannon, Mollie 5.68m Bell City High School
Howard, Charli 3.24m Dora High School
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Varsity Girls Shot Put 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kirkpatrick, Madison 9.83m Zalma High School
Kirkpatrick, Samantha 8.82m Zalma High School
Walter, Emma 10.05m Delta High School
Sanders, Delaney 3.65m Delta High School
Rhines, Carmen 6.96m Hayti High School
Taylor, Olivia 6.17m Hayti High School
Woods, Cora 0.23m Oran High School
Lawler, Meredith 0.19m Oran High School
Martin, Kaylynn 7.57m Viburnum High School
Pyatt, Lanee 7.24m Viburnum High School
Casalone, Sofia 9.78m The Fulton School
Racanelli, Laya 6.14m The Fulton School
Adams, Alysa 8.76m Scott County Central High School
Daniel, Mikylia 6.59m Scott County Central High School
Pinkley, Piper 8.23m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Gulley, Hannah 7.90m Newburg High School
Hull, Vanessa 6.56m Newburg High School
Erickson, Emily 8.60m Dora High School
Ullom, Ellie 6.37m Dora High School
Province, Keeley 7.50m Valley High School
Villmer, Clara 7.82m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Portell, Kalley 7.50m Valley High School
Clark, Saphire 9.40m Richland (Essex) High School
Mallory, Lexus 9.22m Richland (Essex) High School
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Varsity Girls Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Kalaiha 10.06m Hayti High School
Spriggs, Maliya Hayti High School
Bettis, Abbagail 9.91m Couch High School
Combs, Chloe 9.01m Couch High School
Caquelin, Laynee 8.30m Newburg High School
Hauf, Aliviah 8.66m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Govero, Valerie 8.16m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Lee, Zoey 7.95m Bell City High School
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