Blue Springs Invitational 2010

Blue Springs, MO

Blue Springs Invitational 2010 vs Blue Springs Invitational 2012

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -83 310 393
Overall Average +1:04.01 23:12.67 22:08.66
1st-10th Place +1:18.52 18:00.62 16:42.10
1st-25th Place +1:13.70 18:32.72 17:19.02
1st-50th Place +1:12.60 19:03.82 17:51.22
1st-100th Place +1:24.47 19:52.81 18:28.34
Common Athletes -- -- 48
Ran Faster -42 3 45
Ran Season Best 44 48 4
Average Time +2:43.80 22:45.83 20:02.03
Median Time +2:20.21 22:24.59 20:04.38
Middle 80% Times +2:25.35 22:26.40 20:01.05
Top 10% Times +1:38.73 18:29.79 16:51.06
Top 25% Times +1:36.33 19:09.85 17:33.52
Top 50% Times +1:51.90 20:18.74 18:26.84
Bottom 50% Times +3:35.70 25:12.92 21:37.22
Bottom 25% Times +4:50.75 27:34.62 22:43.86
Bottom 10% Times +6:46.25 30:39.04 23:52.79
Average Difference +2:43.80 -- --
Median Difference +2:18.50 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +2:17.75 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:14.13 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:35.00 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:33.15 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:35.00 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +3:52.60 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +5:32.98 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +8:31.68 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Simon Belete Blue Springs High School +2:27.48 18:19.22 15:51.74
James Barnett Blue Springs High School +1:14.75 17:58.18 16:43.43
Devon Sesler Blue Springs High School +2:39.66 19:35.00 16:55.34
Kainen Utt Park Hill High School +2:52.97 20:15.21 17:22.24
Sam Stockman Lee's Summit North High School +3:40.08 21:02.63 17:22.55
Dominic Piccinini Blue Springs High School +41.71 18:22.99 17:41.28
Ty Kemner Blue Springs High School +1:24.96 19:06.52 17:41.56
Kevin Gutierrez North Kansas City High School +57.69 18:50.28 17:52.59
Zach Hall Lee's Summit North High School +49.04 18:58.28 18:09.24
Butler Trevor Lee's Summit West High School +1:53.32 20:07.60 18:14.28
Vincent Kackley Blue Springs High School +3:13.28 21:31.87 18:18.59
Gerard Edic Lee's Summit North High School +2:05.85 20:35.19 18:29.34
Sam Phillips Blue Springs High School +44.41 19:28.47 18:44.06
Nicholas Mohajir Rockhurst High School +2:40.50 21:26.34 18:45.84
Ben Wolff Lee's Summit North High School +4:07.34 23:00.21 18:52.87
Hunter Seabaugh Rockhurst High School -2:38.47 18:59.06 21:37.53
Parker Willis Lee's Summit North High School +5:10.59 24:19.40 19:08.81
Kenner Bowers Rockhurst High School +45.91 19:57.38 19:11.47
Spencer Porsch Rockhurst High School +2:45.71 22:01.15 19:15.44
Riley O'halloran Rockhurst High School +2:37.37 22:02.78 19:25.41
Brian Schaff Rockhurst High School +2:17.55 21:48.93 19:31.38
Jordan Richart Rockhurst High School +3:29.31 23:01.06 19:31.75
Austin Klover Rockhurst High School +8:02.65 27:42.52 19:39.87
Dylan Straughn Lee's Summit North High School +1:10.10 21:06.79 19:56.69
John Pfaff Rockhurst High School +2:31.56 22:29.90 19:58.34
Chris Oest Rockhurst High School +8:15.77 28:20.15 20:04.38
Millard Luke Lee's Summit West High School +2:18.50 22:24.59 20:06.09
John Mitchell Rockhurst High School +2:05.02 22:20.74 20:15.72
Luke Gordon Lee's Summit North High School +2:18.35 22:35.16 20:16.81
Anthony Nguyen North Kansas City High School +32.19 20:55.28 20:23.09
Pete Wendland Rockhurst High School +2:24.58 22:49.18 20:24.60
Jordan Simcox Park Hill High School +2:55.37 23:29.59 20:34.22
Corinne Rinne Blue Springs High School +1:57.66 22:32.28 20:34.62
Daniel Chen Park Hill High School +54.13 21:35.19 20:41.06
Ehlinger Thomas Lee's Summit West High School +6:00.30 26:52.74 20:52.44
Zach Queen Rockhurst High School +7:18.84 28:14.06 20:55.22
John Fox Rockhurst High School +1:39.75 22:38.37 20:58.62
Chad Stohlman Blue Springs High School +4.90 21:04.62 20:59.72
Connor Johnson Rockhurst High School +11:45.65 33:28.56 21:42.91
Logan Browns Park Hill High School +1:51.28 23:39.34 21:48.06
Ashley Henry North Kansas City High School +55.57 22:54.81 21:59.24
Natalie Moran Notre Dame de Sion High School +1:28.50 24:04.59 22:36.09
Kyle Sullivan Blue Springs High School +1:01.37 23:40.21 22:38.84
Garrett Hooper Lee's Summit North High School -2.68 22:40.22 22:42.90
Mackenzie Manning Notre Dame de Sion High School +2:19.69 25:09.34 22:49.65
Paul Logan Rockhurst High School +8:17.58 31:15.72 22:58.14
Whit Collins Rockhurst High School +7:00.54 31:56.72 24:56.18
Jillian Vanzant North Kansas City High School -5.72 25:51.37 25:57.09