What was your most memorable meet or race?
My most memorable race : would have to be last years state meet , my 200 final with Cheyenne Hoerr . She pushed me that whole race and that was my fastest PR.
Memorable meet : 2013 class 2 state meet, I won both the 100 & 200 , also breaking both of the records in the prelims . And then again in the finals
Who was your biggest competition?
My biggest competition last year by far Cheyenne Hoerr . This year , myself.
Out of all your high school accomplishments, which stands out the most?
My biggest accomplishment would have to be this years me being a 2x State Champion and record holder and STL today Athlete of the Year ( St.Louis City).
If you could do it all over again is there anything you would change?
If I could do it all again I would start AAU track with the St Louis Blues before Freshman year.
What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?
The most difficult obstacle I had to overcome , would have to be running thru injuries and really deciding what events I wanted to do . I wanted to help my team but at the same time , I had to focus on my individuals .
What will you miss the most?
What I will miss the most is the comrade at meets , going to practice everyday . All the opportunities to meet all the people that I did , and build those relationships with ppl that will hopefully never die .
Do you have any advice for younger athletes?
Advice for younger athletes : I would say if you stumble upon track or it's something you always to do , go ahead and try it out , you never know what good can come out of it. If you really start to like it and wanna get better, join a team in the summer or winter. Always have sportsmanship, determination and the drive to compete.
What are your college plans?
My College Plans are to go to Northern Illinois University on a full ride track scholarship and study health and sciences. GO HUSKIES !
Who would you like to thank?
I would like to thank God , first and foremost , then my parents and my family for supporting me , my Highschool coach (Coach Jefferson ) for pushing me In practice and Also supporting me . My AAU St.Louis Blues Coaches for helping and getting me through the off season . My teammates for supporting me and being there the entire step of the way . And just anyone who supported and encouraged me this year and all the years as I completed my senior season.
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