What was your most memorable meet or race?
The Sectional meet this season was definitely my most memorable race. It was the first year I knew I had a really good shot to get out in the 400m. I ended up running a PR, breaking 60, and breaking the school record all while qualifying for state. Also, my college coach and former coach John Boyd were there to see it, which was an added bonus.
Who was your biggest competition?
My competition changed from week to week, but consistently all year in the 400m was Amber Petersen. We battled every meet and she is a fantastic runner. Also, I competed with myself. At practices and in the off-season I trained alone most of my senior year, so teaching myself to battle the clock and push myself harder mentally was a challenge.
Out of all your high school accomplishments, which stands out the most?
Qualifying for state three years was my favorite accomplishment in high school. There is no greater feeling than running against some of the best runners in the state and making it to the highest level of competition there is.
If you could do it all over again is there anything you would change?
I would change how much I took running for granted in my earlier years. I didn't have the best work ethic and I would love to know where I would be now as a runner if I would have trained harder in the off-season three years ago.
What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?
My most difficult obstacle was having three different coaches over four years. It made it very hard for me to get into a program and keep my training the same. Every coach had a different viewpoint, so my training changed quite often. Changing my whole training premise year to year was not a very easy adjustment to make.
What will you miss the most?
I will miss being able to represent North County High School at the state level. Also, I will miss my wonderful teammates Kierstin Godier and Emilee Pierce. Finally, I will miss being able to look up in the stands at every single track meet and see my parents being my biggest supporters.
Do you have any advice for younger athletes?
Leave everything you have on the track in every race and practice. Strive for your goals and do everything you can to achieve them. Finally, have fun and cherish every second. Track gives you your greatest memories so remember every mile!
What are your college plans?
I plan to attend Southeast Missouri State University and compete in Indoor and Outdoor track and field while majoring in Exercise Science.
Who would you like to thank?
I would like to thank my parents, my family, my teammates, my friends, and anyone who has supported me over the past four years. I would like to give some special thanks to my sister for training with me when she could and being a positive influence on my life. Also, thank you to my former coach John Boyd for being the best coach, influence, and friend over the past four years. Without him, I wouldn't be half the runner or person I am today. He’s outstanding. :)
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