What was your most memorable meet or race?
I would have to say my most memorable meet was this years state track meet. I'm a big track person and being in that environment and atmosphere was really something. But KU Relays and The Festival of Miles are up there as well.
Who was your biggest competition?
The four that come to mind first are Noah, Adam, Jordan and Derek. I raced them almost every week for the past two years and all of them are hard racers. Each race is different because with racing each week you learn how everyone races and so there is no way to really surprise any of them in a race. Each race has a fair amount of strategy because of this.
Out of all your high school accomplishments, which stands out the most?
This is a three way tie, again I'd have to say the state meet this past year. Being all state in the mile had been the big thing I had been wanting since sophomore year and that race was such a competitive race it would have to be the most memorable accomplishment. Being able to run in the Festival of Miles because the mile is my favorite race and being able to run in an atmosphere where it is set up to run a fast mile, and then to watch professionals race is an unbelievable experience. And KU Relays because that gave me confidence again and showed me I could really race with the top guys.
If you could do it all over again is there anything you would change?
The only thing I would change would be doing track my freshman year. I played baseball instead, and I feel what I really lost was getting experience racing track, which is much different than cross. Other than that I wouldn't change a thing.
What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?
Physically the most difficult thing was I over trained the winter of my junior year and ended up hurting my knee, which I rushed back from and hurt my Achilles. I had very low mileage for about 5 weeks and lost a lot of strength. It hurt me that track season and really took until the fall to rebuild and feel that strength again. Mentally I get really nervous before races and so I've had to learn how to relax and just not think about the race on the day of the race.
What will you miss the most?
I'll definitely miss my team and all of the people I've met because of running. If you've seen me at meets you know I love talking to anyone. And if I haven't met you and you see me, say hi!
Do you have any advice for younger athletes?
Buy into the program. Your coaches are there t help you and ask as many questions as you can. The more you understand why you're doing something the more you'll trust it. Race experience can never be underestimated! A lot of big races are only intimidating the first time you have a big race, but learn from that and you'll be more comfortable at big races. Off season training is more important than in season training. It's true, state champions are made in the off season. Become friends with the people you race, it makes the racing more fun, and it will give you more people to run with too. Leave no regrets. Most importantly, follow your dreams and don't let someone else tell you how good you can be! It's in your hands (or legs)!
What are your college plans?
I will be running and studying mechanical engineering at the University of Missouri. GO TIGERS!
Who would you like to thank?
First my coaches, Coach Person, Coach Faulhaber, Coach Skip. Coach T, and Coach Johnson for winter track. Coach Levine for summer track and Coach MacDowell for getting me into running in the first place. My parents for all the shoes and spikes, for going to all the meets and supporting me. My teammates over the last 4 years and everyone I've gotten to know from running. And of course the Everett's and MoMilesplit, the site and coverage are amazing and we appreciate it all!