Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
Jr. High Track and Field Invitational
Tuesday, April 8, 2025
David Haffner Stadium, Carthage, MO
Entries: We will allow two participants for each individual event and one relay team per division.
The coach's meeting will be at 3:00, field events will start at 3:30 and the running events
will start at 4:30.Participants are allowed to participate in four events, no more than three running events.
Seeding: There will be no finals. Heats will be against time based on entry times.
Spikes: All-Weather 1/8-inch spikes.
Scoring: Placing 8 with scoring of 10 - 8 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
Medals: Medals for the top three in each event and two team plaques for each division.
Payment: Make checks payable to: Carthage Junior High.
($150 for all four divisions, $75 for two divisions.)
Deadline: Entries deadline will be on Monday, April 7, 2025 at 5:00pm
Hospitality: Hospitality will be provided for coaches, bus drivers, and administrators
There will be 3 throws in the shot and discus and 3 jumps in the long and triple.
Discus Order: 8th Boys, 7th Boys, 8th Girls, 7th Girls
Shot Order: 8th Girls, 7th Girls, 8th Boys, 7th Boys
High Jump: 8th Boys 4'6, 7th Boys 4'2, 8th Girls 3'8, 7th Girls 3'8 (Bars will raise 2'' each time. Three attempts)
Pole Vault: 7th Boys 6', 8th Boys 6'6, 7th Girls 5'6, 8th Girls 5'6 (Bar will raise 6'' each time. Three attempts)
Triple Jump (7B/7G/8B/8G)
Long Jump (8G/8B/7G/7B)
Some Field Events Might be Ran Together so Listen for Announcements.
Seventh first then eight. 7G/7B/8G/8B
100 m LH (Girls)
100 m HH (Boys)
100 m Dash
800 m Relay
1600 m Run
400 m Relay
400 m Dash
800 m Run
200 m Dash
Mile Relay
Where everything is:
Shot Ring and Discus Ring are located behind the stadium
LJ & TJ pits are located on the field.
High Jump and Pole Vault are located by the end zones.
Track Procedures:
Please no parents on the infield. Parents must stay behind the fences.
Bathrooms and concession stands are located behind the home side bleachers.
No food or drinks other than water on the turf.
Bad weather - We will shelter in the field house and locker rooms, we will announce if bad weather occurs.
Mo Mile Split Link