Carthage Invitational 2024

Carthage, MO

Carthage Invitational 2024 vs Carthage Invitational 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +89 212 123
Overall Average -12.41 22:21.76 22:34.17
1st-10th Place -33.55 17:19.65 17:53.20
1st-25th Place -42.33 17:50.20 18:32.53
1st-50th Place -57.66 18:27.72 19:25.38
1st-100th Place -1:58.08 19:23.91 21:21.99
Common Athletes -- -- 22
Ran Faster 8 15 7
Ran Season Best 1 1 --
Average Time -43.89 21:25.05 22:08.94
Median Time -2:59.90 19:58.00 22:57.90
Middle 80% Times -46.62 21:41.02 22:27.64
Top 10% Times -1:35.87 17:13.97 18:49.83
Top 25% Times -1:40.18 17:29.50 19:09.68
Top 50% Times -1:48.43 18:14.16 20:02.59
Bottom 50% Times +20.65 24:35.94 24:15.30
Bottom 25% Times +1:14.90 26:16.45 25:01.55
Bottom 10% Times +1:38.90 27:35.27 25:56.37
Average Difference -43.89 -- --
Median Difference -1:14.80 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -51.44 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:06.97 -- --
Top 50% Difference -2:07.24 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:24.08 -- --
Top 50% Difference -2:07.24 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +39.45 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +2:02.23 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2:26.50 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Noah Lankard Webb City High School -3:20.60 17:07.50 20:28.10
Andrew Dawson Webb City High School -2:18.90 17:16.30 19:35.20
Isaac Willoughby Carl Junction High School -3:09.70 17:18.10 20:27.80
Bowen Nelson Glendale High School -1:00.50 17:28.00 18:28.50
Lincoln Crews Glendale High School -1:03.00 17:38.20 18:41.20
Luke Govero Willard High School -1:17.40 18:08.90 19:26.30
Javen Byrd Carthage High School -2:50.70 18:10.20 21:00.90
Payton Hill Willard High School -2:08.10 18:53.80 21:01.90
Jacob Garrett Carl Junction High School -4:02.00 18:55.90 22:57.90
Devin Smith Carthage High School +25.00 19:44.80 19:19.80
Alexander Allison Carl Junction High School +5:27.60 24:54.70 19:27.10
Rush Phillips Carl Junction High School -3:43.70 19:54.10 23:37.80
Brooke Hedger Webb City High School -2:33.70 19:58.00 22:31.70
Maggie Boyd Carthage High School -1:14.80 21:50.60 23:05.40
Rachel Miller Webb City High School -19.50 23:12.00 23:31.50
Allyson Spaccamonti Hillcrest High School +3:21.40 26:47.80 23:26.40
Kristina Bundy Webb City High School -20.10 23:43.90 24:04.00
Olivia Dinan Rogers High School +1:03.30 25:07.20 24:03.90
Brianna Vargas Rogers High School -1:37.00 24:12.20 25:49.20
Delaney Harris Carl Junction High School +38.70 24:51.00 24:12.30
Jennifer Rodas-Gomez Carthage High School +1:16.90 26:47.00 25:30.10
Kinsley Creach Glendale High School +2:41.20 29:11.00 26:29.80