Duane Kimble Invitational 2024 vs Duane Kimble Invitational 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +28 141 113
Overall Average -0.90 23:39.68 23:40.59
1st-10th Place -16.79 18:09.74 18:26.53
1st-25th Place -29.13 18:50.51 19:19.64
1st-50th Place -41.89 19:47.48 20:29.38
1st-100th Place -1:02.55 21:38.29 22:40.83
Common Athletes -- -- 28
Ran Faster 10 19 9
Ran Season Best 21 23 2
Average Time -51.26 22:02.27 22:53.54
Median Time -30.40 21:33.40 22:03.80
Middle 80% Times -49.71 21:49.04 22:38.75
Top 10% Times -42.83 18:11.10 18:53.93
Top 25% Times -49.27 18:43.84 19:33.11
Top 50% Times -1:04.51 19:28.70 20:33.21
Bottom 50% Times -38.02 24:35.84 25:13.86
Bottom 25% Times -44.80 26:33.20 27:18.00
Bottom 10% Times -42.97 29:14.93 29:57.90
Average Difference -51.26 -- --
Median Difference -2:16.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -40.46 -- --
Top 10% Difference -35.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference -47.99 -- --
Top 25% Difference -39.06 -- --
Top 50% Difference -47.99 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -54.54 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -44.80 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:48.00 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Kruz Bigham Benton High School -1:36.10 16:47.20 18:23.30
Owen Dierenfeldt Savannah High School +2.10 18:48.90 18:46.80
Nick Garvey Bishop LeBlond High School -52.30 18:57.20 19:49.50
Quin Staten Tarkio High School -4:27.50 18:57.40 23:24.90
Cole Schweizer Savannah High School -1:26.20 19:06.40 20:32.60
Daryl Burns Central (St. Joseph) High School -1:19.10 19:14.10 20:33.20
Clayton Vernon Tarkio High School -2:34.40 19:15.70 21:50.10
Nicholas Ivey Mound City High School -11.00 19:20.70 19:31.70
Cole Anderson Tarkio High School -38.40 19:23.00 20:01.40
Bristol Sheetz Winston High School +8.50 19:55.00 19:46.50
Maddox Kountz Mid-Buchanan High School -1:48.30 20:14.70 22:03.00
Tyler Foster Savannah High School -1:28.80 20:34.60 22:03.40
Benjamin Neil Savannah High School -2:16.00 20:36.90 22:52.90
Mya Wray South Nodaway High School +50.20 21:33.40 20:43.20
Jacob Clary Savannah High School -33.80 21:30.00 22:03.80
Andrew Lager South Nodaway High School +2:00.80 23:37.30 21:36.50
Tait Morris South Holt High School -2:22.90 21:43.30 24:06.20
Joy Wallick St. Joseph Christian High School +15.80 22:19.50 22:03.70
Jayla Irvine Tarkio High School +20.90 23:08.20 22:47.30
Dylan Marmaud Bishop LeBlond High School -42.20 23:01.10 23:43.30
Allison Riley South Nodaway High School -3.10 23:06.60 23:09.70
Isaac Vette Tarkio High School -4:48.90 23:47.40 28:36.30
Kyleigh Dennis Savannah High School -36.80 23:56.90 24:33.70
Elijah Coreas Savannah High School -16.50 24:40.70 24:57.20
Caroline Ford Central (St. Joseph) High School +0.40 25:42.60 25:42.20
Delanie Smith Mid-Buchanan High School +1:03.30 27:02.50 25:59.20
Audrey Brumm Mid-Buchanan High School +1:15.90 27:43.70 26:27.80
Kendall Kingery Tarkio High School -1:51.00 32:58.60 34:49.60